




Dan Ariely:别忘了时常给听众讲一些易于操作的方法。因为无论你的演讲信息多么鼓舞人心,其实听众更关心的是能从中学到任何可实践的方法。有启发的演讲当然很棒,但远比不上一个实用的点子:请永远不用害怕去说“今晚,还在苦苦挣扎的他们,明天这些观念和方法就会拯救他们”。


Malcolm Gladwell:如果在你正在演讲的过程中,突然有人打断你来问问题。那其实很棒,说明有人在听啊!请抓住这个时机。如果这个问题是你之后幻灯片里将提到的,可以先行跳过(如果你已经熟练应对这样的处境)。其实,最好的演讲就像在舒服的对话一般,即便看上去像是单向的。所以,不要放过任何可制造互动的机会,也绝不要试图脱离你的听众。


Nigel Marsh:当你问听众问题时,他们总显得很被动。相反,如果当你问一个你已经预设听众“做不到”的问题时,你同样也可自我回答“没关系,其实我也做不到”。接着就解释你为什么做不到以及哪些是你试图做到的。其实,大部分的演讲者总是看上去光鲜的,事实上他们同样在工作生活上也常常感到无能为力,只是他们愿不愿意承认罢了。适时地承认自己的“无能”不仅可以给人亲切感,听众也更愿意听你“有能”的地方。


Amy Cuddy:先让我们从一些准备的建议开始。多巴胺和肾上腺素能帮助我们大脑快速运转。他们都是来自蛋白质所分泌的酪氨酸和氨基酸。所以你想做最好的自己时,请确认你已经从食物中获得足够的蛋白质。不要最后一分钟才想起这个重要性。因为在你最后紧张的时刻,可能根本想不起“吃”这回事。


Nilofer Merchant:当你感觉紧张或者有压力时,你的肾上腺素会分泌“皮质醇”。但是皮质醇分泌越多,你面对问题时的创造力和能力都会双双受限。当你一直处于皮质醇过程中,很难静心阅读和做出正常反应。其实最好摆脱“皮质醇”的方式就是运动。当你放下工作准备去吃午饭时,可以小走一会,或者在你要演讲前去去健身房。(如果你已经开始一个固定的锻炼,你就知道我在说什么)


Simon Sinek:如果你和我一样,面对“假如……怎么办?”这种问题会陷入极大的焦虑,比如面对“假如你的幻灯片放不出来怎么办”、“假如有听众不停地打断你的演讲怎么办”、“如果你的开场白毫无共鸣”等问题。你可以挑选两个你最担忧的问题准备应急计划。如果真的遇到你幻灯片放不出或者演讲时间把控有误时,会发现准备应急计划不仅不是浪费时间,它其实帮助你更好地预测到突发状况,即使出现任何意料外的状况也不易表现慌张。


Daniel Pink:“迷信”这一观念正是反映我们内心相对自己担忧的事想有控制权。(就像幸运袜也未必能帮助运动员表现更好)。摒弃“迷信”的最好方式是建立一个有帮助的提前准备,它更利于你掌握主动权。比如计算入场的路线和时间、测试麦克风、在现场先预演一遍你的演讲……提早预演促使每一次的演讲都有备无患,也帮助你因为熟悉而充满自信。


Brene Brown:当你代表一个慈善机构在大众面前做演说时,你可能觉得自己的演讲没法到达原定效果。基本上他们起初尝试听最后还是放弃了。如果你本指望因为演讲就能促使签合作协议,可能是你想多了,不如转换一个思路,用其他的方式再试试。如果你也不清楚自己想要什么,又如何能实现呢?当你原本思路没法走通时,何不保持一个积极、专注的心态换一个说法继续呢?


