



嘉祥县实验小学 李柏翰









后记: 2008年是不平凡的一年,举世瞩目的第29届奥运会在中国——北京举行,奥运会像一座金桥,像一条纽带,把各国人民的心连在一起。让各国的运动员和人民,相会在2008北京奥运会。而奥林匹克公园是北京举办奥运会的心脏,在奥运会圆满结束之后,我们全家在国庆长假期间,去参观、游览了奥林匹克公园,亲身感受了它的美丽、和谐。回来以后,妈妈鼓励我把在奥林匹克公园的所见所闻写下来。于是,我一鼓作气,写完了这篇作文,原来这就是“作文来自生活”啊!

(董丽芳 指导)


奥林匹克公园 嘉祥县实验小学 李柏翰 举世瞩目的2008北京奥运会圆满结束了,怀着对奥运会的一腔热情,我们全家人来到北京,瞻仰奥林匹克公园。 我们首先去的地方就是水立方。从远处看,水立方就像无数个小水珠凝聚成的一个长方体,甚是漂亮,它色彩淡蓝,衬着瓦蓝的天空,在阳光的照耀下,散发出柔和的光芒,美的无与伦比。我正对着水立方发愣时,妈妈叫醒了我,她说:“翰翰,发什么呆呀,走,到里面看看去。”说完,就把我拉进了水立方。 我们来到水立方的比赛场馆,在观众席上找了个位置坐下,仰望着水珠一般的天花板,有一种清凉的感觉。我低下头来,看着下面的比赛区,想起了陈若琳、郭晶晶、林跃、火亮等跳水运动员夺金的时刻,想起了美国名将菲尔普斯勇夺8金的精彩画面,心情激动极了!我们在水立方呆了20分钟,便直奔了奥运会主会场——鸟巢。 从电视上看鸟巢,觉得它和水立方差不多大,但真正一看,它比我想象的要大好几倍!据说能容十万人呢!那藤条般交错着的钢条,竟连一点儿裂缝都没有,这大概就是所谓的完美无缺吧! 走进鸟巢,刘欢和英国歌手一起演唱的歌曲——《我和你》便响彻云霄。进入比赛会场,就像游进了一个热闹的海洋,这里人山人海,歌声嘹亮。可以用一个词来形容当时的情形,那就是欢歌劲舞! 我站在奥运会田径比赛的跑道上,真想自己也成为一名田径运动员,飞奔在赛场上,为祖国争金夺银,为祖国田径作出贡献。







晚饭后,我和爸爸妈妈在奥林匹克公园你散步。 公园中大树上的树叶,有的是红色的,有的是黄色的,还有的绿色的。大树的旁边,有一朵朵粉红色的菊花,在这种渐渐变凉的天气里它还能开得如此鲜艳,真是了不起!这时的天空是浅蓝色的,上面飘着几朵厚厚的彩云,云朵们像是换上了一条红色的连衣裙,在翩翩起舞。低下头,我看见平坦而宽阔的草坪上有几只可爱的小狗在追逐嬉戏。走到河边,微风一吹,河面上荡漾着粼粼波光,人们穿着长袖,有的在健身器材上锻炼,有的在河边散步。这时我想起了一首诗:《秋夕》银烛烛光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤,天阶夜色凉如水,坐看天牛织女星。二年级:宋耀冰 篇一:小学生作文——秋天的公园

秋 天 的 公 园





今天,天气格外的暖和,阳光格外的耀眼。我和哥哥姐姐去公园欣赏美景。 公园里的柳树已经变黄了,树叶有的落在地上,有的躺在湖面上,还有松树傲然挺立,好像冲峰的战士。一眼望去,东边有一座石头桥,走进一看湖面的水像一面大镜子。小鱼在湖里游来游去和同伴玩耍、捉迷藏!最吸引人的是花坛里的野菊花。五颜六色的野菊花红的如焰火,黄的如闪闪发光的金子,粉的如天边的晚霞,紫的如树上挂的葡萄它们当中我最喜欢白色,它纯洁的如白雪,散发出淡淡的清香。



关于秋天的作文:秋天的江滨公园 江滨公园是个美丽的大公园,我爱秋天的江滨公园。







关于秋天的作文:秋天的江滨公园 江滨公园是个美丽的大公园,我爱秋天的江滨公园。







My Favourite Season (我最喜欢的季节)

There are four seasons in a year, but my favourite season is winter. It's cold and snowy in winter, but it's white and beautiful. We can play with snow. We can make a snowman. We can skate, and we can play football on the snow, too. I like snow. I like winter. (52 words){奥林匹克公园作文}.

On Weekends (在周末)

I like weekends very much. I can do many things.

I usually do my homework on Saturday morning. Then I watch TV. I like watching cartoon films; they are very interesting. Sometimes I play football with my friend in the afternoon. On Sunday, my parents and I go to visit my grandparents. They live not far from my house. They like me very much. I love them, too.

I love happy weekends. (72 words)

My Classroom (我的教室)

My classroom is nice and big. Many desks and chairs are in my classroom. There are two windows, two doors and a blackboard on the white walls. There are four lights in my classroom,they are very bright, and there are many flowers, too. I like my classroom very much. Do you have a nice classroom?

David (给材料作文,按所给的材料写人物 David )

The boy is David. Last year he was 10 years old. He was fat and short, because he slept all day and ate much sweet food, but he didn't do any exercises. Now he is 11 years old. He is tall and thin, because he often swims and plays basketball, and sometimes he goes climbing. He is thin but he is healthy. (62 words)

My Bedroom (我的教室)

I have a small bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. Near the bed there is a chair and a desk. A lamp and a puter are on the desk. I have a nice toy. Look! It's lying on the floor.

