


1.The convenience and effectiveness of GPS guidance systems and digital maps generated by search engines is undeniable. They’ve definitely made our lives easier. What we don’t get from using these devices and applications are the increased ability to understand spatial orientation, representative symbolism, and navigation.


2..The primary culprits are E-readers. They’re convenient and can store thousands of books. There’s also evidence that their format makes it more difficult for users to retain and recall information they just read. Don’t worry, there’s no need to give up your e-reader! What we should do is make an effort to read printed books. This will be especially helpful when perusing information we need for academic or career purposes.


3.Instead, experts remend turning off all devices an hour before bedtime and finding another method for winding down, like reading a book, taking a warm bath or performing a series of calming yoga poses. It's also a good idea to exercise and lay off the caffeine several hours before bedtime.


4.Forget weeks to find a builder and months for house construction, a machine developed in the United States can build a 232sq m home layer by layer in a single day.


5."Imagine you are 200 kilometres (130 miles) away, on holiday, and you realised you have forgotten to close your curtains."

Not to worry. You can send a quick text message to your curtain remote control. If that doesn't work, you can always get your television or your radio to lend a hand.

“假如你正在离家有200公里(合130英里)远的地方度假,突然想起来忘记拉窗帘了。” 不必担心。你可以立即向窗帘遥控器发送一条信息。如果它没有“开工”,你还可以让电视或者收音机帮你传个信儿。


节物风光不相待,桑田碧海须臾改。昔时金阶白玉堂,即今唯见青松在。 -----卢照邻

大胆设想,小心求证。看来大胆还是必要的,当然大胆要建筑在扎实工作基础上。 ——赵金科


案,却是日新月异的。 ——王竹溪

科学的真正的、合法的目标说来不外是这样:把新的发现和新的力量惠赠给人类生活。 ——培根


并服务于真理的方法。 ——卡尔·波普尔

科学精神在于寻求事实,寻求真理。 ——胡适

科学需要一个人的全部生命。 ——朱冼

科学技术发展到今天,已是综合的、大规模的、集体的事业。 —



的色彩。 ——谈家桢

进步不是什么事件,而是一种需要。 ——斯宾塞

前进是生活的法则,不然人就不能称作为人。 ——勃郎宁

科学本身就有诗意。 ——斯宾塞

任何科学的结论都不该看成是永恒不变的。 ——邓拓

搞科学、做学问,要“不空不松,从严以终”,要很严格地搞一辈子工作。 —


对全人类来说,只有一种共同利益,那就是科学的进步。 ——圣西门

科学是系统化了的知识。 ——斯宾塞

科学是一种强大的智慧力量,它致力于破除禁锢着我的神秘的桎梏。 —


科学常是在千百次失败后最后一次成功的。 ——徐特立

独立思考,实事求是,锲而不舍,以勤补拙。 ——周培源

任何科学上的雏形,都有它双重的形象:胚胎时的丑恶,萌芽时的美丽。 —


向一切成功者和失败者学习思想方法。 ——何祚庥


获取光辉的成就。 ——陈佳洱

科学是“无知”的局部解剖学。 ——霍姆斯

人们喜欢猎奇,这就是科学的种子。 ——爱默生

一切伟大的科学理论都意味着对未知的新征服。 ——卡尔·波普尔

科学在今天是我们的思维方式,也是我们的生活方式,是我们人类精神所发展到的最高阶段。 ——郭沫若

各种科学发现往往具有一个共同点,那就是勤奋和创新精神。 ——钱


科学经历的是一条非常曲折、非常艰难的道路。 ——钱三强


增加资金与人员的投入,并不能获得所期待的科技产生。 ——何家栋

科学和民主,它们取消了人和自然的差异,也取消了人和人的差异。 ——王安{有关科技的话语}.





一切伟大的科学理论都意味着对未知的新征服。 ——卡尔·波普尔




1. When a wire is broken by bending it back and forth rapidly, some of the work is transformed into heat and the wire gets hot.

当把导线快速地(通过)来回弯曲折断时,部分功就转换成热,所以导线变热. Bending strength 抗弯强度

Forth 向前,以后,向外

Back and forth 来回地,往返 break forth 突然,迸发,突发 be transformed into 转变为..

