



After finishing the movie 2012, a character left a deep impression on me. The character is Yuri, the Russian billionaire. Although he is not the leading role in the movie, the character is portrayed very real in my opinion. According to the dialogues in the movie, we can know a lot of him.

He was an excellent boxer in the past, so he has a strong body. He also works with a good brain, so he can own great wealth. Now we can say Yuri is a successful man in business.

When disaster es, a man true self is showed out obviously. In the whole process of escape, he is always very resolute. After getting the message that the No.3 boat is without hope, he strikes managers down and leads all the people running to the No.4 boat. At that time, he shows his good judgment. So in terms of ability, Yuri is an excellent man.

Many people describe him with selfishness and greed. Maybe it’s true. But I think he isn’t without a single redeeming feature. On the air, he looks the picture with his wife and children, and he calls his valentine “girl friend”, never “lover”. Obviously he loves his wife and children deeply. For leaving his valentine behind, I consider there is no mistake because they have no love all along. As a father, he takes good care of his two sons; especially at last he

sacrifices himself for pushing his son to the boat. At least Yuri is a great father and good men loving his families deeply.



初恋50 First Dates

What would it feel if I can wake up everyday forgetting what happened for the last whole year?

Lucy in the movie “50 First Dates” told me this feeling. Every morning when she woke up, she only rememberred the Sunday of last year which was her father’s birthday, also the date she had the car accident which made her only keep memory before Sunday, so she always felt happy living the same habit as what she did on Sunday a year ago with the kind set-up by her father and brother. After meeting Henry, she could only remember who he was on the same day. But after one night, he became a stranger to her. She couldn’t even recognize he was the one she used to date and love everyday. Henry tried his best to give her a new different meeting every day so as to win her smile and regain their “First Date”. Henry made her tapes every morning to help her remember what happened the day before and the last whole year. Lucy thus felt grateful with all she had when she woke up everyday. On the same day, she always had the same deep gratitude to face Henry with her sweet smile. What a beautiful feeling it is to always feel thanksgiving and to always

appreciate each other’s effort. A touching story between a memory lost woman and a devoted man taught all of us, normal people, the essence of love. When two people can thank each other for their devotion everyday like what they did for each other on first date, love can forever be refreshed and energetic. On Lucy’s side, people with memory will ask for more than yesterday and bee critical of their partners day by day, while people without memory will feel grateful for their life and the people around them everyday.

In the movie, when one day Lucy decided to break up with Henry to let him rebuild his life by burning all their diaries and tapes, I cried for Henry’s broken heart. For her, it was just one day feeling. For him, it was long-term affection and connection. It was easier for her than him to give up their love. On Henry’s side, people with memory will always remember the past happiness and

treasure it for the rest of their life, while people without memory will easily give up at the end of the same day.

What a ruthless feeling it is to end a relationship just after one minute thought. People with fragile mind would easily ruin a long-term relationship no matter what reason they have. The torture between Lucy and Henry tells us the fatal factor to do harm to intimacy between a couple is their fragile mind of

balancing emotion and reason. Thus most of couple lose their trust for each other after experiencing this weakly testing broke-up.电影观后感100字英语作文


What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brain's to his daughter must be one of the best ones.电影观后感100字英语作文

His daughter, a young pretty 17-year-old girl was kidnapped during a tour in Paris. Brain got the news and hurried to France to take his daughter. He found that the gangsters that kidnapped his daughter were connected with an old friend which made him exetreme angry. He finally found the place where was holding an auction selling young virgins and broke in successfully taking his daughter away.

No matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of kindness, but also his insistance and the greatest of all- a father's love.电影观后感100字英语作文


When word of the famed Eisenheim's (Ed Norton) illusions reaches Crown Prince Leopold (Rufus Sewell), the ruler attends one of the magician's shows in order to debunk the performance. But when the prince's intended, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel), assists the magician onstage, Eisenheim and Sophie recognize each other from their childhoods, and pretty soon they're totally hot for each other. As the clandestine romance continues, the prince's best cop (Paul Giamatti) is charged with exposing Eisenheim, even while the magician gains a devoted and vocal public following. Before long, Sophie turns up dead, and the logical suspect is Eisenheim himself.

