


2. 安全生产,人人有责。遵章守纪,保障安全。

3. 安全是幸福的保障,治理隐患保障安全。

4. 安全创造幸福,疏忽带来痛苦。安全就是效益,安全就是幸福。

5. 安全在你脚下,安全在你手中。安全伴着幸福,安全创造财富。

6. 安全、舒适、长寿是当代人民的追求。重视安全、关心安全、为安全献力。

7. 积极行动起来,开展“安全生产周”活动。深入贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的方针。

8. 搞好安全生产工作,树立企业安全形象。改善职工劳动条件,促进安全文明生产。

9. 为了您全家幸福,请注意安全生产。为了您和他人的幸福,处处时时注意安全。

10. 安全是关系社会安定、经济发展的大事。强化安全生产管理,保护职工的安全与健康。

11. 反违章、除隐患、保安全、促生产。创造一个良好的安全生产环境。

12. 君行万里,一路平安。遵规守纪,防微杜渐。

13. 严格规章制度,确保施工安全。治理事故隐患,监督危险作业。

14. 提高全民安全意识,养成遵章守纪美德。宣传安全文化知识,推动安全文明生产。

15. 自觉遵守各项安全生产规章制度是劳动者的义务和职责。

16. 安全生产常抓不懈,抓而不紧,等于不抓。

17. 加强劳动人员保护工作就是保护生产力。保护职工的安全健康是企业的头等大事。

18. 安全生产“五同时”,各级领导要落实。全国人民奔小康,安全文明第一桩。

19. 安全与减灾关系到全民的幸福和安宁。提高全民安全素质必须从娃娃抓起。

20. 人命关天,安全第一。安全第一,防灾防损。力保安全,促进安全。

21. 执行劳动安全法规,搞好安全生产工作。加强职工劳动保护,人人学会保护自己。

22. 安全规程系生命,自觉遵守是保障。

23. 普及消防知识,增强防火观念。注意安全用电,防止触电事故。

24. 提高青少年的安全文化素质是具有战略意义的举措,繁荣我国安全文化艺术是安全文化建设的重要任务之一。

25. 安全生产必须依靠安全科学技术,安全科学技术也是第一生产力。

26. 安全文化是企业文化建设的基础,安全文化是企业文化的组成部分。

27. 提高全民安全素质必须从娃娃抓起,积极开展中小学安全日活动。

28. 倡导弘扬安全文化,提高全民安全素质以及安全文化知识,提高人民安康水平。

29. 严是爱,松是害,疏忽大意事故来。严是爱,松是害,保障安全利三代。

30. 树立城市忧患意识,学会防灾避险应急逃生本领。加强职工安全技术培训,坚持工人持证上岗。

31. 安全帽必须戴,防止坠物掉下来。安全带是个宝,高空保险不能少。

32. 防止火灾,消除隐患。公共场所,严防火灾。

33. 人车分离,各行其道。一人安全,全家幸福。

34. 先安全后生产,不安全不生产。安全在你脚下,安全在你手中。

35. 交通规则是您的生命之友。驾驶员牢记:“三不五知”、安全礼让。

36. 注意机械伤害,提防行车伤人。树立法制观念,坚持安全生产。

37. 消防、消防,重在预防。加强防火管理,不准违章动火。

38. 聚精会神驾车,万里不出差错。行万里平安路,做百年长乐人

1. 安全是企业永恒的主题,是企业生存发展壮大的基石。

2. 强化安全基础 推动安全发展























安全小标语3:安全一个人,幸福一家人;人人讲安全,安全为人人; 2.一人一份心,安全有信心;



















“您好!”、“早上好!”、“下午好!”、“晚上好!” 询问语:

“我能为您做什么吗?”“您还有什么别的事情吗?”“您不介意的话我可以看一看吗?”“请您讲慢一点好吗?”“我没听清楚您的话,您能在说一遍吗?”、“请您稍等一下”。 应答语:加油站警示标语

“请问我能帮您做些什么吗?”“我能帮您忙吗?”“好的,马上就来。”“请稍候。”“请不必客气,这是我应该做的。”“很高兴为您服务。”“没关系。” “欢迎批评指导。”“为您



“对不起”“对不起,请原谅。”“很抱歉,打扰您了。”“真是失礼了。”“完全是我的过错,对不起。”“感谢您的提醒。”“我们立即采取措施,使您满意。”“对不起,让您久等了。”“由于我们的工作疏忽,给您添麻烦,真对不起”。 告别语:








Wele to English as a Second Language Podcast number 202, “At the Gas Station.” This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 202. I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, ing to you from the Center for Educational Development in the beautiful City of Los Angeles, California. Today's podcast is going to be about going to a gas station to get some gas. Let's go!

