

学会独立作文600字 独立是夜幕中的一丝微光,虽然很淡,但也能冲破黑暗。 独立是大海里的一块木板,虽然很小,但也能拯救生命。 独立是烧杯内的一种催化剂,虽然很少,但也能改变速率。 要成功,我们就要学会独立。 独立能够锻炼人的意志。曾经看过飞虎队的训练,他们要自己一个人背着几十斤的石头,绕着山跑十几圈。在这个过程中,他们如果摔倒了,要自己站起来,不能够让他人帮忙。不难发现,他们这样做是为了锻炼自己的意志。试想一下,飞虎队不能独立,其后果是怎样?国际恐怖组织是一只猛虎,在他们的尖牙下,飞虎队就会在一瞬间让自己的生命面临危险,人们,社会,国家也会变得动荡不安。是独立,让木棉花尽情绽放出它的美,也是独立,让世界上所有的人在人生的舞台上肆意歌舞。 独立能使我们的国家变得更加强大。在封建社会的腐蚀下,从古代起,中国的发展就比西方发达国家慢。随着世界全球化的发展,各种各样的思想冲击着我们。我国是世界上最大的发展中国家,但我们能够满足这个称号吗?要跻身发达国家的行列,但在国际分工中我们只能拥有利润最少的一部分,这样可以吗?大树有了坚固的根,因此它可以茁壮成长。雄鹰有了健壮的翅膀,所以他能够自由翱翔。独立就是那坚固的根,那让中华民族迅速崛起的坚固的根;独立就是那健壮的翅膀,那让我们在世界翱翔的

健壮的翅膀。虎门销烟,简历经济特区,这一次次的独立,都让我们的国家变得更加强大。 没有了独立,那意味着什么? 抛弃独立,在黑暗中我们只会是一只盲头苍蝇,毫无方向。 舍弃独立,在大海里我们只能够随波逐流,朝不虑夕。 丢弃独立,在国际上我们只会原地踏步,为后人耻笑。 在新的时代里,一次次新的独立,那就象征着一次次新的成功。过去的夜幕已不再黑暗,新生的太阳正从东方升起。 迈出独立的一小步,迎接我们的,将是成功的一大步。











广东省清远市佛冈县汤塘镇围镇小学五年级 指导老师:冯国英 《第一次当家作文400字》


精选作文:学习独立(450字)作文 学习独立 现在的小孩子,在家里几乎都是“小皇帝”“小公主”,家长整天围着孩子转。我认为这样不好。 我们应该自己学会做一些事,帮家长分担一些。要学习独立,不能什么事都依赖家长。 就像《桃花心

木》这篇课文告诉我们的道理一样:在艰苦环境中要自立自强,克服依赖性,学习独立。 同时我也想对家长说,你们应该放手了,是时候让我们尝试着自己去做一些事,学习独立了。我们已经长大了,请你们不要再担心了。 我还想对那些自己不愿意,不敢去尝试的同学说。我们终有一天会长大,父母也终有一天会老。如果一直依赖父母,那父母老了我们该怎摸办? 我很庆幸我有这样的妈妈。我第一次尝试做一件事时,他不用担心我会搞杂,放心的把一切交给我,并且鼓励我去做。就这样,我会整理好自己所有的东西,有时还会帮妈妈做饭。 任何事都要学,只要你肯,就没有做不到的事,就像我。 所以,请同学们在以后的日子里学习独立、自主,不要再依赖父母,不再什么事都让父母帮你做。 六一班裴思佳 辅导老师刘书敏

篇一:独立 小作文



童年应该是每个人最快乐的时光,每天无忧无虑的生活。可以一整天都不用学习,可以想做什么就做什么,就算闯了祸也不会被妈妈责骂,还会有许多好吃的,有好多的小朋友在一起玩。可是后来呢,我们上了中学,上了高中,上了大学。渐渐地要学会独立,学会自己照顾自己,没有什么是永远都不会变得,所以只有学会独立、适应。朋友换了一批又一批,每当毕业的时候,当初相聚在一起的人,为了各自的梦想各赴东西。虽然离开了,但是朋友之间的友谊是不会变的。 现在,相聚在了大学,四年以后又会分开了。也许我们已经变得成熟了,独立了。虽然也很快乐,但是牵绊我们的东西好像也变多了,不过最重要的是要保持一颗快乐的心。








a or b

depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of a meanwhile others prefer to b, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose a rather than b. my arguments for this point are listed as follows. the main reason for my propensity for a is that___________________________就理由进行解释_____________________.for instance,____________________

another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________就理由进行解释___________________for example,____________________

the argument i support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________

although i agree that there may be a couple of advantages of b, i feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. such as________________.

in a word, ________________________________________________.so, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to a.

作文文套二 a or b

将原题复述___________________________________________when faced with the decision of a of b, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe a/b as the premier choice and that is also my point. among countless factors which influence -a/-b, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

the main reason for my propensity fo _________is that___________________

the second reason can be seen by every person that________.

in addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.

there are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________. in a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.takingsintosaccount of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that___________.

作文文套三 单一命题式

the main reason for my propensity for__________is that____________.{学会独立的作文400}.{学会独立的作文400}.

be seen by every person is that________________.





agree or disagree some people argue as if it is a general truth that a _____________________________.but

to be frank, i cannot agree with them. there are numerous reasons why i hold no confidence on them, and i would explore only a few primary ones here.

the main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that______________解释本段中心___________.

another reason why i disagree with the above statement is that i believe that______________.

what is more, some students are interested in____________.

in a word, ________________.