2. When the moon changes it position, so do the orientation of the tide-generating forces and the position of the equilibrium tide. 当月亮的位置改变时,引潮力的取向和平衡潮的位置也改变了.

equilibrium tide 平衡潮 tide潮,趋势

3. The water vapor will change from its invisible state to condense into visible moisture when the dew point temprature is reached. 当露点温度达到时,水气将从其看不见的状态凝结成可见的水分.

Vapor 蒸汽、水汽[ˈveipə] dew 露水[dju:]

Invisible 看不见的[inˈvizəbl]

condense into 凝结成,把。。。。压缩成

moisture [ˈmɔistʃə] 水分,湿气,湿度 moisture trap 除潮器,脱水器

4.When a user requests a set of resources, it must be determined whether the allocation of these resources will leave the system in safe state.

当用户要求一组资源时,必须确定这些资源的分配是否会让系统处于安全状态. be determined to下定决心…


5.As the number of users sharing the segment increases, so does the difficulty of finding an acceptable segment number.

当合同程序段的用户数目增加时,查找可接受的程序段的号码的困难也增加. 当用户共享的段数增加,查找可接受段数的困难也增加了。

Segment 程序段[ˈseɡmənt]

Acceptable 可接受的

The soil contains 30 times the acceptable level of radioactivity.


Contain 包含,克制

6. The air pressure begins falling accordingly as a typhoon es near.


According to 依照 accordingly 因此,于是,依据,相应地

Air pressure forces the water through the pipe.


The air pressure at the hot value inlet does not bee excessively low.


Inlet 进口n,引入v excessively [ɪkˈsesɪvlɪ] 过度地,

Coolant temperature and ambient air pressure may be used to optimize cold starting and altitude performance.


7.While they are waiting in the ready queue, the I/O devices are idle. 当它们在就绪队列中等待时,输入/输出装置则空闲着.

8. At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating by wavelength, a process known as dispersion.


9.Current stars flowing at the very moment when we close the circuit. 当我们一接通线路,电流马上就开始出现.

10. Meteorlogy entered a period of rapid advance about the time the Bjerknes' cyclone model appeared.


11. While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.


12. When moving over land, a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.


13. It is only when particles are close enough to exert relatively large forces on one another that they are able to set each other into this type of vibration.


14.Only when its melting-point temperature is reached does iron start to pass into a liquid.


15. Only if the ponent vectors are on a straight line will the length of the vector for the sum be equal to the sum of the lengths of these ponents or to thier difference.


16. Whenever occasion arises intensive observations are to be done to get the information on the fine structure of the atmospheric event.


17. Whenever a wave moves out from a source in uniform medium, it travels in straight lines.


18. Each time the current changes directions, a period of no current, known as slack water, intervenes.


19.As a rule, the temperature in the troposhere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached.{有关科技的话语}.


20. The jetstream was not fully recognized as a meteorological entity until 1949.


21. The seeds did not start germinating until late March becasue of a long spell of drought.


22. Not until August 1974 did the expeditionary obervations begin. 直到1974年8月考察(探险)活动才开始.

23. A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat. 一片放在阳光下的金属,其温度要上升到它吸收热量和失去热量的速率相等时才停止.

24. In the simplest case, we start the requested I/O and wait until it isplete before returning control to the user program.


25. The weather remained the same until after June.


26. By the time witer begins, coastal waters are thoroughly mixed, with virtually no temperture or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters.


27. If there is a page fault, all the old values are written back into memory before the trap occurs.


28.Such observations must be processed before we can utilize them.


29. But thirty years were to elapse before suitable instruments were available to allow adetailed and systematic investigation.


30. It was a few years before a breakthrough was made in this field. 过了几年在这一领域才有了突破.

31. Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.


32. Ship may have to wait for days before finding a time when ining waves and tidal currents are right, permitting them to enter the harbor with safety.


33. After the concept of temperature became understood, there were many years of scientific development before the read nature of hest was established.


34. Even after air masses move far from their original breeding ground source, they may still be recognized by their characteristics.