一线声机"Cellular" has the setup for a solid straight-ahead thriller: A kidnap victim who does not know where she is being held phones a total stranger who must then stay connected on his cell phone to find her before she is killed. Joel Schumacher scored earlier with a similarly phone-themed Larry Cohen story, "Phone Booth." As executed by tone-deaf director David R. Ellis, however, "Cellular" bees an unintentionally hilarious cousin to Brian de Palma's "Raising Cain" and "Snake Eyes."

Ellis seems to have unwittingly spliced together two different films with

mismatched tones: Kim Basinger as the kidnapee and Jason Statham as the kidnapper occupy the deadly-serious, straight-to-video thriller half, while Chris Evans as the rescuer and William H. Macy as a police officer seem to be in a "Saturday Night Live"-alum action edy. Nowhere else is the disjointedness in tone more apparent than when Basinger and Evans's performances are placed side-by-side during their conversations: The scenes keep cutting between an overwrought Basinger wringing out every drop of melodrama, while a blissfully inept Evans seems to be channeling a cross between Chris Kattan/Jimmy Fallon and Ben Affleck/Keanu Reeves.

Meanwhile, Ellis pulls out tricks intended to generate thrills and surprises. He throws in out-of-nowhere "shocks," a la "Final Destination"; he throws in

flashbacks; he throws in a gun-blazing Macy in Jerry Bruckheimer action-hero slo-mo; and yet, Ellis has no handle on staging any of them petently. Case in point: "Cellular" is the proud owner of one of the most ineptly scored chase sequences ever, as if Ellis simply heard a snippet of the song's lyrics ("...where you gonna run to?") literally and paid no attention to the inappropriateness of the acpanying music (which just bop, bop, bops along). (The song is even reprised during the closing credits, which itself is misbegotten in conception.)

And yet, for all of its failures as art, "Cellular" is always entertaining for those very same faults



The show

After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, we all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness.







1.《Forrest Gump》

Forrest Gump grows up in the county of Greenbow, Alabama. He lives with his mom, who is a real smart and strong woman. Although Forrest’s IQ is only 75, his mom manages to let him have the finest education, and always tell him “You are no different”. In school, Forrest meets a girl named Jenny, and they bee best friends. Under Jenny’s encouragement, Forrest discovers his ability to run like the wind blows. Fortunately, this ability gives him the chance to go to college where he bees an all-star football player.

After graduation, Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, and he finds new friends Bubba and Dan. In the war, Forrest rescues many rades, but Bubba is seriously wounded and dies. Lieutenant Dan, the platoon's manding officer, is also badly wounded and loses both legs. He chastises Forrest for saving him, insisting that he should die honorably on the battlefield instead of being a cripple.

When Forrest gets back from Vietnam, he is awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions. During the next several decades, Forrest bees a war hero, a famous ping-pang player, a national celebrity, a successful businessman, and something of an American idol. Forrest successfully realizes Bubba’s dream and help Dan discover his self-worth. Finally, Forrest marries Jenny, and has a happy life with his son after Jenny dies.

“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” When the first time Jenny asked Forrest to run away and the first time Forrest freed himself from the bondage, hope has been growing up in his mind. Though Forrest is surely a little stupid, he believes “stupid is as stupid does”, so he fears nothing and does his best. In his innocence, Forrest does what he feels he has to do, no matter the situations and the people around him, lead only by an inner sense of right. My heart is deeply shocked by this “stupid” man, and I think in recent times we surely need this spirit. So, let’s have a try now.


The film 2012 tells a breathtaking story that everything on the earth is destroyed in the year 2012, only a small number of human beings survive from the doomsday. The hero Jackson takes his children to go camping in Yellowstone National Park, where they meet a man named Charlie. That night, Charlie plays a video of Charles Hapgood's theory that polar shifts and the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar predict that the 2012 phenomenon is going to occur. He has a map of the ark project in addition to information about government officials and scientists from around the world who were murdered after planning to alert the public about the project and the uping doomsday.

After the family returns home, Jackson rents a plane to rescue his family. He

collects his family and some friends as the Earth crust displacement begins, and they escape Los Angeles quickly. Learning the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where the group secures a bigger plane and departs for China. Eventually, Jackson and his family successfully get on the arks.

In my opinion, this is a powerful film, and it makes me think a lot. If we are in such a situation that a disaster is surely ing, what should we do? Will we inform other people of the uping disaster? Will we escape first without considering other people’s lives? Will we abandon our family, our friends, even our nation? The film teaches me of love, responsibility, forgiveness, and so on.