Elizabeth Gilbert:现在,我们来试试与众不同的方式来提升你的演讲影响力吧。很多演讲者总愿意讲一些他们自嘲的故事,但是这简单承认自己一个错误其实只是在浪费时间。相反,当你讲述自己的故事时,其实带有你当时的情绪,或悲伤或哭泣或懊恼,这个故事就完全不一样了。听众最想看到的是你当时最真实的反应,这也才是你与听众连接的最有效方式。感情的真实表露比语言技巧更加打动人心。


Seth Godin:如果你暂停2-3秒钟,观众以为你只是想不起要接下来要讲的主题。5秒钟过去后,他们开始意识到这暂停是刻意的。10秒钟过去,听众会情



Susan Cain:我从来没听人说过:“我今天去听一个讲座,那个人的线条图做的好棒呀。”但我会听人说:“你知道吗,但你脸红的时候,你的胃壁也会发红的”。一些令人出奇的事实或者不寻常的类比都可以加入你的演讲中,观众其实很享



Jason Fried:大多数人认为演讲台上的演讲者总在售卖他们的产品或者服务,他们极力争取更多的顾客、尝试建立更广阔的影响力。想想看,一定程度上的销售只会加剧更为压抑的演讲气氛。但是,当你把话题的重点放在如何更使听众受益的角度,而不添加更多商业的成分,局势就完全不一样了。当你从他们的角度出发,真心为他们更好的生活品质着想,你最后即使有销售的成分,他们同样



Tom Wujec:现在,我们讲一件你应该不要再做的事。很多演讲者在演讲前总爱找这样的借口:“其实我没有太多时间准备”或者“我准备不够充分”。找借口并不能让你获得任何听众好感度,只会加深他们的反感:“那干嘛来浪费我们时间呢?”。你其实最应该做的事就是别再找借口。


Sheryl Sandberg:不要等到站在台上,你才开始调麦克风、调灯光、调遥控器或者准备你的演讲内容。这一切都应该事先就做好。如果还有人准备这样做,请告诉他“你准备失败吧”。如果前期准备工作确实没做好,演讲者还是应该看上去自信,并且微笑着面对一切问题。面对出错,才是真正考验你临场应变能力。


Michael Porter:这是一个简单的经验之谈:你幻灯片上的字数应该是你观众年龄的二倍。一般来说你的字数可以保持在60-80字左右。如果你执意在幻灯页中加入过多的文字,过大的文字信息量只会适得其反。


Kelly McGonigal:在你演讲时,观众一般都会快速浏览你的幻灯片。如果他们在特别认真地在读你的幻灯片,可能没法听到你在讲什么,但是如果你自己还读幻灯片的内容,那你就真的没有听众了。你的PPT内容只是强调你演讲的重点,它们不能成为你要演讲的重点。


Steve Jobs:从这一刻开始,不要总说“请关掉你的手机”这样的傻话了,因为没人真会这么做(而且这只会让你看上去像个讨厌鬼而已),你该做的是尽量牢牢抓住他们的吸引力。尝试让你的演讲充满趣味、更加娱乐、还不时跳出各种激励人的话语,这样他们会情不自禁被你吸引。其实观众并没有义务一定要听,本事在于你怎么吸引他们来听。


David Blaine:除非场内麦克风声音足够响,要不然不是每个观众都能听清其他观众询问的问题。所以请重复观众提出的问题,并耐心地回答。这不仅是一个礼貌的举动,你重复问题的同时,也给你额外的时间思考最佳的回答。


Richard St. John:你的听众可能演讲听到一半,已经通过他们的个人认知得出自己的看法。所以你应该适时地重复你的观点或强调几个关键点。你首先摆明一个观点,然后通过形象的例子来证明你的观点,然后还可以帮助听众在这个观点上做一些实际的应用。没人可以记住你说的每一句话,你适时的重复才会帮助他们记住,并付出实践。


Angela Lee Duckworth:如果你有30分钟的演讲时间,你就讲25分钟。如果人家给你一个小时,你可以讲50分钟。尊重听众的时间那就提早结束吧。这就要求你精炼你的演讲内容。比如你的演讲要转化主题时如何巧妙的衔接。如果早结束就可以问听众是否有问题,或者邀请他们在演讲结束后和你交流。请不要拖长你的演讲时间,因为对你演讲内容的好印象也会消失耗尽。

本文由英锐教育(enreachedu.)原创首发,作者Jeff Haden,原文刊登于美国著名《INC.》主流商业报刊网站,中文翻译之夕。



Dan Ariely——“How we make decision”

Malcolm Gladwell——“happiness”

Nigel Marsh——“work/life balance”

Amy Cuddy——“the power of body”

