


院系 教育与体育学院 班级 2014级学科(思政)学号 2014011058 姓名 侯嘉欣










班级: 日期: 人数:{学生见习试备课教案}.


班级:英本104 学号:1003010427 姓名:覃翠桦


Module9 Animals in danger

Unit1 We need to protect animals

Background information:

Students: 45 junior high school students grade 2

Lesson duration: 45 mins

Teaching objective:

By the end of lesson, students should be able to:

1. Understand the character of some animals

2. Understand the conversation about animals in danger

3. To learn infinitive

Teaching important and difficult points

1. How to understand the conversation about animals in danger

2. Key structures about infinitive:

Teaching method: Task-based learning Approach, The municative approach, Direct Method

Teaching contents:

Lingling: Did you like the zoo?

Sally: Yes! I was so excited to see the pandas ... at last! It was interesting to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve.

Lingling: But it's sad to think about all those animals in danger. It makes me mad!

Sally: The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger. We need to protect them better.

Lingling: And it just isn't right to kill whales or elephants for their meat. Sally: Absolutely, but it's hard to stop the killing.

Lingling: And many animals have no place to live in. Our villages and farms are growing bigger, and we're taking away their lands and forests.

Sally: Also, often their water isn't good to drink because we've made it dirty. Lingling: It's really awful! We need to help the animals live in peace. But many people decide not to think about it. What on earth can we do?

Sally: Let's find out what we can do to save them ...{学生见习试备课教案}.

Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures

Type of the lesson: listening and speaking

Teaching procedure:

Step1:lead-in (2mins)

A) warm up: a song :珍爱——中国共青团环保公益歌

B) ask students what can we learn from this song?-----we should protect


Sept2 presentation word study (5mins)

A) Teacher presents how to read the new words

B) Ask the student to go through all the new words in limited time.

C) Play guessing game: guess the names of animal according to describing words of animals as:

(a) I am long and thin, and I have no leg.---snake

(b)I am big and have very long nose.----elephant

(c)I am brown or black and I live in the forest. I like eating honey very much.----bear

(d) I am orange and black, and my fur is very beautiful.---tiger

(e) I am the biggest animal in the sea.---whale

D) Teacher shows the pictures of animals, students speak out names of these animals and teacher show the words on each picture. Students then, repeat each word twice.

Step3: Presentation dialogue (5mins)

a) Speaking activity1: guide the students to read out the dialogue in the


b) Present the dialogue with the help of one student.

c) Role play: reading the dialogue with partner. And choosing three groups to

show out in front of the class.

Step4:Drills (5mins)

a) (1) it is wrong to ____(kill) animals, we need to stop them.

(2)It’s important to____ (protect) pandas, we need to____ (build) more animal reserves.

(3) it unhealthy to____(drink) dirty water, we need to____(make) it clean.

b) Check the answers and find out how many students do it wrong and then explain why.

Step5: Practice (5mins)

Pair work:

Teacher shows pictures of animals in danger, and one student ask questions like “what animals are in danger?”, “why they are in danger?” And “what can we do to save them?” the partner answer the questions, then several pairs present it. Step6: Listening(10mins)

A) Listen activity1:

a) Listening and answer two questions “which animals are they talking about?” and “which animals are in danger?”

b) Listening for another time and correct the answers{学生见习试备课教案}.

B) Listen activity2:

a) Listening and answer question:

1) Has sally ever seen the pandas before?-----no, she hasn’t.{学生见习试备课教案}.

2) Why do some people kill whale or elephants?----they kill them for their meat.

3) What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger?---many animals have no place to live in.

4) Who has made the water dirty?---human.

b) Listen again with the help of tape script then correct the answers, then Students read the script

C) Listening activity3:

Listen and check the true sentences.

1) It is happy to think about all these animals in danger.

2) It’s not right to kill whales or elephants for their meat.

3) it’s easy to stop the killing.

4) We need to protect the animals.

5) We need to help the animals live in peace.

Step7: Activity (8mins)

a) group work: context: suppose you are members of World Wild Fund for

Nature try to make a proposal to protect animals

b) here are some hints.

(1) purpose of this proposal is to protect animals in danger.

(2) Reasons for protecting animals in danger.

(3) Ways to protect animals.

c) representative of each group will be requested to show his group’ s work d) Teacher makes some ment on their works.

Step8: Summary (2mins)

sum up the language points:

it’s adj to do sth


we need to do sth


Step9: Homework (3mins): Each student draw a poster, which calls on people to protect animals in danger.

Optional activity: pay a visit to the local zoo and try to find out how many endangered animals are in the zoo and write their names.

Blackboard design:

It is adj to do sth what animals are in danger?

Need to do sth why are the animals in danger?

How do we need to do?

Reflection: this class went on well. Students were very excited and active. But students weren’t given enough time do speaking activity1, some students still have difficulty in reading the dialogue fluently. They need more chance to practice next time.




临 床 见 习 教 案

课 程 肿瘤病人的护理 专 业 护理本科 年 级 2008 教 师 周洁 职 称、学 位 护士 部系、教研室 临床护理教研室

2009-- 2010年 第一学期



带教老师: 周洁 职称: 护士 科室: 肿一 2010 年 4 月 20日



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专 业 体 育 教 育 班 级2009级1A班 姓 名 陈 其 祥 学 号 20090841092 指导教师 张 宝 文
















