


The Differences of Education between China and U.S

Based on checking the extensive literature and summing up the evidence, it is clear that study about the differences of higher education between China and US has carried out a lot which mainly explains the differences from

various aspects of higher education between China and the United States. Such aspect mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. In the Integration of these

differences, advantages and evils of both educational systems have been evaluated respectively, and corresponding improvement measures were also put forwards. By summary, the detailed conclusions are listed as follows:

US is a open society. The society's openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advantages from other

countries and established a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effect. US is the biggest immigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy emphasizes on the practical value, matter rewards as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc.

Use’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the

foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to build such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as inhalants with few intelligence and high scores. What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and practice.

US's education pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence, independence, spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict, rigorous spiritual .Obviously, Chinese

education may fruitfully develop and utilize the function of cerebrum, but US’s higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by utilizing and synthesizing the information outside.{1000字变态作文}.

Each national higher education as economic system’s reflection serves for the economy; US education aims to adapt for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions including education’s service for the

economic development, scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need, set up special curriculum and specialty which the society needs; In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and could not follow social demand.

In order to adapt the society, the American universities has established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; The students choose or transform specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult.

When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students do not need the mechanical{1000字变态作文}.

memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it by themselves and make the study be one kind of creative action. Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing.

Due to the development of science and technology, connections between higher education and national politics, economy, science, culture, military relation is day by day closer. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply performances for the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature. The advanced level of higher education has bee the symbol of national strength.

We should clarify the difference of higher education between China and American; at the same time absorb the advantages to profit from the American higher education so as to faster the reform and the development of our higher education.

Higher Education in America

There is evidence that even inplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. So, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are useful. All this effort in America’s higher education is very expensive. Some of the costs e from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research, but most have to be paid from public funds. Parents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by society.

The first universities were developed by private charitable organizations. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private.

Most of the principal state universities have between 10, 000 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past few years. Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions. The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure①. The best known of all is Harvard.{1000字变态作文}.

There are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university work.

For the most part Americans think that there’s some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university. However, testate universities are being increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the Midwest have a reputation practically equal to that of the private ones. Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government. 308 words


Education System in China

In China, children begin to go to school at the age of seven. It takes six years for them to finish primary school. In this stage, they are taught elementary knowledge in language and science, which lays the foundation for

their further education.

After primary school, they go to junior middle school without having to pass any exams. Education at this levol is pvlsory. It lasts for three years, during which the children learn basie Chinese English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

When the junior middle school education es to an end, the students are screened by exams in two ways. those who expect to go to college may choose to enter senior middle school and those who want to work attend professional schools, The senior middle school education takes 3 years and the professional school 2 to 3 years.

The senior middle school graduates have to take petitive exams before they enter college. The college education lasts 4 to 6 years. For a bachelor degree, students take the four year course and pass the defense of thier theses. The master degree students have another two years of study and research work and are given their degree after the defense of their theses.{1000字变态作文}.

Such is the education system in China.

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