Don’t think that the plot in 2012 has been exaggerated, actually it is really based on science. Looking at our earth carefully, we have done so much damage to it. All the nations should do its best to protect our earth, because in some sense it is to protect ourselves. We need no more arks, and the doomsday will never e.电影观后感100字英语作文

3.《The Shawshank Redemption》

For the first time I heard the name of the film, I thought that Shawshank must be the hero’s name, but in fact it is a name of a prison, in which the hero stayed for almost 20 years.

In early 1947, young banker Andy Dufresne is mistakenly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, and then he is put into the Shawshank prison. In prison, Andy and Red bee best friends. Using his wisdom, he brings a lot of benefits for his friends. For having a banker experience, the warden of the prison and the chief guard require Andy to make money for them by improper means, but at the same time he records their guilt.

Andy makes a plan of prison break, and secretly carries it out during the prison life. In a night of thunder and lightning, he escapes through the hole he dug, crawls 500 yards through a narrow pipe, and successfully gets the freedom. After escaping, Andy withdraws most of the corruption money from several banks, and sends evidence of warden's corruption to a newspaper. Then Andy goes to Mexico, where Red and Andy are happily reunited on the beach.

Such a story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.” Andy clearly knows that he isn’t a murderer and believes he doesn’t belong to Shawshank. There is hope in Andy’s mind, and he gives hope to his friends. I really love this sentence “Get busy living or get busy dying”, Andy gets busy doing what he should do instead of wasting time. His story encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most importance is to keep hope forever.

4.《The Pursuit of Happiness》

In San Francisco, 1981, the salesman Chris Gardner invests all the family savings in portable bone-density scanners. He believes he has made a wise decision because the scanners can give a denser picture than an x-ray machine though it’s a little expensive. However, they do not sell as Chris imagines, and even bring big troubles to him. As Chris goes everywhere and tries to figure out how to sell the scanners, his wife leaves him, he loses his house, his bank account, and credit cards. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Chris is desperate to find a steady job.

Fortunately, Chris gets a chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter. However, in the six-month training period he will get no salary, and there are 19 other candidates for this only position. Meanwhile, moneyless, homeless, Chris has all sorts of difficulties with his son. But he is very smart and hardworking, and he never gives up. Eventually, for his great efforts, Chris bees a broker at Dean Witter and starts his career there. In 1987, Chris founds the investment firm Gardner Rich and bees a successful businessman.

There are so many classic lines in this great film, from which I learned a lot. “You want something, go get it!” In reality, most of us have an equal opportunity, if we really want it, just do it. “People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.” Although we will e up against all kinds of difficulties, we must have confidence in ourselves and never give up.

In this film, I recognize another thing, which is Chris’s love to his son. Actually, all the efforts he does are not only to achieve his dream but also to give happiness to his son. Chris says “You have a dream, you got to protect it”.

5.《Hachiko: A Dog's Story》

Our hero, professor Parker Wilson, finds an abandoned dog at the train station and takes it home. Parker finds that the dog is an Akita dog and names it Hachiko. However, nobody es to claim the dog, so Parker decides to keep Hachi in his family. In the following years, Parker takes good care of Hachi and trains him patiently. Hachi will acpany Parker to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work, they bee best friends.

One day, Parker dies suddenly from a heart attack when he is teaching his music class, and never e back. However, Hachi remains waiting for his master lying in the snow, for several hours, until Parker's son es to collect him. The next day, Hachi returns to the station and waits, remaining all day and all night. As time passes, Hachi gets older and older, and he is waiting for Parker for nine years until his death. He teaches the local people love, passion and above all unyielding loyalty.

The film is based on a true Japanese story and it's only natural that the film is great because the real story itself is very touching. I learned that now a bronze statue of Hachiko has been set in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.

What is love and what is loyalty? There is no doubt that this film is full of love and loyalty, which Hachi brings to the audiences. Someone may say “Hachi is just a dog without thought and wisdom.” Yes, I can’t deny such a reality, but in many respects we human beings do no better than animals. In all, Hachi is a respected and great dog, and his pure loyalty is what we should learn.

6.《The Terminal》

Viktor Navorski, who es from an Eastern European country Krakozhia, arrives in New York, with the purpose of achieving his father’s music dream. Unfortunately, Viktor’s country broke out a civil war after he left, and he suddenly bees a man without a country. For this reason, the US airport cannot recognize Viktor, and he is denied to set foot on New York. He also can't be deported so he is told by the security manager Dixon that he has to remain in the airport until his status can be recognized.

