
篇一:《My Mother in My Eyes》


My Mother in My Eyes

Name: Qin Danli(覃丹丽) Student Number:2009800449

Undoubtedly, ever since I was born, I’ve been closely bound up with a highly important person, a woman I call dear mom. Most of the time, actually, such vivid words like dear, darling or something like that aren’t directly used to name my mom; it is somewhat in deed more than I can tell.

My mother tends to be an ordinary woman; nevertheless, she is the very special one in my eyes. She is nearly 1.6 meters tall, and in her face are located two black and bright eyes, a high frame nose and a moderate mouth. Having no fair skin, she possesses a good slim figure that thousands of women dream of. Inheriting her characteristics, I can clearly remember people who know me or only get acquainted with her in my hometown, when ing across me myself, are shocked to discover my appearance that much similar to my mother’s, especially part of my eyes, nose and mouth. Interesting and funny, I never deem so. Every time I pick one picture of my mother’s, over and over make parisons between hers and mine, only to find nothing in mon. All I can explain about such a phenomenon, perhaps, is the onlookers are those who see most clearly.

Thinking back my childhood, mother was always strict with me, totally distinguished from my father’s. Once doing something wrong or not as what she expected, only blame or punishment was bestowed. Afraid of her, I was often filled with nervousness. Later I boarded to study in a middle school while she got to work outside far away from home. And seldom did I hear from her over that period. Not receiving enough care and love from a mother, more than once, as a little kid, I considered her a terrible mother. With misunderstanding of her, there came a number of quarrels and conflicts between her and me when I grew much older. However, I was too innocent then,

Stubborn and persistent, what she wants seems to be everyone’s respect and obedience, as is apt to me. Being two contradictions, we didn’t be on well with each other the time I was in high school. Even so, something is doomed to change little by little beyond my expectations. It was the last year, the most crucial year as well over the twelve-year-learning career in most people’s mind. In order to better look after me, she came back home and worked at my aunt’s factory. It was during the days that I found she was beside me, so close to me. Every two days of every week, regardless of bad weather, she would e to my school, bring me some delicious and nutrient food and do what she can for me, never putting pressure on my study. I know deeply in my heart that her love and concern is the biggest encouragement to me.

As is known to me, nothing can be done to help slow down the increase of her ages and resist the spread of wrinkles on mother’s face. But I want to be her good girl, and show her my care and love just like she does.

篇二:《My mother》

Hello, dear friends! Today, I want to talk about a person who loves me.

There is a women, she brought me to the world and look after me every day.

There is a women, she gives me lots of helps in my study and my life.

There is a women, she is the most beautiful person in my mind.

There is a women, she is my mother.

My mother is not too tall or too short. She has long straight hair with a pair of glasses. She often tells jokes to me and cooks food me on My classmates always said that my mother gave me so much love.{my,mother}.

“Don’you can do your best! Come on!” Then, I studied harder and harder, I got good grades.

My mother music, when was young, she sang beautiful songs for me, she wants me to love music like her. So I started playing the piano four years ago.

Do you know what I want to say now? I want to say:“My dear mother, I love you! And I want to love you forever! Forever!

Thank you for listening!{my,mother}.

Class One Grade Eight Claire

篇三:《My Great Mother》{my,mother}.

Perhaps, of all the people in a person’s life, a mother holds a special place. It is she who brings her children into the world, teaches them their first words and moulds their character. My mother was such a wonderful mother. She was more than just an ordinary mother. Eversince my father was bound to a wheel chair as a result of injuries sustained in a motor accident, my mother had made so many sacrifices for us, even at the expense of her health.

My mother had remained a housewife eversince her marriage to my father, an old-fashioned man who insisted that a woman’s place was always at home. But on that fateful day, when the doctors and staff at the intensive care unit of the University Hospital confirmed that my father would never be able to walk again, she knew what she had to do. Entrusting my father to the care of my grandmother while she was not at home, she took up a course in tailoring. After six months, she started sewing clothes for her neighbours and friends and earned a meager ine. It was a hard life but she never plained.

One incident that still remains vivid in my memory after all these years occurred on the eve of my thirteenth birthday. It was Sunday, August 10, 2005. My mother asked me what I wanted fir my birthday.

“A bicycle,” I answered. She raised her eyebrows. “A bicycle? I don’t think we have enough money to buy a bicycle.” I could sense her sorrow as she spoke.

“We always don’t seem to have much money for anything. It’s so unfair. My friends have a bicycle each.”

“Sometimes life is unfair. But we should never plain. Instead……” I did not stay to hear the rest. Her words drowned as I rushed to my room and slammed the door shut. I sulked the whole day. For no apparent reason I was angry with my mother and my father. I refused to e out from my room inspite of all their pleading. The rest of the day passed. When I woke up, the room was in plete darkness. I realized that I had fallen asleep. The whole house was quite except for a continuous rattling noise. It was my mother’s sewing machine.