Nilofer Merchant——“walking meetings”

Simon Sinek ——“the way good leaders make us feel”

Daniel Pink——“motivation”

Brene Brown ——“the power of vulnerability”


Why TED talks are better than the last speech you sat through


Think about the last time you heard someone give a speech, or any formal presentation. Maybe it was so long that you were either overwhelmed with data, or you just tuned the speaker out. If PowerPoint was involved, each slide was probably loaded with at least 40 words or figures, and odds are that you don't remember more than a tiny bit of what they were supposed to show. 回想一下你上次聆听某人发表演讲或任何正式陈述的情形。它也许太长了,以至于你被各种数据搞得头昏脑胀,甚或干脆不理会演讲者。如果演讲者使用了PPT文档,那么每张幻灯片很可能塞入了至少40个单词或数字,但你现在或许只记得一丁点内容。

Pretty uninspiring, huh? Talk Like TED: 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of The World's Best Mindsexamines why in prose that's as lively and appealing as, well, a TED talk. Timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary in March of those now-legendary TED conferences, the book draws on current brain science to explain what wins over, and fires up, an audience -- and what doesn't. Author Carmine Gallo also studied more than 500 of the most popular TED speeches (there have been about 1,500 so far) and interviewed scores of the people who gave them.

相当平淡,是吧?《像TED那样演讲:全球顶级人才九大演讲秘诀》(Talk Like TED: 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of The World's Best Minds)一书以流畅的文笔审视了为什么TED演讲如此生动,如此引人入胜。出版方有意安排在今年3月份发行此书,以庆贺如今已成为经典的TED大会成立30周年。这部著作借鉴


Much of what he found out is surprising. Consider, for instance, the fact that each TED talk is limited to 18 minutes. That might sound too short to convey much. Yet TED curator Chris Anderson imposed the time limit, he told Gallo, because it's "long enough to be serious and short enough to hold people's attention ... By forcing speakers who are used to going on for 45 minutes to bring it down to 18, you get them to think about what they really want to say." It's also the perfect length if you want your message to go viral, Anderson says. 他挖出了不少令人吃惊的演讲策略。例如,每场TED演讲都被限制在18分钟以内。听起来太过短暂,似乎无法传达足够多讯息。然而,TED大会策办人克里斯•安德森决议推行这项时间限制规则,因为“这个时间长度足够庄重,同时又足够短,能够吸引人们的注意力。通过迫使那些习惯于滔滔不绝讲上45分钟的嘉宾把演讲时间压缩至18分钟,你就可以让他们认真思考他们真正想说的话,”他对加洛说。此外,安德森说,如果你希望你的讯息像病毒般扩散,这也是一个完美的时间长度。

Recent neuroscience shows why the time limit works so well: People listening to a presentation are storing data for retrieval in the future, and too much information leads to "cognitive overload," which gives rise to elevated levels of anxiety -- meaning that, if you go on and on, your audience will start to resist you. Even worse, they won't recall a single point you were trying to make.


"Albert Einstein once said, 'If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough,'" Gallo writes, adding that the physicist would have applauded astronomer David Christian who, at TED in 2011, narrated the plete history of the universe -- and Earth's place in it -- in 17 minutes and 40 seconds.

“爱因斯坦曾经说过,‘要是你不能言简意赅地解释某种理论,那就说明你自己都还没有理解透彻,’”加罗写道。他还举例说,物理学家或许会大加赞赏天文学家大卫•克里斯蒂安在2011年TED大会上发表的演讲。克里斯蒂安在这个演讲中完整地讲述了宇宙史及地球在宇宙的地位,整场演讲用时只有17分40秒。 Gallo offers some tips on how to boil a plex presentation down to 18 minutes or so, including what he calls the "rule of three," or condensing a plethora of ideas into three main points, as many top TED talkers do. He also notes that, even if a speech just can't be squeezed down that far, the effort alone is bound to improve it: "Your presentation will be far more creative and impactful simply by going through the exercise."


Then there's PowerPoint. "TED represents the end of PowerPoint as we know it," writes Gallo. He hastens to add that there's nothing wrong with PowerPoint as a tool, but that most speakers unwittingly make it work against them by cluttering up their slides with way too many words (40, on average) and numbers.