Viktor doesn't speak English very well, so he cannot talk to or understand anyone. But he somehow adapts and sets up residence in the airport, which makes Dixon who placed him there unhappy. So he tries to get Viktor to leave but Viktor is smart and remains in the airport, and even have a better life. Viktor makes friends with some of the people who work in the airport and is attracted to an air hostess Amelia.

Several months later, the war in Krakozhia ends, but Dixon will still not allow Viktor to enter the United States. Finally, with the help of his friends, Viktor successfully leaves the airport, and acplish his purpose.

About this film, I have some words to say. Firstly, I am glad to see that Viktor achieves his father’s dream through constant efforts. Secondly, most of people are friendly, and if we have a sincere heart we will have countless friends. Thirdly, I feel a little sorry that Viktor cannot be together with Amelia, but I believe both of them will have a new life.

I can’t help saying that now I really love the actor named Tom Hanks for his perfect acting skill. From Forrest Gump to Viktor Navorski, he always seems a little stupid, but he finally succeeds again and again. It’s really not about fortune, and it depends on love, sincerity, courage, persistence and so on.

7.《Brave Heart》

It is a story about a national hero of Scotland -- William Wallace.

In the 13th Century, Scotland is under the heel of King Edward I of England, who granted areas of land in Scotland to his nobility which they were to rule along with the traditional privileges. In the uprising against cruel English ruler, Wallace’s father and brother sacrifice, and he is taken abroad by his uncle to learn knowledge and skills. When Wallace returns home, he falls in love with his childhood lover Murron, and they marry in secret so that she doesn’t have to spend a night with the

English lord. Soon after that, Wallace kills an English soldier who tries to rape Murron, and for this reason Murron is finally executed by the lord.

Full of anger, Wallace determines to fight against the English ruler, and in response to Wallace's exploits, people of Scotland rise in revolt against England. Although Wallace es up against all kinds of difficulties, he never gives up. For the betrayal of his partners, Wallace fails to defeat the English ruler. Before Wallace’s dying, the scene that he shouts loudly "Freedom!" moves everyone. After Wallace’s death, his previous partner Bruce continues to fight and finally makes Scotland free.

In my viewpoint, at first Wallace has no intention of being a freedom fighter, he is just a simple man with simple desires to live in peace and raise a family. However, circumstances make that impossible, so he has to be brave and stand out, not for the death of his father and wife, but for the freedom of his nation. I am really shocked by his brave heart.

I feel a little sorry for Wallace’s death, because he cannot see for himself that the freedom of Scotland is back again. However, his heart for freedom will last forever, and lead his people to fight against dark rulers, fight for freedom.

8.《The Day After Tomorrow》

The hero of this film, a paleoclimatologist named Jack Hall, discovers that the huge polar ice sheet is melting quickly due to the global warming. The situation will lower ocean temperatures, and then causes a massive climate shift which brings about many natural disasters and eventually a new ice age. It’s too late to inform everyone in the nation, and when people realize the situation and try to move to the warmer south, the disaster has arrived. Meanwhile, Jack’s son Sam is attending an academic petition with his friends in New York.

As Jack’s request, Sam and his friends stay in the library and burn books to get warm. Worrying about his son, Jack and his two partners set out for New York to rescue his son. Overing all the difficulties including the death of a partner, Jack finally arrives in New York and finds the library. Gladly finding Sam and his friends are all alive, Jack embraces Sam tightly for a long time. In Mexico, the new President orders search and rescue teams to look for other survivors, having been given hope by the survival of Sam's group.

This is another disaster film, and it deeply shocked my heart again. Although there are countless people die in the disaster, I believe that survivors have learned a lot, and people all over the world will take action to protect our earth.

In addition, the relationship between Jack and Sam runs through the whole film. I want to say Jack is a great father, because he does what he promised his son no matter how difficult it is. At the same time, Sam is also a great young man, because he is intelligent, brave and responsible. Both of them set good examples for us.

It’s a great film, not for its large investment and magnificent scenes, but for what it brings to human beings.

第六篇、泰坦尼克号 英文观后感


The Brief Description and Comment on Titanic

Titanic seems a quite simple story. A ship, a voyage, a man and a woman, but the story is so meaningful and romantic that touches audiences’ heart deeply and inspires the impression of love. There were many kinds of emotion this film wanted to present, such as the love of families, the friendship and even the love between strangers. But what impressedme deeply was the love between Rose and Jack.

