
第一篇 when,is,your,birthday?教学反思

Unit 8. When is your birthday ?教学反思

Section A (1a—1c)

平安三中 沈芬婷

本课是新目标英语七年级上册第八单元Section A (1a) 部分。在上这节课前我将本课的教学内容制定为:1.学习1—12月份的单词;2.学习1—31的序数词;3.教授询问 When is your birthday ? My birthday is …;4.完成听力1b 。


1. 学生通过数数来复习基数词,这一活动简单易行,让学生在实际操作中运用,体验所学的语言知识,并为学习日期的说法起到了很好的引导作用。体现了在用中学的思想。通过这样的活动,摆脱了机械的读,写,学生非常乐意去学习,有效的培养了学生的学习兴趣,利用日历教学十二个月生词,形象直观。

2. 学生在初步掌握了 When is your birthday ? 句型之后,小组练习互相询问生日,不仅在任务中巩固语言并且增进了同学之间的情感,培养了学生团结,合作的品质和合作,探究的精神以及用所学语言解决实际问题的能力。

3. 课外作业的布置也有效的巩固了所学语言知识,学生的知识得到了有益的延伸。


1. 备课前要钻研教学大纲,通读、熟悉教材,驾驭 教材,收集大量信息。不能只通读一课或一个单元,必须通读全套教材。这样才能准确制定出单元教学目标和各课教学目标,才能把各课教学目标分解成相应时数的课时教学目标,为提高课堂效率作好保障。

2. 任务设计时,应考虑学生的生活经历和英语语言表达水平,不然学生“有话说不出来”,任务再新鲜巧妙,也是白费。 创设真实的情景,使学生将所学的语言结构应用到生活实际中,培养他们运用英语知识进行交际的能力。达到学中用,用中学的目的。

3. 在本节课小组活动中,好学生“动”起来了,学困生却“袖手旁观”。对学困生应多进行赏识教育,帮助和鼓励他们大胆发言,积极参与,建立自信。尤其要注意体察学生在课堂上的心理感受,亲近学生,使学生喜爱英语教师和英语课,从而提高英语课堂教学的效益。

4. 精心设计作业 ,不同层次的学生布置难易程度不同的作业,并且尽量增强作业的趣味性。从易到难,从基础到能力,从师生活动到生生活动,到小组活动,再到班级活动等等,从而形成一个互相交互的网,让学生在真实情景中或具体的任务活动中运用语言,掌握语言,达到学以致用的目的。


第二篇 when,is,your,birthday?教学反思


1、掌握十二个月份的名称、序数词1到31的表达法、单词date happy age old birthday party trip art festival Chinese music year,了解speech contest how old basketball game volleyball game school day year old及八个人名。


When is your birthday? My birthday is…/It’s…

When is Vera’s birthday? Vera’s birthday is…/It’s…

及扩展句型How old are you? I am thirteen.




The 1st period::Section A:1a、2a、1b、1c

The 2nd period:Section A:2b、2c、2d、Self check 3

The 3rd period:Section A:3a、3b、Section B:1、2a、2bwhen,is,your,birthday?教学反思

The 4th period Section B:3a、3b、4、Self check 1.2

The first period

Teaching Contents and Analysis

Teaching materials:SectionA:1a、2a、1b、1c)

Teaching aims

1、Sub Topic: Talk about the dates

2、Language focus: When is your birthday?

3、Vocabulary: January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third thirty-first when birthday month year


When is your birthday? My birthday is

language point

vocabulary:January February March April May June July August September October

November December first second third thirty-first when birthday month year

sentences:When is your birthday? My birthday is

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:

1、Important Points:十二月份的认读。

2、Difficult Points:如何熟练掌握十二个月份的词汇。

Teaching steps

Teaching Procedures

Step 1:Warming up

1. Listen to the birthday song.

2. Sing together

3. Ask when is my birthday?

Step 2:Presentation

T:When is my birthday? My birthday is March

12th.And when is your birthday? You may answer it inwhen,is,your,birthday?教学反思


T:There are 12 months in a year. They are


ember,October,November and December(

a revise from one to thirty-one












c Listen and repeat 2a(Section A)

d Do some practice about the date

e Practice

f Ask and answer

When is your birthday? My birthday is…

Step 3:Practice

a Listen and repeat 1a 2b 1c

b Pair work

Student A:When is your birthday?

Student B:My birthday is…

c Ask some pairs to actwhen,is,your,birthday?教学反思

Step 4:Interview

One may go out of your seat to interview anyone

you like, Then do a report.when,is,your,birthday?教学反思

Step 5:Task after class



3查寻Self check 3里人物的出生日期

The second period

Teaching Contents and Analysis

Teaching materials:SectionA:2b、2c、2d、Self check3)

Teaching aims




4、 Sub Topic: Talk about the dates Language focus: When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is… Vocabulary: some names: Vera Jeff Leila Robert Structure: When is Nick’s birthday? His birthday is…

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:

1、Important Points:在上节课的基础上学习询问朋友或家人的生日。

2、Difficult Points:谈论他人的生日。

Teaching steps

Teaching Procedures

Step 1:Warming up

Step 2:Revision

1 Listen and repeat 1a,2a(Section A)

2 2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in

2a(Section A)

3 Practice


1.3月12日 2.8月8日

4.7月20日 5.12月1日 8.11月2日 6.9月9日 7.4月3日 11.6月23日3.1月5日 9.2月14日 10.5月30日 12.10月21日

4 Pair work

T:When is your birthday?

Student A:My birthday is…

T:What about you,***?

Student B:My birthday is…

T:And what about you,***?