The remedy for that, based on the most riveting TED talks: If you must use slides, fill them with a lot more images. Once again, research backs this up, with something academics call the Picture Superiority Effect: Three days after hearing or reading a set of facts, most people will remember about 10% of the information. Add a photo or a drawing, and recall jumps to 65%.

最吸引人的TED演讲为我们提供了一个补救策略:如果你必须使用幻灯片,务必记得要大量运用图像资源。这种做法同样有科学依据,它就是研究人员所称的“图优效应”(Picture Superiority Effect):听到或读到一组事实三天后,大多数人会记得大约10%的信息。而添加一张照片或图片后,记忆率将跃升至65%。 One study, by molecular biologist John Medina at the University of Washington School of Medicine, found that not only could people recall more than 2,500 pictures with at least 90% accuracy several days later, but accuracy a whole year afterward was still at about 63%.

华盛顿大学医学院(University of Washington School of Medicine)分子生物学家约翰•梅迪纳主持的研究发现,几天后,人们能够回想起超过2,500张图片,准确率至少达到90%;一年后的准确率依然保持在63%左右。

That result "demolishes" print and speech, both of which were tested on the same group of subjects, Medina's study indicated, which is something worth bearing in mind for anybody hoping that his or her ideas will be remembered. 梅迪纳的研究表明,这个结果“完胜”印刷品和演讲的记忆效果(由同一组受试者测试)。任何一位希望自己的思想被听众铭记在心的演讲者或许都应该记住这一点。


ted精彩演讲:坠机让我学到的三件事 imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000

ft. imagine a plane full of smoke. imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack, clack,

clack, clack, clack. it sounds scary. 想像一个大爆炸,当你在三千多英尺的高空;想

像机舱内布满黑烟,想像引擎发出喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦、喀啦的声响,听起来很可怕。 well i had a unique seat that day. i was sitting in 1d. i was the only one who

can talk to the flight attendants. so i looked at them right away, and they said,

no problem. we probably hit some birds. the pilot had already turned the plane around,

and we werent that far. you could see manhattan. 那天我的位置很特別,我坐在1d,我是唯一可以和空服员说话的人,于是我立刻看着他

们,他们说,“没问题,我们可能撞上鸟了。” 机长已经把机头转向,我们离目的地很近,已


two minutes later, 3 things happened at the same time. the pilot lines up the

plane with the hudson river. thats usually not the route. he turns off the engines.

now imagine being in a plane with no sound. and then he says 3 words-the most

unemotional 3 words ive ever heard. he says, brace for impact. 两分钟以后,三件事情同时发生:机长把飞机对齐哈德逊河,一般的航道可不是这样。


个字,他说,“即将迫降,小心冲击。” i didnt have to talk to the flight attendant anymore. i could see in her eyes,

it was terror. life was over. 我不用再问空服员什么了。我可以在她眼神里看到恐惧,人生结束了。 now i want to share with you 3 things i learned about myself that day. 现在我

想和你们分享那天我所学到的三件事。 i leant that it all changes in an instant. we have this bucket list, we have these

things we want to do in life, and i thought about all the people i wanted to reach

out to that i didnt, all the fences i wanted to mend, all the experiences i wanted

to have and i never did. as i thought about that later on, i came up with a saying, which is, collect bad wines.

because if the wine is ready and the person is there, im opening it. i no longer want

to postpone anything in life. and that urgency, that purpose, has really changed my




之后我回想那些事,我想到一句话,那就是,“我收藏的酒都很差。” 因为如果酒已成熟,分



the second thing i learnt that day - and this is as we clear the george washington

bridge, which was by not a lot - i thought about, wow, i really feel one real regret,

ive lived a good life. in my own humanity and mistaked, ive tired to get better at

everything i tried. but in my humanity, i also allow my ego to get in. and i regretted

the time i wasted on things that did not matter with people that matter. and i thought

about my relationship with my wife, my friends, with people. and after, as i reflected

on that, i decided to eliminate negative energy from my life. its not perfect, but

its a lot better. ive not had a fight with my wife in 2 years. it feels great. i no

longer try to be right; i choose to be happy. 那天我学到的第二件事是,正当我们通过乔治华盛顿大桥,那也没过多久,我想,哇,