On April 10, 1912, known as the “Industrial history of the world miracle” of the luxuryliner,Titanic began its maiden voyagefrom England to New York .A wealthy girl Rose with her mother and her fiancé Carl traveled as the first classpassenger.At the same time, the charming but poor young man Jack won an inferiorclass ticket in a gambling at the dock.On board, Jack was fascinated by Rose the first time he saw her. And coincidently, Jack rescued Rose, a girl who was trapped by the economic marriage and tired of deceptive social activities, when she intended to throw herself into the sea.As they municated further, they soon fell in love with each other. Jack took Rose to the inferior class ball, painted the portrait for her, and even dreamt about future with her. The two people’s feeling warmed up gradually.

On the calm Sunday evening of April 14,1912,the Titanic was hit by the iceberg and the "never sink" Titanic faced the sunken fate, the love between this young couple would also be tested by life and death. Rose gave up the chance to get on the lifeboat for staying with Jack. Jack in the water voiced trembled with cold but still continued to encourage Rose to never give up the hope of survival. At the end of the story, as we all known, Jack died unfortunately, but Rose was rescued by the people who returned to look for survivals. Although Rose survived, she knew she had lost all the world, because her beloved one would never e back. She promised Jack to live a happy life, not only for herself but also for Jack.

Rewatching Titanic in the class, I found I enjoyed it as much as I did when I first saw it around five years ago. I was surprised that this movie

had lost none of its power over these five years. And I don’t want to deny that I cried again in all the same places.

Some professional film critics considered that the sinking of the Titanic implies the collapse of the Capitalism in the end of the 19th century. However, I would like to say the director may had not only indicated the downfall of the Capitalism, but also showed many aspects of human nature, no matter good kinds or bad kinds, such as love, faith, bravery, hope, and hypocrisy, mammonism, vanity, selfishness, and so on. After appreciation of Titanic, I had my own opinions about the two contrary aspects of human nature presented in this movie through some details.

It is well known thatthe love between Jack and Rose is the eternal theme of this film. Their love was so pure and powerful, directly into the softest deep soul of people. Such a beautiful love, in front of the disaster, never submitted to the destruction and always kept faith in the vow that "You jump, I jump".Finally, the disaster only became the footnote of this duteouslove. Like the epiphyllums try to bloom for a longer time, finally have to let thewither record its once brilliancy. Although it is a romantic love story without a happy ending, it still spreads warmth among each person who has faith in love.

Despite the love, many other brilliant aspects of human nature were described in this movie. In front of the crisis, true gentlemen still abided by the principle of “children first, ladies first” until the last second of life. In front of the choice of life or death, there were no businessmen, no scholars, no officials, only children, women and men. And I also couldn’t forget the band which kept playing the music instead of escaping with their own life even the ship was sinking. Their brave and calm attitude towards death touched me deeply. In a word, crisis will not disappear because we fear or plain. The greatness of human nature lies on altruism and dedication. Crisis, this litmus test, absolutely can reflect humanity’s brightest light.

But, crisis can also reveal some gloomy aspects of human nature. According to the movie’s background,economy and technology developed really fast in that period. People thus became very confident on human intellectual capabilities. They believed their power of conquering the nature is inapproachable. However, things do not always follow the way people wish to be. The sinking of the Titanic sounded the alarm that self-conceit may led to a disaster.Another negative social mood of that time exposed by the film wasvanity.I was really shocked that Rose’s mother wanted to marry her daughter to Karl just because he was extremely rich, while she didn’t care whether Rose loved him or not.

In a word, Titanic is not simply an affectional storybetween Jack and Rose. It shows more than love. And although language is the most exquisite tool, it cannotexactlydescribe the shock that Titanic brought to me.









Life of Pi Feedback

Sent drifting boat, The zebra broke his leg and loss of self-defense capability hyenas eat. The female

baboons However hyena cruel enraged hyenas have also been killed. Before all the fierce battle bray awakened the sleeping tiger, jungle, the tiger swallow the hyena. The last remaining faction wisdom to escape under the jaws of death and confrontation with the tiger.

Film two versions of the story, but I think that these two stories are linked: The first story is the truth, the

second story is the fact that the animals in the first story is the second story characters in disguise.

Hyenas kill zebra and orangutan (cook to kill the sailors and to send mother).