35. Since the puter came into being science and technology have made great advances.


36. Cold fog dispersal has been an operational success in the U.S. since 1963. 美国自1963年以来,冷雾消散在实际操作上一直是成功的。

37. Fog dispersal research has since followed the line.


38. It is only since the 1980s that much attention has been given to the phenomenon. 只是从80年代以来,人们才很重视这一现象。

39. As soon as the tropopause is reached, temperature stops decreasing with height. 一达到对流层,温度就停止随高度上升。



A study of

Investigation of

Analysis of

Problems of


Approach to

Introduction to

目前 为止的研究背景、经过

So far, only few attempts have been made …

~ has never been examined …

Little attention has been …

Has been ignored

完成了~ 研究

Over the past few years a considerable number of studies have been made on ~ Several article have been devoted to the study of ~

研究了~ 但不够充分

Although a large number of studies have been made on ~, little is know about ~

A great deal of effort has been made on ~


The purpose [aim] of this paper is to …

We are concerned with ~

We deal with …

The purpose here is to explore a little further into ~


We are not concerned with ~

…, but here I limit the discussion to ~

…, but it is not our present concern.


The purpose of this paper is

 To consider

 To show

 To demonstrate

 To examine

 To formulate

 To solve the problem of

 To answer the question of

 To explain the phenomenon of


First of all, we will examine ~

Let us start with ~

I would like to focus attention on ~

公式 (疑问词子句)

The question of ~ how

The point of ~ what …

The analysis of ~ whether …


The question is …

The problem increases when one turns from A to B … 问题变大了

The remains a second question:

The question which we must consider next is ~

We are encountered by two difficulties. This first is ~. The second is ~.


The point about ~ is …

It offers the key to an understanding of ~


There are three kinds of ~

They may be divided into three types

They can be classified into three main groups

The are grouped into ~

~ falls into three categories.

~ belongs to the category of ~

We have three distinct types of ~

~ can be broken down into three parts.

We may classify the N into three types according to their cartelistic…


Outside the category of ~


First, secondly, thirdly,

O begin with [ To start with], … Then [Next], , Furthermore (接者)Finally [Lastly] What is more 再者


The first important point is … Even more important is … Most important of all is ~ 依据什么基准排列

The list is in chronological order 时间

The list is in order of size [data, age]

The list is in order of their importance

The order of arrangement does not indicate their relative importance.


In addition to ~, …

Similarly / likewise / in the same way 同样地

Both A and B

Besides / moreover / furthermore 、并且

Not only A but also B

A as well as B 和b相同地,A~


Should notice that …

Must be noted that …

The first point to notice is 首先要注意的是…

Draw attention to

We should Not overlook that 不可忽略

Ignore 是「故意忽视」,而overlook 是『看漏』

The fact that … can hardly be ignored. 不容忽视

This is obvious, we often overlook it


It is important that …

What is important is …

That … is not important. What matters is rather that … …是不重要的,重要的是… The report gives weight to ~ 把重点放 ~

Secondary importance 次要


We need frequently to remind ourselves of ~ 时常提醒自已~

It is important To Keep in mind that …


I would like to emphasize [ stress ]

In this study the main stress falls on …

Emphasize / stress -> 名词 emphasis / stress

Put emphasis [stress] on …


The view is quite unsatisfactory. 此看法相当不充分

It is a mistake to think that

Mistake, error , fallacy 名词

Wrong, false, mistaken, untrue, (misleading易误解的) pointless 「不得要领」 inaccurate 「不正确的」<= 形容词

Truth 正确 (名词)

True, right correct, sound 「足以采信」, precise 「正确的」 accurate 「正确的、准确的」, valid 「有效的」


It may be that

It is possible that …

It is likely that (相当的证具来证明某事)


It is clear that …

It is obvious that

There is no doubt about ~{有关科技的话语}.



It is not to be denied that …

We can say with fair certainty (相当的确定) that


Even if


The argument (论点)makes sense. 是合理

There is considerable validity to this concept, though …

Perhaps it is right to say that …

It is safe to say that … (大胆地说)

Valid argument 有根据的论点

Given that - 「在…的前提下」, given that the average lifespan of the Japanese is about eighty years (80), there is about twenty five years left when employees retire from their jobs at fifty five years of age. 如果(前提下)日本人的平均年纪是80年。

一般的意见 (关于~ 大家的意见一致)

Most of us would accept that … 绝大部分的人都接受…

Many scholars believe that … 大部分的学者都相信

It has been established that … 这个已经成定论

The foregoing argument would be accepted by most people, but … 前面的论点… Agree with …


I agree with … in thinking that ~ 我支持~的想法

Take a similar view 使用类似的想法