欢迎收听ESL第202期播客,在加油站。 您正在收听的是ESL第202期播客。我是主持人Jeff McQuillan 博士,在美丽的洛城,加利福尼亚教育发展中心为你主持。 今天的播客会跟加油站加油有关。开始吧:

It‟s been a long time since I‟ve seen my friends Steve and Liz, and I thought this would be a good weekend to drive up to Santa Barbara to see them. Gas prices have been through the roof, but I decided to take the short road trip anyway. Before getting on the road, I went to the gas station to fill up my tank. I drove past the full-service pump and parked at the first self-service one. I got out of the car and saw that there was an “out of order” sign telling customers to pay inside. I wanted to pay at the pump so I got back into the car and pulled up to the next one. Luckily for me, this one was working. I swiped my credit card and took the gas cap off. I pushed the button for the grade of unleaded gas I wanted and put the nozzle into my tank. There was a sign on the pump that read, “Do not top off.” After the tank was full, I replaced the nozzle and pressed the button for a receipt. Right when I was about to leave, I noticed that my windows were dirty, so I got the squeegee and some paper towels and cleaned them. Now, I was ready for my drive up north.

我已经很久没见过我的朋友Steve和Liz,我觉得这个周末是开车去圣巴巴拉看他们的好机会。 天然气价格疯长,但是,我还是决定来一次短途旅行。 出发之前,我去加油站加满了油。 开车经过了一条龙服务加油站,然后在第一个自助式加油站停了车。 我下车看见了“故障”的标识指示顾客到里面付钱。 我想就在加油泵那里付钱,所以我回到车里,继续向下一个行驶。 很幸运,此处的收费设备能正常使用。 我刷了信用卡,然后把油箱的盖子揭开。 我按下了无铅天然气的按钮,然后把喷嘴放进了油箱。 气泵上面有一个标识“” 油箱满了之后,我把油嘴放回去,再按了按钮拿收据。 正当我快离开的时候,我注意到车窗有点脏,所以我拿了橡胶扫帚和一些纸巾来把车窗弄干净了。 现在,我已经为开车北上做足了准备。 Our story today is entitled, “At the Gas Station.” A gas station is a place where you go to buy gasoline. Notice that we use the word gas, “gas,” to mean gasoline, but sometimes it is also used to mean natural gas, the kind of gas that you would use for a stove or an oven in the kitchen, but here it means gasoline. We begin the story by me saying that, “It‟s been a long time since I‟ve seen my friends Steve and Liz, and I thought” that this weekend would be a good one “to drive up to Santa Barbara to see them.” Santa Barbara is located about an hour north of Los Angeles. It's a city like Los Angeles that is on the Pacific Ocean. It's a small city pared to Los Angeles, but it's very popular for people to go on the weekend because it's nice, it's small and it's close to Los Angeles.

我们今天的课题为,在加油站。 gas station加油站指的是可以买汽油的地方。 注意我们用Gas这个词,其实就是gasoline——汽油的意思,但是有时候,也是天然气的意思,也就是我们厨房里炉子烧的东西。 故事以‘我’说‘恨就没见过我的朋友Steve和Liz了,我觉得这个周末应该是去圣塔芭芭拉看他们的好时机’开始。 圣塔芭芭拉在洛城以北,大概一个小时的车程,是太平洋上的一个跟洛城很相似的城市。 跟洛城比起来,它比较小但是是人们周末喜欢去的地方,因为地方不错,不大而且又离洛城又不远。

So, if you want to go somewhere for a short holiday, for a couple of days, it's very close and convenient. I also mention in the story that I am going “to drive up to Santa Barbara.” We usually say drive up when we are going somewhere north, and drive down when we are going somewhere south. So, here I'm driving up to Santa Barbara. That tells you that it is north of where I am. I continue the story by saying that, “Gas prices have been through the roof.” The gas price is the amount of money you pay for gasoline. Right now, in the United States, it's about 50 dollars a gallon, or least it seems like 50 dollars a gallon. When we say the prices for something have been through the roof, “roof,” we mean that they've been very high, very expensive. The roof is the covering on your house. It's the top of a house or a building. So, through the roof would be very expensive, very high.