The tiger killed the hyena (sent to kill the cook).

The tiger represents the most primitive instinct of Pi heart. Not a real tiger, human instinct can not be easily

judge good and evil, or out of the animalistic. Final tigers left ruthless instinct is that no one can peel.




我今天看了电影《小兵张嘎》电影讲述了英勇机智小兵张嘎的故事。 故事开头讲了张嘎碰到八路军的故事叙述了一位受伤八路军战士在张嘎家养病这时鬼子浩浩荡荡进村搜捕八路军战士嘎子的奶奶见此情况叫嘎子带上八路军战士先走自己留在家里 鬼子把全村老百姓揪集一起大声问到有没有见到八路军老百姓保持沉默没有说 鬼子走到嘎子奶奶面前问有没有见到八路奶奶没有回答鬼子气急败坏的又问一次有没有见到八路奶奶仍然说没有 鬼子一气之下开枪杀害了小兵张嘎的奶奶嘎子得知这件事后伤心极了一连哭了好几夜并发誓要给奶奶报仇最后张嘎决定去找八路军为他的奶奶报仇他找了很久才找到八路军八路军把张嘎带回了自己的营地营地里队长同意了他的要求让他当了一名小侦察员侦察日本鬼子的行动。 经过浴血奋战张嘎他们沉重地打击了日本鬼子为把日本鬼子赶出中国做出了贡献。我想对勇敢的小嘎子说:“你是我心目中小英雄”。


祖国在我心中 ——《世纪大阅兵》观后感 六3葛雨星 祖国是哺育我们的母亲是所有生命的摇篮我们应该为自己是一个中国人而感到骄傲。因此我们要时常对自己说“我是中国人我为此感到骄傲” 《世纪大阅兵》这部电影讲述了开国大典的全过程大为壮观的就是阅兵仪式整个仪式震撼人心十分壮观。 时间曾今凝聚在1949年10月1日当巍峨的华表披上清晨的第一缕曙光当雄伟的天安门迎来新一轮的太阳当无数先烈用鲜血染红的五星红旗在天安门广场冉冉升起伟大的领袖毛泽东洪亮的声音传遍了全世界“中华人民共和国中央人民政府成立了中国人民从此站起来了”这一时刻对于一个饱经忧患尽受欺凌的名族来说是多么宝贵啊中国一个响亮的名字一个让世界震撼的名字一个让无数华夏儿女为之骄傲与自豪的名字从此诞生了。这一激动人心的日子到来时亿万炎黄子孙欢呼雀跃。沉睡了千百年的东方“雄狮”终于昂首世界之林。这是一个沸腾向上的祖国这是一个如日中天的祖国 最令人热血沸腾的还是阅兵大典总指挥员和司令员依次对静止状态的士兵进行检阅。检阅完毕后海、陆、空三军还在天安门楼前进行表演最让我佩服的就是那个齐步走都不能用整齐划一来形容了手臂挥的角度脚抬的角度都差不多一样没有任何一个人滥竽充数简直不敢相信我都觉得这些动作完全出于一个人。可这些士兵也是台上三分钟台下十年功啊在不为人知的背后他们付出了多少心血和泪水啊其中还展示了各军的武器由轻到重由低到高由大到小看得我是眼花缭乱所有武器浑合一体形成了强大阵容 看了这部电影我觉得要想将来更好地建设祖国就一定要确定一个远大的志向树立和培养正确的理想观念对祖国的未来充满希望要立志为祖国的未来而努力奋斗把祖国建设成为物质文明政治文明精神文明的国家因此我们要珍惜和抓紧童年的

每一秒抓紧锻炼身体培养高尚道德掌握丰富知识把自己的学习、成长同中国社会主义伟大事业同祖国的繁荣富强紧密联系在一起为祖国建设、振兴中华时刻做好准备。 其次我们要从身边的点点滴滴做起养成良好的习惯。无论是在什么地方不管我们有多忙当一面鲜艳的五星红旗伴随着国歌缓缓升起时我们都必须停下脚步一边注视着国旗行队礼一边响亮地唱起国歌。平常生活中要爱护红领巾应该为自己是少先队的一员而感到骄傲。在学校里要带红领巾上体育课时可以把红领巾摘下来叠好放进书包。回到家里要把红领巾放在床头以便第二天起来时佩戴。红领巾要定期清洗保持干净整洁虽然这是日常生活中的一些但却充分地体现出了自己的爱国意识只有爱我们的母亲祖国为祖国献出一份力才会茁壮成长。 同学们爱国是一种坚定的民族精神更是一种振兴中华的责任感。我们青少年要用这种强大的精神力量去描绘祖国未来的宏图将一片丹心献给祖国。祖国在我心中祖国在你心中祖国在我们中华儿女心中让我们一起为祖国美好的明天努力吧 。


