


  人鬼情未了经典台词三篇  人鬼情未了经典台词一

  Sam Wheat: I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before.

  Sam Wheat:我是亨利第八世。我世亨利第八世我是我是。我已经和隔壁的寡妇结婚了。她从前结过好几次婚。

  Molly Jensen: I love you. I really love you.

  Molly Jensen:我爱你。我是真的爱你。

  Sam Wheat: Ditto.

  Sam Wheat:我心亦然。

  Sam: I love you, Molly. I've always loved you.


  Molly: Ditto.


  Oda Mae Brown: He's stuck, that's what it is. He's in between worlds. You know it happens sometimes that the spirit gets yanked out so fast that the essence still feels it has work to do here.

  Oda Mae Brown:他被人骗了。他现在 两个世界 之间。你要知道这有时发生在灵魂猛然间被抽里出来,太快了以至于本体依然还认为自己始终存在着。

  Sam Wheat: Would you stop rambling?

  Sam Wheat:你能不能不要不着边际?

  Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. He's got a' attitude now.

  Oda Mae Brown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。他现在必须有一个想法。

  Sam Wheat: I don't have an attitude.

  Sam Wheat:我没有想法。人鬼情未了经典台词三篇

  Oda Mae Brown: Yes, you do have an attitude. If you didn't have an attitude, you would not have raised your voice at me now would you?

  Oda Mae Brown:是的。你现在是没有什么想法。如果你没有想法,你就不会冲着我提高自己的音量了不是吗?

  Sam Wheat: God dammit...

  Sam Wheat: 上帝诅咒你

  Oda Mae Brown: Don't you "God dammit" me. Don't you take the Lord's name in vain with me. I don't take that!

  Oda Mae Brown:不要和我说"上帝诅咒你",你在我面前说上帝的名字是没有用的。我不信那一套!

  Sam Wheat: Would you relax?

  Sam Wheat: 能否放松一些?

  Oda Mae Brown: No, you relax, you're the dead guy!

  Oda Mae Brown:不,是你要放松,你这个死人!

  Oda Mae Brown: I know you don't think I'm giving this 4 million dollars to a bunch of nuns!

  Oda Mae Brown:我知道你不相信我放弃了四 百万美元 ,给了一堆 修女 !

  Sam: Think of it this way, you'll go to Heaven.


  Oda Mae Brown: I don't want to go to Heaven, I want to go to the bank and cash a GODDAMN CHECK!

  Oda Mae Brown:我可不想进天堂,我想进银行,直接刷受诅咒的卡!


  1.I am willing to pay for everything, so the only contact with you once again! 我乐意支付统统,只求能再次打仗你一次!

  2. I don’t want to go to Heaven, I want to go to the bank and cash a GODDAMN CHECK!我可不想进天国,我想进银行,直接刷受谩骂的卡!

  3.It seems like whenever anything good in my life happens, I’m just afraid that I’m going to lose it. 当生掷中柔美的对象到来时,我却认为会失去它.

  4.People say I love you all the time, it doesn’t mean anything.人们总把我爱你挂在嘴边,可那每每心口不一。

  5.I give you my hand. I give you my love, more precious than money.I give you myself before preacher or law.Will you give me yourself? Will you e travel with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?


  6.Love means never having to say you’re sorry. 爱意味着永久用不着说对不起 。

  7.We’re going to graduate and then go our separate ways.我们即将结业,然后各奔对象。


  Sam Wheat: I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married seven times before.

  Sam Wheat:我是亨利第八世。我世亨利第八世我是我是。我已经和隔壁的寡妇结婚了。她从前结过好几次婚。

  Molly Jensen: I love you. I really love you.

  Molly Jensen:我爱你。我是真的爱你。

  Sam Wheat: Ditto.

  Sam Wheat:我心亦然。

  Sam: I love you, Molly. I've always loved you.


  Molly: Ditto.


  Oda Mae Brown: He's stuck, that's what it is. He's in between worlds. You know it happens sometimes that the spirit gets yanked out so fast that the essence still feels it has work to do here.

  Oda Mae Brown:他被人骗了。他现在 两个世界 之间。你要知道这有时发生在灵魂猛然间被抽里出来,太快了以至于本体依然还认为自己始终存在着。

  Sam Wheat: Would you stop rambling?

  Sam Wheat:你能不能不要不着边际?

  Oda Mae Brown: I don't think I'm rambling, I'm just answering the question. He's got a' attitude now.

  Oda Mae Brown:我没有不着边际地说话。我只是在回答一个问题。他现在必须有一个想法。

  Sam Wheat: I don't have an attitude.

  Sam Wheat:我没有想法。人鬼情未了经典台词三篇

  Oda Mae Brown: Yes, you do have an attitude. If you didn't have an attitude, you would not have raised your voice at me now would you?

  Oda Mae Brown:是的。你现在是没有什么想法。如果你没有想法,你就不会冲着我提高自己的音量了不是吗?

  Sam Wheat: God dammit...

  Sam Wheat: 上帝诅咒你

  Oda Mae Brown: Don't you "God dammit" me. Don't you take the Lord's name in vain with me. I don't take that!

  Oda Mae Brown:不要和我说"上帝诅咒你",你在我面前说上帝的名字是没有用的。我不信那一套!

  Sam Wheat: Would you relax?

  Sam Wheat: 能否放松一些?

  Oda Mae Brown: No, you relax, you're the dead guy!

  Oda Mae Brown:不,是你要放松,你这个死人!

  Oda Mae Brown: I know you don't think I'm giving this 4 million dollars to a bunch of nuns!

  Oda Mae Brown:我知道你不相信我放弃了四 百万美元 ,给了一堆 修女 !

  Sam: Think of it this way, you'll go to Heaven.


  Oda Mae Brown: I don't want to go to Heaven, I want to go to the bank and cash a GODDAMN CHECK!

  Oda Mae Brown:我可不想进天堂,我想进银行,直接刷受诅咒的卡!