假如你想去那里渡过一个短的假期,很近又方便。 我同时也在故事中提到“开车北上圣巴巴拉”。 南下和北上时我们一般是开车去。 呐,我是开车去圣巴巴拉的。up表明圣巴巴拉在我居住的地方的北边一点。 故事接着说,汽油价格疯长‘Gas prices have been through the roof’ 。 gas price指的是油价。 眼下,在美国,大概是50美金一加仑,至少看起来是50美金吧。 当我们说什么东西的价格have been through the roof,我们指的是,价格很高。 roof指的是屋顶,就是房子或建筑物的顶部。 反正,through the roof 就是价格非常昂贵,非常高的意思。

Even though the “Gas prices have been through the roof, I decided to take the short road trip anyway.” A road, “road,” trip is when you take a trip or a vacation by car, when you drive somewhere. “Before getting on the road,” that is before I started driving, “Before getting on the road, I went to the gas station to fill up my tank.” Your tank, “tank,” is the part of your automobile, your car, where the gas is stored, where you put the gas. To fill up means to make full, and we use that two word verb, fill up, when we are talking about a car and gasoline. Someone may go into to the gas station and say, “Fill 'er up,” meaning fill my car up with gas. Well, I go to the gas station to fill up my tank. First, I drive “past the full-service pump.” To drive past means to drive beyond something, to continue driving, not stopping.

尽管油价很高,但是我我决定来一次短途旅行。 road trip指的是开车去某处的一次旅行。 上路之前——before I started driving,我去了加油站把油箱加满。 tank指的是汽车声储油的部分。 fill up的意思是填满。在谈论给车加油时,我们用这个动词短语:fill up。 在加油站可能会这样说‘Fill 'er up’的意思是帮我把车加满油。 呃,我去油站加满了油。首先,我开车过了一条龙服务加油站。 drive past的意思是,经过某东西时不做停留。

And here, I'm not stopping at the full-service pump. The pump, “pump,” is what we call the machine that you drive up to in a gas station where you get your gas. The verb, to pump, means to take something out of - usually to draw something out of the ground or out of another big tank. Gas stations have very large tanks underneath the ground, and you have to pump the gas, or get the gas out of the tank into your car's gas tank. So, we can use that verb, to pump, also for water. When you go and get water out of the ground, you pump it out, you...you make it go up. Well, here I'm pumping out gas, and the machine that does this is also called a pump, as a noun. The full-service pump is the pump where someone from the gas station who works for the gas station will put the gas into your car. In most gas stations in the United States the majority of the pumps are not full-service, meaning no one will help you put the gas into the car. You have to do it yourself. If you drive up to a full-service pump, an employee from the gas station will pump it for you. However, you pay more for gas at a full-service pump than you do at a self-service pump. A self-service pump is one where you get out of your car and you pump your own gas. That is, you

put your own gas into your tank.

在那里,我并没有在提供一条龙服务的加油站停下来。 pump是你开车去的加油站的能为你的车加油的设备,油泵。 动词,Pump的意思是把什么抽出来,通常是把什么从地底或是一个很大的池里抽出来。 加油站的地底下通常有很大的储油池,你必须要将其抽出来,或者把油从储油池里抽出来灌进你的车里。 也就是我们可以说抽油/水。 当我们把水从地面抽上来,我们就称其为pump it out。 我把油抽出来,而抽油的机器也叫做pump,是个名词。 一条龙服务的加油站就是有专人为你的车加油的加油站。 美国的多数加油站多数油泵都不提供一条龙服务,也就是说没有人帮你加油,你必须自己加油。 但是,如果开车去了提供一条龙服务的油泵,一位员工会帮你把油抽出来。 但是这种服务比自助式服务要更贵。 自助式油泵指的是你下车并把油抽离出来。也就是说你自己往油箱里加油。