电影《建国大业》观后感 为了庆祝建国60周年我们郭里园小学组织全校老师观看了《建国大业》这部影片。9月25日我怀着崇敬的心情在电影院观看了电影《建国大业》让我受到了一次深刻的爱国主义教育对那个特殊的历史时期有了更具体的了解让年轻一代的我有了更多、更深刻的认识。 电影将重大历史事件在宏观和微观间切换增强了影片的历史感和真实感从年重庆谈判讲起讲到谈判破裂内战爆发三大战役其间穿插了敌机轰炸中毛泽东的淡定沉着闻一多的慷慨就义傅作义被女儿感召李宗仁履新后的无奈蒋经国稳定上海经济国际上对于共产党、国民党的态度等小故事展示了共产党、国民党、各个民主党派几十位人物不同的立场、思想、做法人物性格形象鲜明让人印象深刻。 当我看到刘烨扮演的小兵角色在向仪仗车上的毛主席敬军礼时那坚毅而充满信念的目光让我们不难理解人民解放军为什么是一支战无不胜、攻无不克的队伍当我们看到蒋介石一声长叹说反腐亡党不反腐亡国让我们看到一支腐败的政党灭亡的必然性。当我们看到共产党人的礼贤下士虚怀若谷国民党对民主人士的威逼利诱疯狂杀戮一个政党的从容大气与另一个政党的狭隘猥琐形成了强烈的反差。等等这些昭示了一个颠扑不破四海皆准的真理一个成熟健康的政党必须把人民利益放在首位必须能不断完善自己修正自己让自身的肌体保持青春与活力否则必将被历史所淘汰。要全心全意为人民服务事事想着人民。 这部影片在短短个多小时的时间内再现了我国从年抗日战争结束后到年新中国成立这一波澜壮阔的历史画卷以宏大的历史视野正面再现了共和国多党合作和政治协商制度从诞生到确立这一重大历史事件反映了中国共产党和中国各民主党派在反对蒋介石国民党独裁统治的斗争中和衷共济团结奋斗为建立多党合作和政治协商制度所经历的曲折艰辛直至取得最后胜利的光辉历程。


《地道战》是怎样一部影片呢今天下午我带着“小问号”“走进”那炮火漫天的时代。想了解这部电影吗那就随我来吧,《地道战》这部影片讲述的是在1942年到1944年间日本鬼子在冀平原上进行了“大扫荡”。冀中的人民团结一心同心协力为鬼子布下了天罗地网。利用百里长的地道和冀中人民的智慧、勇气和力量把鬼子打得片甲不留。一声声钟声带我们走了高家庄的土地上。看看那阴沉沉的天简陋的房屋那危机四伏的生活我不禁想到了我们如今美好的生活它是这么的来之不易。所以我们要珍惜着美好的生活。“老忠叔我们应该靠挖道来打败鬼子。”电影里又响起了坚定的声音“对对你说得对。”于是大伙们花了几个月的时间开始挖地道他们在平原上开凿着家家相接户户相同努力的汗水终于换来了战斗的胜利。这是什么精神这是不怕劳累辛勤的工作精神我们要好好学习不怕苦不怕累这样才学业有成。学习就像挖地道一样只有不间断地挖不半途而废才能得到成功的硕果。看到这里我真为那些不畏艰险的大伙而高兴。在大家的团结下终于挖通了地道大家欣喜欲狂“乐”字写在了每个人的脸上。可好景不长有一次日本鬼子夜袭高家庄被老忠叔发现了他快速走向村头的大树下敲响了钟声告诉了大家躲起来结果暴露了自己壮烈牺牲这种舍己为人的精神铭刻在每个人的心中,大家幸免逃过了灾难可老忠叔却再也见不到了。这让我明白了“人生价值”是为他人奉献爱心献出自己的生命把生的希望留给别人, “地道战嘿地道战埋伏下神兵千百万。”这首歌一直回响在我的心中。我真为我是中国人而感到骄傲自豪。