I sleep, study and play in my bedroom every day. I like it very much. What about yours? (60 words)

On the Farm (在农场)

I'm Mary. I have three friends on the farm. They are the rooster, the rabbit and the duck.

The rooster sings a beautiful song in the morning. The duck swims in the river. The rabbit dances on the grass. They are all my good friends. I like them very much. (50 words)

Kitty Goes Fishing (小猫钓鱼)

It's a fine day today. Kitty goes fishing with his mum. Mum sits on a small chair and begins to fish. But Kitty goes to catch a butterfly. In the afternoon, Mum catches many fish, but Kitty doesn't catch any. So he feels shy, and he sits down to fish. At last, he also catches many fish. They go home happily. (61 words)

Spring Outing (春游)

It's Sunday today. The sun shines and it is so warm. Spring is ing. Everything es to life. The trees wear green coats. So my friends and I go to a park to have a spring outing. We have a good time in the park. Tom is fishing near the lake. Kate is reading under the tree. Lucy is listening to music on the bench. William and Ray are playing chess. How happy we are!

The Twin Sisters (双胞胎姐妹)

Sarah and Nancy are twin sisters. They are ten years old. They have big eyes and small mouths. Sarah is tall and Nancy is short. They look like their mother. Sarah has short hair, but Nancy has long hair. Sarah likes drawing, but Nancy likes playing the piano. How lovely they are! (52){奥林匹克公园作文}.



Emily: Good morning, Jim.

Jim: Good morning, Emily.

Emily: Jim, this is my brother and this is my sister. Peter and Mary, this is my friend, Jim.

Peter & Mary: Nice to meet you.

Jim: Nice to meet you, too.

Emily: Let's go to the park together, OK?

Jim: Good idea. (42 Words)

My Pet (我的宠物)

I have a cat. Its name is Maomao. It's white. Its eyes are big. It has a small mouth and a long tail. Its fur is very soft. It likes to play with a ball. It always plays with me. It likes to eat fish very much. I like it very much. (52 words)

The Four Seasons (四季)

There are four seasons in a year. Spring is warm. We can see many flowers and butterflies. Summer is hot, so we like swimming in the river. When autumn es, the weather turns cool, some trees' leaves start to fall. Winter is very cold. We have to put on thicker clothes, but we can make snowmen and play snowballs. So every season is lovely. (64 words)

I Love Spring (我喜欢春天)

Sister Spring is ing quietly. She looks very beautiful with colourful clothes. The sun is shining high in the sky. The trees and grass bee green. The flowers are open. The little birds are singing happily in the trees. The days are getting longer and it is getting warmer, too. In spring we can go hiking or have a picnic on the mountains. I love spring. (66 words)

A Beautiful Beach (美丽的海滩)

It's a beautiful day! There are some birds and a kite in the sky. The clouds are white and the sun hides in the clouds. The sea is blue. The children are swimming. Two people are in a boat. There's a girl sitting on the beach. Next to her there's a ball. There are many beautiful flowers and trees near the beach. A dog is under a tree.(68 words)

My Dog (我的狗){奥林匹克公园作文}.

I have a dog. It has a short tail. Its fur is white and yellow. It is very smart. It can catch a ball. It can bark and wag its tail. It can shake hands with me. I often play with my dog. I love my dog very much. (49 words)

My Good Friend (我的好朋友)

I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is very beautiful. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is 10 years old. She is in Class Five, Grade Three. She likes singing, dancing and playing ping-pong. Do you have a good friend, too? (47 words)

(日记) Tuesday October 17th, 2006 Sunny

Today is Tuesday. It is sunny. Miss Li took us to Guangming Farm. We went there by bus. Uncle Wang and Miss Zhang waited for us at the gate of the farm. Then they showed us around and told us something about the farm. We saw a lot of animals. There was a horse, a pig, some hens and ducks, a cow and a sheep. The Mother Duck and her children were playing happily. They were very lovely. I learned many things.

What a nice time I had!(86 words)

My favourite person (我最喜爱的季节)

My favourite person is my father. Let me tell you the reasons. My father is a worker. He works hard. He often says, “I will save much money and make much money for my factory because I'm a skillful worker.”

When he is at home, he likes playing with me. We often play chess, play puter games and make model ships. He is my good friend. I love my father very much. (72 words)

My Little Cat

I have a little cat. It is very cute. Its colour is white. Its name is Snow White. It likes playing with a ball. It

can catch mice. It likes eating fish. It is my good friend. I love it very much.

I Like Every Season(我喜欢每个季节)

Hello, everyone!Which season do you like best? I like every season. Every season is very nice. In spring, the flowers grow, the grass es out. I can plant trees. In summer, I can take care of the trees. In autumn, I get a harvest. In winter, it's cold and snowy. I can go skiing. (55 words)

David's Day(戴维的一天)

Today is Sunday. David doesn't go to school. He stays at home and plays the piano in the morning. He

likes playing the piano very much. He plays it every day, and he can play it very well. After playing the piano,{奥林匹克公园作文}.

he goes to a swimming pool at 9 o'clock. Swimming is one of his favorite sports. After swimming, he goes to the playground to play football with his friends. He has a wonderful day.

My Bedroom (我的卧室)

I have a small bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. Near the bed there is a chair and a desk. A lamp and a puter are on the desk. I have a nice toy. Look! It's lying on the floor.

I sleep, study and play in my bedroom every day. I like it very much. What about yours?

On the Farm (在农场)

I'm Mary. I have three friends on the farm. They are the rooster, the rabbit and the duck.

The rooster sings a beautiful song in the morning. The duck swims in the river. The rabbit dances on the grass. They are all my good friends. I like them very much.

A Great Superman (伟大的超人)

We all know Superman can do everything. He is always ready to help the people in trouble.

One day, there was a big fire in a building. A little boy was in it. Superman saw it and flew into the