Well, I went to the self-service one because I am cheap. I don't like to spend more money than I have to. “I got out of the car and saw that there was an „out of order' sign.” When we say something is out of order, “order,” we mean that it's not working, that it's not functioning properly. In this case, it says that the customer has “to pay inside.” So, what is out of order, what is not working, is the credit card machine that you can buy your gas from. The pump is working but the credit card machine is not. Each pump at the gas station has its own credit card machine that you can use so that you don't have to go inside the building in order to pay. But, if you see a sign that says, “pay inside,” that means you have to take your credit card into the building and give it to them with. Well, that is not very convenient for people, so most gas stations have credit card machines on the pump itself. Well, this one wasn't working, and because, “I wanted to pay at the pump, I got back into” my car and I drove up, or I “pulled up to the next one.” To pay at the pump means that you can use your credit card and you don't have to go inside the building.

嗯,我想用自助式油泵因为我很小气。我不喜欢多花钱。 我下车,看见那里有一个标识‘故障’。 当你看见某物被标注‘out of order’,那表明,它不能正常工作,没法子正常使用。 在此处,标识表明‘顾客必须得进站付钱。’ 也就是说除了故障的是可以刷卡的机器坏了,你不能买汽油。 油泵能正常运作,但是刷信用卡的机器却不能。 加油站的每一个油泵都有各自的信用卡刷卡机,这样的话你就不用进到大楼里去付钱。 但是,假如你看见“pay inside”这样的标志,那就是说你必须要把信用卡带进大楼,然后给里面的人。 呃,这对人们来说,并不是很方便。所以多数的加油站的油泵上都带有刷卡机。 呃,而这里的这个却没有,我想就在油泵上付钱,所以我回到车上继续向下一个加油站开车pulled up to the next one。 pay at the pump 的意思是你可以就地用你的信用卡而不必走进去付钱。

Well, “Luckily for me,” I say, the next pump had a credit card machine that “was working.” So, “I swiped my credit card and took the gas cap off.” To swipe, “swipe,” is a verb, which we use when talking about putting your card, your credit card, into a credit card machine. Usually in a gas station, you take the card and you put it in and then you pull it out very quickly. That's swiping your card, when you take your card and put it through a credit card machine. We use that verb, to swipe. Well, “I swiped my credit card and I took the gas cap off.” The gas cap, “cap,” is what is keeping the gas from ing out of your gas tank in your car. It's a round piece of plastic usually that you put on the top of your gas tank, just like you would put a top onto a bottle. If you have a bottle of ketchup or a bottle of soda pop, like Coca-Cola, the top of the bottle has a cap and that prevents the liquid inside from ing out. Well, a gas tank also needs a cap, and you take the cap off in order to put the gas into the tank.

幸运的是,接下来的油泵可以刷卡,即可以正常工作。 我刷了卡,然后把汽油盖子揭开。 Swipe是个动词,用卡-信用卡的时候一般会提到,即刷机。 在加油站通常是你把信用卡塞

进去然后很快拔出来。 这就是刷卡swiping your card,也就是把卡塞进刷卡机里,我们就会用动词Swipe。 我刷了卡然后把汽油罐的盖子打开。 cap指的是防止汽油从油罐里跑出来的盖子。 是塑料做的一个圆形盖子,用来盖住油箱,就像瓶盖一样。 像是番茄酱瓶盖,苏打水瓶盖,可乐瓶盖,都能阻止瓶子里面的液体溢出来。 呃,油箱同样也需要一个盖子。你把盖子拔出来好让油流进去。

“I pushed the button for the grade of unleaded gas I wanted.” There are different grades of gasoline in an American gas station. Usually there are three grades. The cheapest grade - and remember, I'm very cheap - is the unleaded gas. Unleaded, “unleaded,” gas is a type of gasoline. We would say it is a grade, “grade,” of gasoline. We often use that word when we are talking about quality. It's the same word that we use in school to talk about the quality of a student's work. If you get a grade of A that means that it is a very high quality work. If you get a grade of A that means that it is a very high quality work.