架,感觉很好,我不再尝试争论对错,我选择快乐。 that sadness really framed in one thought, which is, i only wish for one thing.

i only wish i could see my kids grow up. 我所学到的第三件事是,当你脑中的始终开始倒数“15,14,13”,看到水开始涌入,心

想,“拜托爆炸吧!” 我不希望这东西碎成20片,就像纪录片中看到的那样。当我们逐渐下




about a month later, i was at a performance by my daugter - first-grade, not much artistic talent... yet. and i m balling, im crying, like

a little kid. and it made all the sense in the world to me. i realized at that point

by connecting those two dots, that the only thing that matters in my life is being

a great dad. above all, above all, the only goal i have in life is to be a good dad. 一个月后,我参加女儿的表演,她一年级,没什么艺术天份,就算如此。我泪流满面,



一的目标就是做个好父亲。 那天我经历了一个奇迹,我活下來了。我还得到另一个启示,像是看见自己的未来再回


i challenge you guys that are flying today, imagine the same thing happens on your plane - and please dont - but imagine, and how would you change?

what would you get done that youre waiting to get done because you think youll be

here forever? how would you change your relationtships and the negative energy in

them? and more than anything, are you being the best parent you can? 我鼓励今天要坐飞机的各位,想像如果你坐的飞机出了同样的事,最好不要-但想像一


变你的人际关系,不再如此负面?最重要的是,你是否尽力成为一个好父母? thank you.篇二:你不必沉迷英语 ted演讲稿 我知道你们在想什么,你们觉得我迷路了,马上就会有人走上台温和地把我带回我的座


子的吗?这次要待多久呢? 恩,事实上,我希望能再待久一点。我在波斯湾这边生活和教书已经超过30年了。(掌







but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. a language dies

every 14 days. now, at the same time, english is the undisputed global language. could

there be a connection? well i dont know. but i do know that ive seen a lot of changes.

when i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still

a hardship post. actually, not that long ago. that is a little bit too early. but nevertheless, i was

recruited by the british council along with about 25 other teachers. and we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools

there in kuwait. we were brought to teach english because the government wanted to

modernize the country and empower the citizens through education. and of course, the

u.k. benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth. 但遗憾的是,今天很多语言正在






代化并透过教育提升公民的水平。当然,英国也能得到些好处,产油国可是很有钱的。 okay. now this is the major change that ive seen -- how teaching english has

morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on earth. and why not? after all, the best education --

according to the latest world university rankings -- is to be found in the universities

of the u.k. and the u.s. so everybody wants to have an english education, naturally.

but if youre not a native speaker, you have to pass a test. 言归正传,我见过最大的改变,就是英语教学的蜕变如何从一个互惠互利的行为变成今




然每个人都想接受英语教育,但如果你不是以英文为母语,你就要通过考试。 now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think so. we english teachers reject them all the time. we put a

stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks. they cant pursue their dream any longer,

till they get english. now let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british

university? i dont think so. but indeed, that is exactly what we do. we english

teachers are the

gatekeepers. and you have to satisfy us first that your english is good enough.

now it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of society. maybe

the barrier would be too universal. 但仅凭语言能力就拒绝学生这样对吗?譬如如果你碰到一位天才计算机科学家,但他会






权力交由这么小的一群人把持,也许会令这种障碍太过普及。 okay. but, i hear you say, what about the research? its all in english. so the

books are in english, the journals are done in english, but that is a self-fulfilling .

it feeds the english requirement. and so it goes on. i ask you, what happened to

translation? if you think about the islamic golden age, there was lots of translation then. they translated from latin and

greek into arabic, into persian, and then it was translated on into the germanic

languages of europe and the romance languages. and so light shone upon the dark ages

of europe. now dont get me wrong; i am not against teaching english, all you english

teachers out there. i love it that we have a global language. we need one today more

than ever. but i am against using it as a barrier. do we really want to end up with

600 languages and the main one being english, or chinese? we need more than that.

where do we draw the line? this system equates intelligence with a knowledge of english

which is quite . 于是,我听到你们问但是研究呢?研究报告都要用英文。”的确,研究论著和期刊都要用