Above the rattling, I heard my mother’s cough. My conscience pricked me but I decided against doing anything. When I woke up the next morning, she was still poring over the clothes, sewing buttons on them. She had stayed up the whole night? I went to school as usual. When I returned home, my mother was waiting for me at the door. She held out her hand. “Happy Birthday,” she said. She pointed her finger to one corner of the room. There, in the corner, beside her sewing machine, stood the bicycle, all shining and new. I could not bring myself to talk. Instead, copious tears streamed down my cheeks and I was seized with sudden, uncontrollable sobs. How terribly selfish and inconsiderate I had been! There was a gentle pat on my shoulder. I turned to face my mother. Her loving arms locked me in warm embrace as she gently rocked me. Even now, whenever I think about the incident, tears well up in my eyes. It was one of the many sacrifices my mother had made for me.

Name: CHAN SHIAO TING Age: 18 Birth date: 10.08.1992 Address: SMJK CHIO MIN KULIM, KEDAH DARUL AMAN.

: 683, JALAN KEMPAS 26, TAMAN KEMPAS INDAH 3, 09000 KULIM, KEDAH. No. telephone: 012-5111550 Form: 6 RS 2

篇四:《《My mother》英语作文》

My mother looks younger.She has long hair.She is a teacher and she is teaching English in a middle school.She is kind and hardworking.She likes her students.Her lessons are very interesting and all her students like her.She does all the housework for the family.She can cook delicious food.I love her very much.

篇五:《my mother作文》

"Long, long ago, there was an island in the distant sea,where lived a fairy who was said be able to make a child lovely and bright. One day, ..." As the story went on, MumPs voice grew fainter and fainter, when she gently looked down at me.Then a melodious song came into my ear as if music made by the angels flying in the faraway sky. Gradually, Mom's smile dimmed, and her glittering eyes were just like the brightest stars on the dark blue curtain of night...

Countless nights had passed in this way during my infancy. In my naive heart, Mother's voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. Even now I still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before I fell asleep. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.To me, Mother's panionship was the most important thing in my childhood. Mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. She taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,excitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. She is quite at home in literature because of her active and

imaginative mind. Every new experience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her.

I went off to college, but Mum is still always in my memory. I could hear her voice every time I fell short in anything.From breast to cradle to reassuring hug, Mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. However, she never expressed herself. Upon my entry into university, when she and Father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. I knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my

presence. This separation would last nearly five months during which she could not see me. She was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. I was{my,mother}.

refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an exact person like her. Later, Father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. I knew that, because I love you, Mum, and you

already knew that too.

篇六:《my mother's gift》

my mother's gift

My Mother's Gift

I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age , not so long ago , when children could go home for lunch and find their mothers waiting.

At the time, I did not consider this a luxury, although today it certainly would be. I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers, the finger-painting appreciators and the homework monitors. I never questioned that this ambitious, intelligent woman, who had had a career before I was born and would eventually return to a career, would spend almost every lunch hour throughout my elementary school years just with me.

I only knew that when the noon bell rang, I would race breathlessly home. My mother would be standing at the top of the stairs, smiling down at me with a look that suggested I was the only important thing she had on her mind. For this, I am forever grateful.

Some sounds bring it all back: the highpitched squeal of my mother's teakettle, the rumble of the washing machine in the basement and the jangle of my dog's license tags as she bounded down the stairs to greet me. Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that now pervade my life. One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always. I had been picked to be the

princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly rehearsed my lines with me. But no matter how easily I delivered them at home, as soon as I stepped onstage, every word disappeared from my head.

Finally, my teacher took me aside. She explained that she had written a narrator's part to the play, and asked me to switch roles. Her word, kindly delivered, still stung, especially when I saw my part go to another girl.

I didn't tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day. But she sensed my unease, and instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked If I wanted to walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine on the trellis was turning green. Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our

landscape with dabs of gold .I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the clumps. "I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds, "she said, yanking a blossom up by its roots. "From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden. "

"But I like dandelions, " I protested. "All flowers are beautiful-even dandelions. "My mother looked at me seriously. "Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn't it?" She asked thoughtfully. I nodded, pleased that I had won her over. "And that is true of people too, " she added. "Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that.

Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened. She listened and smiled reassuringly.

"But you will be a beautiful narrator, " she said , reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her . "The narrator's part is every bit as important as the part of a princess. "

Over the next few weeks, with her constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking abut what I would wear.{my,mother}.