我把按钮推到我想要的无铅油刻度。 在美国的加油站,汽油分很多等级。通常情况下有三种。 最便宜的,记住,我很小气,我选了无铅汽油。 无铅unleaded汽油也是一种汽油。 我们将汽油等级称之为grade of gasoline。 在谈到什么东西的质量时,我们经常用到这个词,Grade。 这跟我们学校里所提到的一个学生功课的好坏是同一个词。 如果你得了A,那就是说,你的功课很棒。 重复。

I wanted the lower quality of gasoline - the unleaded gasoline – so “I pushed the button for” that particular grade, and I took the nozzle of the pump and put it “into my tank.” A nozzle, “nozzle,” is a noun, which means the part of the gas pump that you put into the opening of your tank so the gas will go in. The pump is a machine, a square box, usually about five or...four or five feet tall, and it has a hose on it, “hose,” which is a long, round tube through which the gas is pumped. And, at the end of the hose is a nozzle and that's what you put into your gas tank to get the gas in. Well, “There was a sign on the pump that read, „Do not top off.' “ To top, “top,” off, “off,” two words, means to try to fill your gas tank until it is pletely full. This is something that gas stations do not like because if you try to get it pletely full, you may spill gasoline on your own car and on the ground, which, of course, could be dangerous, so they ask you “not to top off.” You can fill your tank up, but you can't try to get it pletely full. “After the tank was full, I replaced the nozzle,” that is, I took the nozzle out of my gas tank and put it back into the pump, and I “pressed the button for a receipt.”

我想要质量差一点的汽油,无铅油。所以我把按钮推到了一个特定的位置,然后把油泵的油嘴放进了我的油箱。 nozzle是个名词,指的是汽油泵上面你可以放进你油箱的那部分。 油泵是个机器,方形的盒子,通常4到5英尺高,上面会有个管子Hose——一种长的,圆形的用来抽出汽油的管子。 管子的尽头就是喷嘴,你可以吧喷嘴放进油箱加油。 嗯,那里有一个标识,上面写着‘不要加太满’。 Top off,两个单词,意思是不要试着把油箱加到至满。 加油站可不喜欢你加得太满,因为你也许会让汽油溢出你的车滴到地上,当然,这是很危险的,所以他们要求‘别加太满’。 你可以填满你的油箱,但是你不能尝试着让它完全装满。 油箱装满之后,我把喷嘴放回原处replace,也就是我喷嘴拿出我的油箱并把它放回到油泵上,然后按按钮拿收据。

In American gas stations, the credit card machine will ask you if you want a receipt after you stop pumping your gas, after you put the nozzle back into the pump, which tells the machine that you are done pumping gas. A receipt, “receipt,” is a little piece of paper that tells you how much gas you bought. “Right when I was about to leave, I noticed that my windows were dirty” - the windows of my car - “so I got a squeegee and some paper towels” to clean it. A squeegee,

“squeegee,” is something that you use to clean your car windows. It usually has on one side a type of sponge, “sponge.” A sponge is something that holds water; it's soft; you use it to clean. The squeegee usually has a sponge on one side, and on the other side, it has a blade, “blade,” which is a thin piece of plastic. And, if you put the plastic against the window, it will take the water off. So, you use the squeegee, which is usually on a stick, maybe a one or two foot stick, and you use the sponge to wash your window and then you flip it over and you use the blade of the squeegee to dry your windows. And, of course, you also can use some paper towels. Well, “Now, I was ready for my drive up north.” Now let's listen to the story, this time at a native rate of speech.

在美国的加油站,你停下抽油并把喷嘴放回到油泵后油泵会告诉你油加好了,然后刷卡机会问你是否要收据, receipt指的是一张小纸条,上面记载了你付的款额。 正当我要走的时候,我发现车窗有点脏,我车子的车窗,所以我拿了橡胶扫帚和一些纸巾来清理。 squeegee指的是清理车窗用的橡胶滚轴。 通常是一边是某种海绵sponge——通常是吸水,柔软且用来清洁的一种东西。 橡胶扫帚通常一面是海绵,另一面自带了一个叶片blade——薄薄的一片塑料。 假如你把塑胶放在车窗上,它会把上面的水吸干。 你会用橡胶扫帚——通常有根棍子在上面,一到两英尺的棍子,你会用海绵来洗车然后翻过来用扫帚的侧面来擦干车窗。 当然,你同时也会用一些纸制的毛巾„„然后我开车北上就万事具备了。 现在再来以常速听一遍故事:

The script for today's podcast was written by the talented Dr. Lucy Tse. Remember to visit our website at ... There you can find a plete Learning Guide to this podcast episode. It contains all of the vocabulary we just discussed, the definitions, additional explanations about these topics, culture notes and the plete transcript of this podcast. From Los Angeles, California, I'm Jeff McQuillan. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time on ESL Podcast. English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse, hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan. This podcast is copyright 2006.