作文文套五 a or b

some people prefer to a. others believe b. when faced with the decision of a or b, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem a/b as the premier choice and that is also my point. there are numerous reasons why___________, and i would explore only a few of the most important ones here. the main reason why i agree with the above statement, however, is that_____________________. take___________as example, ______________. there is another factor that deserves some words here. such as ________________________.

similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(exmaples:___________). from the above you might got idea that i agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).so, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________.{学会独立的作文400}.


agree or disagree

to a, others believe b, nowadays some may hold the opinion that ________________, but others have a negative attitude. as far as i am concerned, i agree/disagree that_______________. my arguments for this point are listed as follows. one of the primary causes is that_______________________.


but there is a fruther more subtle point we must consider. examples.

what is more_______________. examples___________

general speaking, __________. recongizing the fact that _______________should drive us to conclude that______________.{学会独立的作文400}.

作文文套七 a or b

in my point of view, a is as important as, if not more important than b. so it is sagacious to choose a. among count less factors which influence a. there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.

the above point is certainly true if a is considered. for exmaple,___________________

another reason why i agree with the above statement is that i believe that a is better than b. for instance,_______________

it would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that b is not important . b________也好_________.

作文文套八 a or b

when faced with the decision of a or b, quite a few would claim that a, but others, in contrast, deem b as the premier choice and that is also my point. this quite different view is based on the propensity of following points. we may looksintosevery possible reason, however, fore most reason for b is ____________________. for example, ______________. also,


this is arbitray to judge b according only to the excuse i mentioned in the above paragraph. similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________. admittedly, __________________a也有好的地方______________.by he same token, however, ______________b更好____________.takingsintosaccount of all these factors,

we may reach the conclusion that_____________.

作文文套九 a or b

naturally___________.it can be given a concrete example__________. a more essential factor why i advocate the argument of __________is that. obviously ________________.take the case of a thing that____________. futhermore, what is worth noticing fact is that ________________. this demonstrates the undeniable fact that__________________. of course, choosing b also has advantages to some extent,_______________此处论述b的1-2优点___________.but if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of a carry more weight than those of b. from what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that_____________.


____________改写并复述题目____________. there may be by one or two disadvantages to ___________________; however, i believe that there are far more advantages. my arguments for this point are listed as follows.

first of all, perhaps one disadvantages to____________is that______________.for instance, __________________. another drawback to _____________involves the possibility that____________. for example, ____________. even though there may be one or two disadvantages to____________, the advantages far outweigh them. the main reason for my propensity for __________is that _________. for exmaple_____________.

another reason for my inclination for _____________ is that _________________. for example, _________________.{学会独立的作文400}.

in a word, in spite of the fact that there may be a couple of disadvantages to _____________, i feel that the advantages are more obvious___________.重复优点__________.takingsintosaccount of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that _____________.

作文文套十二 a or b

____________改写并复述题目____________.the advantages of b carry more weight than those of a. there are numerous reasons why __________, and i would explore only a few of the most important ones here. one of the primary cause is that_______________________. what is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________.

futhermore, ________________________.


让我们学会独立作文 “老爸,老爸 ,我们去哪儿呀,有我在就天不怕地不怕„„”听到这熟悉的声音,我又飞奔到电视机前,津津有味地看起《爸爸去哪儿》来。 我一直以为明星的家庭有多么了不起,多么特别,原来明星家庭也是家庭,也过着平平凡凡的日子。这一次,我们就了解一下明星老爸如何教育孩子吧。 “嗞„„”一个个明星宝贝又闪亮登场了,这些熟悉的面孔又展现在我面前。这些明星宝贝在家就是“小公主”、“小王子”,整天娇生惯养,在农村穷苦生活的折磨下是又哭又闹,让老爸们无言以对,情何以堪?在哭声也打闹声的缠绕下我看完了本期节目。 光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼间一周又过去了。又到了我最喜欢的星期五,《爸爸去哪儿》又开始了。小宝贝们以全新的面貌欢迎我们。这些孩子们经过一次次的活动得到了锻炼,成熟了,不再频繁地哭了。村长让小孩没有大人陪伴在村里找食物。出乎意料的是,他们都鼓起勇气和爸爸说了声再见,手拉手走向人家。孩子们其实离开了爸爸,还是独立的。在大哥哥石头的带领下,他们有条不紊的在规定

的时间里找到了相应的食材。盼星星、盼月亮,总算盼来儿女们的父亲都欣慰地笑了。 一次又一次的艰苦生活,让孩子们学会了独立。













第一次我刚骑上去,咦,可是怎么车一直晃悠呢?“啊……”随着我的一声惨叫,我从车上摔了下来,“呜呜呜……”好疼啊!我哭了。爸爸听到了我的哭声,急忙的跑过来对我说:“怎么啦?疼吗心心?不要学了吧,看把你摔得……”我止住了哭声,抬头看了看爸爸,说:“我要学!”心中暗自想着“心心,你不许哭,你要坚强,你一定要学会骑车!加油!你能行!” 于是我爬起来,骑着车晃悠地向前走着,爸爸也过来帮忙,在爸爸的帮助和指点下,我很快就学会了。


篇七:《我学会了独立 作文》