Backstage the night of the performance, I felt nervous. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me. "Your mother asked me to give this to you, " she said, handing me a dandelion. Its edges were already beginning to curl and it flopped lazily from its stem. But just looking at it, knowing my mother was out there and thinking of our lunchtime talk, made me proud .

After the play , I took home the flower I had stuffed in the apron of my costume . My mother pressed it between two sheets of paper toweling in a dictionary , laughing as she did it that we were perhaps the only people who would press such a sorry-looking weed .

I often look back on our lunchtimes together , bathed in the soft midday light . They were the mas in my childhood , the pauses that told me life is not savored in premeasured increment , but in the sum of daily rituals and small pleasures we casually share with loved ones . Over peanut-butter sandwiches and chocolate-chip cookies , I learned that love , first and foremost , means being there for the little things .

A few months ago , my mother came to visit , I took off a day from work and treated her to lunch. The restaurant bustled with noontime activity as businesspeople made deals and glanced at their watches . In the middle of all this sat my mother , now retired , and I . From her face I could see that she relished the pace of the work world .

"Mom , you must have been terribly bored staying at home when I was a child , " I said .

"Bored? Housework is boring . But you were never boring . "

I didn't believe her , so I pressed . "Surely children are not as stimulating as a career. "

"A career is stimulating , " she said . "I'm glad I had one . But a career is like an open balloon. It remains inflated only as long as you keep pumping . A child is a seed . You water it . You care for it the best you

can . And then it grows all by itself into a beautiful flower . "

Just then , looking at her , I could picture us sitting at her kitchen table once again , and I understood why I kept that flaky brown dandelion in our old family dictionary pressed between two crumpled bits of paper towel.


我是在一个小镇上长大的,从镇上的小学校到我家, 只需步行10分钟。离当前不算太太久远的那个时代 , 小学生可以回家吃午饭,而他们的母亲,则会老早在家等候着。

这一切对如今的孩子来说,无疑是一种奢望了,可是那时的我,却并不以为然。 我觉得做母亲的给她的孩子制作三明治,鉴赏指画,检查他们的家庭作业,都是理所当然的事。我从来没有想过:像我母亲这样一个颇有抱负又很聪明的女人,在我降生之前,她有一份工作,而且后来她又谋了份差事,可是,在我上小学那几年,她却几乎天天陪着我吃午饭,一同打发午餐时的每一分钟。


如今,每当我听到一些声音,像母亲那把茶壶水开时发出的尖叫声,地下室洗衣机的隆隆声,还有, 我那条狗蹦下台阶冲我摇头摆尾时它脖子上那牌照发出的撞击声,便会勾起我对往事的回忆。和母亲在一起的岁月,全然没有充斥于我的生活中的、事先排定的虚情假意的日程表。我永远忘不了在我上三年级时的那一顿午饭。在那天之前,我被学校选中,要在一个即将演出的小剧中扮演公主的角色。一连好几个礼拜,母亲总是不辞辛劳地陪着我,一起背诵台词。可是,不管在家里怎么背得滚瓜烂熟,只要一上舞台,我的脑子里就成了一片空白。终于,老师把我叫到了一边。她说剧中旁白这个角色的台词已写好了,想把我替换下来当旁白。尽管老师这些话说得和和气气,可还是刺痛了我的心,特别是当我发觉自己扮演的公主角色让另外一个女孩顶替时,更是如此。那天回家吃午饭时我没有把这事告诉母亲。然而,母亲见我心神不定,因此没有再提练习背台词的事儿,而是问我愿意不愿意到院子里散散步。那真是一个可爱的春日,棚架上蔷薇的藤蔓正在转青。在一些高大的榆树下面,我们可以看到,一丛丛黄色的蒲公英冒出草坪,仿佛是一位画家为了给眼前的美景增色而着意加上的点点金色。我看到母亲在一簇花丛旁漫不经心地弯下身来。"我看得把这些野草都拨了,"她说着,一边使劲把一丛蒲公英连根拨出。"往后咱这园子里只让长蔷薇花。""可是我喜欢蒲公英,"我不满地说,"凡是花都好看--蒲公英也不例外。"{my,mother}.





英语口语培训 /

篇七:《小学英语作文-MY MOTHER》

小学英语作文---MY MOTHER

My mother My mother is 33 this year. She has two big eyes, a smally noose and a smally mouth. Her hair is long and brown. She is a beauiful woman.

My mother is a nurse. She works in a People Hospital. She often wears a white uniform. No wonder people call nurses “white angle”. She works carefully and she is friendly to her patints. They all like her. She is busy. Every day, she works for eight hour in a day time. Sometimes, she is on duty in the evening. After work in the afternoon she goes back home. She makes a big dinner for father and me. It is a delicious meal, decause she is goodat cooking.

I love my mother, I think she is the best mother in the world.