本期文本由教育中心的天才Lucy Tse博士纂写。 记得浏览我们的网站,在那里可以拿到这期播客的完整学习向导。 上面有我们提到的所有词汇,释疑以及对其中涉及到的话题的额外解释和文化贴士以及这期播客的完整文本。 来自洛城,加州,我是Jeff McQuillan 感谢收听。下次ESL播客再见。 ESL由Lucy Tst撰写,Jeff McQuillan主播,下次ESL播客再见。此播客版权2006.




第一部分 服务用语及引车规范



一、 加油员操作规程


1、 迎候


2、 致欢迎辞



“师傅您好”或“您好”。 (高峰)



3、 询问油品或油价:




4、 提示性服务用语及礼仪:

A、 车未熄火时:


B、 有人在加油场地检修车辆时:加油站警示标语


C、 有人在站内打手机时:


D、 有人动用明火或吸烟时:

“对不起,加油站内严禁烟火,这样容易造成火灾事故,为了您和他人的人身及财产安全,请你不要动用明火或吸烟,谢谢。” E、 有人要求直接对塑料桶加油时:

“对不起,师傅,油品在经油枪进入塑料瓶的过程中易聚集电荷造成火灾事故,我们必须使用加油桶为您加油,谢谢合作。” 注:当发生上述情况时,可参照执行。

5、 开油箱盖及看表归零




“师傅请看表。” (高峰)

(三) 加油

6、 非定量加油:





7、 定量加油




(四) 加油结束











11、 新建档客户的接待及服务用语:


12、 当客户询问礼品情况时:


13、 收取小票:


14、 高峰窗口出现排队现象时:


15、 当油价发生变动司机有疑问时:


16、 当司机说××处的油比我们便宜时:




17、 当司机和收款员发生争执时:


二、 收款员操作规程:


1、 致欢迎词:





2、 询问油品或数量等:



3、 收取现金、先进券或油票:














“您好!”、“早上好!”、“下午好!”、“晚上好!” 询问语:

“我能为您做什么吗?”“您还有什么别的事情吗?”“您不介意的话我可以看一看吗?”“请您讲慢一点好吗?”“我没听清楚您的话,您能在说一遍吗?”、“请您稍等一下”。 应答语:

“请问我能帮您做些什么吗?”“我能帮您忙吗?”“好的,马上就来。”“请稍候。”“请不必客气,这是我应该做的。”“很高兴为您服务。”“没关系。” “欢迎批评指导。”“为您



“对不起”“对不起,请原谅。”“很抱歉,打扰您了。”“真是失礼了。”“完全是我的过错,对不起。”“感谢您的提醒。”“我们立即采取措施,使您满意。”“对不起,让您久等了。”“由于我们的工作疏忽,给您添麻烦,真对不起”。 告别语:









员:师傅耗油的多少也有很多因素的,比如载重过多、路况不佳、雨雪天气,当然也不排除车辆自身故障。 客:哦,原来如此。





员:师傅您好,像那你这样每次出来加油都带大量的现金既不安全又不方便,不如办一张我们中石油的加油卡吧? 客:办加油卡有什么好处?









顾客在加油现场给假币:对不起,可以跟我换一张吗。 遇到顾客要求多开票:对不起,不好意思,我们公司有规定发票是不能多开。








你们优惠一点,我把油箱加满:对不起师傅,我们必须严格按照国家统一定价销售,何况我们这里最好的优惠就是我们油品的质量和数量,师傅,您加我们的油绝对是物有所值的。 胡克认为我们的油总是比别人贵:师傅,我们是中国石油国营企业,注重的是我们油品的质量和数量,我们销售的都是