Step 3 Presentation

1 Do you know when Leila’s birthday is? Now let’s

listen and match the names, months and dates in 2c

2 Practice in pairs according to2c(Section A)

When is Leila’s birthday?




Her/His birthday is…

如Mick’s cat Tom’s bag Jane’s desk Robert’s CD

your father’s car your mother’s name等。)

Step 3、Pair work

Ask and answer in pairs; write down the answers on

your book in 2d.

Step 4、Self check 3

Look at the photos of these famous people. Talk

about their birthdays in groups.

Step 5 Task after class







The third period

Teaching Contents and Analysis

Teaching materials:Section A:3a、3b、Section B:1、2a、2b

Teaching aims

Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages

Language focus and structure: When is your birthday? My birthday is…

How old are you? I am fifteen.

Vocabulary: date age how old speech contest party trip

Language points

词汇:date age how old speech contest party trip

句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is…

How old are you? I am fifteen.

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:

1、Important Points:能阐述自己和朋友的年龄,

2、Difficult Points:如何让学生接受一些他们没有经历过的活动。

Teaching steps

Teaching Procedures

Step 1:Warming up

1 Chatting Chat with the students about their


2 Play a guessing game Guess some


Step 2:Presentation

1、When is your birthday? My birthday is…

How old are you? I am fifteen.

2、Practice in pairs

3、Choose an ID card and make a conversation in

3a(Section A)

4、Group work 3b and 4(Section A)

a Ask and answer about your name, your birthday

and your age.

b Practice again, using your own name, age and date

of birth. Then ask some pairs to act.(Four students a

group)Rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest.

Report about your name, your birthday and your age one

by one from the youngest to the oldest.

eg. My name is***

I’m fifteen.

My birthday is…

Step 3:Match the pictures with the events.(Section

B 1)

Write the correct letter next to the word.

a Let the students match the pictures

b Have them guess the meaning

c Then teach the new words.

Step 4:Listening

2a Listen and check the events above that you hear.

Then listen again and fill in Joe’s calendar in 2b(Section


Step 5:Pairwork

Ask and answer about 2b(Section B)

Step 6:Task after class

1、 Make an ID card including sex, your name, your

birthday, your age, your hobbies and your telephone


2、Read and copy the new words.

The fourth period

Teaching Contents and Analysis

Teaching materials:Section B:3a、3b、4、Self check 1.2 Teaching aims

Sub Topic: Talk about the dates and ages

Language focus and structure: When is the school trip? It’s…

Vocabulary: Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music Language points

词汇:Volleyball game school day art festival Chinese music 句型:When is the school trip? It’s…

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:

1、Important Points:正确认识学校的各项活动的展开。 2、Difficult Points:如何合理地安排学校的履历表。 Teaching steps

Teaching Procedures

第三篇 when,is,your,birthday?教学反思
《《When is your birthday》单元教学设计》

《When is your birthday》单元教学设计


1、掌握十二个月份的名称、序数词1到31的表达法、单词date happy age old birthday party trip art festival Chinese music year,了解speech contest how old basketball game volleyball game sch ool day year old及八个人名。


When is your birthday?My birthday is…/It’s… When is Vera’s birthday?Vera’s birthday is…/It’s… 及扩展句型How old are you?I am thirteen.

3、能用所学到的语言知识与实际生活结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 4、培养学生积极主动的学习心理状态,调动学习内驱力,通过两人对话、小组活动、查询一些名人的生日等一系列活动,培养学生的交际能力和学习主动性。


The 1st period::Section A:1a、2a、1b、1c

The 2nd period:Section A:2b、2c、2d、Self check 3 The 3rd period:Section A:3a、3b、Section B:1、2a、2b The 4th period Section B:3a、3b、4、Self check 1.2

The first period

Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析) Teaching materials(教学内容):SectionA:1a、2a、1b、1c) Teaching aims(教学目标)

1、Sub Topic:Talk about the dates 2、Language focus:When is your birthday?

3、Vocabulary:January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third~thirty-first when

birthday month year


When is your birthday?My birthday is language points(语言点)

词汇:January February March April May June July August September October November December first second third~thirty-first when birthday month year

句型:When is your birthday?My birthday is

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析):

1、Important Points(重点):十二月份的认读。

2、Difficult Points(难点):如何熟练掌握十二个月份的词汇。 Teaching steps

The second period

Teaching Contents and Analysis(教学内容与分析)

Teaching materials(教学内容):SectionA:2b、2c、2d、Self check3) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1、 2、 is…

3、 4、

Vocabulary:some names:Vera Jeff Leila Robert

Structure:When is Nick’s birthday?His birthday is… Sub Topic:Talk about the dates

Language focus:When is your mother’s birthday?Her birthday

Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching(教学重点、难点分析):

1、Important Points(重点):在上节课的基础上学习询问朋友或家人的生日。

2、Difficult Points(难点):谈论他人的生日。 Teaching steps

第四篇 when,is,your,birthday?教学反思

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

Section A (1a—1c)

课型: 新授课


英语新目标教材Unit 8的主题是Talk about dates. Section A (1a-1c) When is your birthday?的语言功能是口头运用When is your birthday?询问别人的生日时间,并能用My birthday is on ......回答。





1.能听懂、会说、并认读单词party when March May April October.

2.能听懂、会说并运用句型When is your birthday?及其答语My birthday is in ......


能口头运用When is your birthday?询问别人的生日时间,并能用My birthday is in ......来表达自己的月份。





①单词party when March May April October的听说认读

②能听懂、会说并运用句型When is your birthday?及其答语My birthday is on ......


①单词party when的读音。

②句型When is your birthday?及其答语My birthday is on ......的熟练运用。


