

As we can see in our society ,one-child family hasaccounted for greater proportion.So,it is necessary for us to cast a deep thought of this trend.

First of all,it can greatly relieve the increasingly heavy burden of our national population. We can imagine that if every family has one child, then parents can care more about their only child. They can pay enough time to acpany their baby to have a happy time. Also , the child will enjoy better education environment which will has a long-term impactions to their future.

Nevertheless, we should clearly understand that single child may bee selfish, wayward and weak-minded. Whenever they will think themselves first beyond others, because they were overspoiled for long time. Their parent always give them whatever they want. Without siblings, they tend not to consider others’ feelings. When they ran into difficulties ,they prefer to escape other than face up to it .

Therefore , I strongly convinced that our society and family should make joint effort to build better growth environment . Single child should learn to integrate themselves into others’ lives and how to work in a team through munity activities. In order to embrace bright future , they must be brave to take responsibility for what they do .


Should the one-child policy be abolished?独生子女作文。

From 1980, one-child policy has been a momentous part of the family planning policy and played a certain role in controlling the rapid growth of population. But this policy is obviously of great disadvantages.

First of all, China is entering the aging society and couples, both of whom are the only child, have to support four old. Supporting the old has bee a prominent problem of family and society. One couple, both of whom are PhD, wants to make some achievements in their jobs after graduation. However, they have to support three aged parents, two of whom are in hospital. They even have no time and energy to bring up their own children. They are eager to have brothers and sisters, with whom they will be able to share these responsibilities.

Secondly, gender imbalance is serious. Men, five or six in ten, cannot find wives. Because of one-child policy, some couples go to the hospital to check the fetus’s gender and will have an abortion if it is a female fetus. Thirdly, the only child is prone to having a lot of

problems. Since they are born, many only children have been doted on by numerous people, ending up with having some bad habits, such as being afraid of hardships and coveting enjoyment. Furthermore, quite a few only children are eccentric and arrogant, which is not conducive to the development of interpersonal skills. In addition, if the only child is ill or injured, his parents will be enormously worried. Even worse, if the only children died and his parents have passed childbearing age, the parents will spend the rest of their lives in suffering and solitude.

Given China’s current status of economy and society, if the one-child policy were kept on, the stability of family would be badly shaken and the development of economy and society would be greatly impeded. Therefore, the nation should not continue to adhere to the one-child policy.




As we can see in our society , one-child family has accounted for greater proportion .So, it is necessary for us to cast a deep thought of this trend.

First of all, it can greatly relieve the increasingly heavy burden of our national population. We can imagine that if every family has one child, then parents can care more about their only child. They can pay enough time to acpany their baby to have a happy time. Also , the child will enjoy better education environment which will has a long-term impactions to their future.

Nevertheless, we should clearly understand that single child may bee selfish , wayward and weak-minded. Whenever they will think themselves first beyond others, because they were overspoiled for long time. Their parent always give them whatever they want . Without siblings , they tend not to consider others’ feelings. When they ran into difficulties , they prefer to escape other than face up to it .

Therefore , I strongly convinced that our society and family should make joint effort to build better growth environment . Single child should learn to integrate themselves into others’ lives and how to work in a team through munity activities. In order to embrace bright future , they must be brave to take responsibility for what they do .独生子女作文。独生子女作文。

From 1980, one-child policy has been a momentous part of the family planning policy and played a certain role in controlling the rapid growth of population. But this policy is obviously of great disadvantages.

First of all, China is entering the aging society and couples, both of whom are the only child, have to support four old. Supporting the old has bee a prominent problem of family and society. One couple, both of whom are PhD, wants to make some achievements in their jobs after graduation. However, they have to support three aged parents, two of whom are in hospital. They even have no time and energy to bring up their own children. They are eager to have brothers and sisters, with whom they will be able to share these responsibilities.

Secondly, gender imbalance is serious. Men, five or six in ten, cannot find wives. Because of one-child policy, some couples go to the hospital to check the fetus’s gender and will have an abortion if it is a female fetus. Thirdly, the only child is prone to having a lot ofproblems. Since they are born, many only children have been doted on by numerous people, ending up with having some bad habits, such as being afraid of hardships and coveting enjoyment. Furthermore, quite a few only children are eccentric and arrogant, which is not conducive to the development of interpersonal skills. In addition, if the only child is ill or injured, his parents will be enormously worried. Even worse, if the only children died and his parents hav

e passed childbearing age, the parents will spend the rest of their lives in suffering and solitude.

Given China’s current status of economy and society, if the one-child policy were kept on, the stability of family would be badly shaken and the development of economy and society would be greatly impeded. Therefore, the nation should not continue to adhere to the one-child policy.


Nowadays,more and more private schools have been set up in China.In my opinion,the private school has enough advantages to justify its existence and development in our country.

For one thing,private schools can make up for the shortage of schools in our country. As is known to all,our country is a developing one and we have the largest population in the world.The demand for primary,secondary and advanced education is far beyond what the government can provide.With the setting up of private schools,the money of private persons and organizations is invested into education,thus relieving the financial burden of the government.The government can then use the limited amount of money in poorer areas and thus ensure more children’s rights to go to school.

For another,private schools offer an objective environment to ensure the quality of education.Private schools are equipped with better living facilities and modern teaching

equipment.Moreover,private schools offer higher pay for (their) teachers and they have attracted many highly qualified teachers.If the students can be well guided and disciplined and if they can work hard,they can really receive a better education.Maybe private schools can provide more talents and better constructers for our country.

Of course,students in private schools may develop some undesirable traits,such as a sense of superiority.But such side effects can be minimized and even avoided through proper moral teaching.I believe private schools will do good to the Chinese education.


After staying on campus for many years, some students bee bored and can’ t wait to get a job. They are eager to lead a life that is less stressful intellectually and less pressing economically. In their eyes, a job can provide them with opportunities to solve problems that will demand a bination of both academic and practical knowledge.

However, some students plan to continue their education in pursuing has her degree. As Far as academic preparation is concerned, the knowledge and skills acquired at an undergraduate level are far from adequate in the job market. It is a fact that an ever-increasing number of graduates are returning to school, motivated by the need to update their knowledge and enhance their skills. The news that graduates with higher degrees are better off is a direct result of the shrinking job market.

All this indicates that a bachelor’ s degree can hardly qualify students for a petitive position. If I were able to choose for myself, I would prefer to stay and pursue an M.A. degree. I know my choice would mean a mitment of time and money. Opportunities, however, always take the form of hardships and risks. The days might be rigorous and painstaking, but they would certainly be fulfilling and rewarding, and would surely lead to a prosperous future.独生子女作文。


Nowadays, the gap between the city and the countryside bees more and more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. To understand the solution, let’s take a closer look at the causes of the gap at first.

The main reason of the gap is the unequal investment between city and rural area. China is a typical example. While more and more money is being invested to the coastal areas and big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, the lack of investment barriers greatly the society development of rural area and western regions

The low education level partly sharps the gap. There is no doubt that the prime force of productivity is education. However, because of poverty, thousands of people go to work without graduating from primary school. The poorer, the few children go to school. This bad cycle finally leads to the dream of rich being a dream that is hard to realize.

Moreover, the rural area is short of people with high quality. A survey proved that most of university students, whether they e from city or countryside, choose big cities instead of poor areas to work. The rural area can neither adept talent man nor attract talent man. No wonder the gap is increasing largely.

Hence, The government ought to knock itself out to decrease the gap as soon as possible. First, balance the investment between city and rural area. In addition, the education level should be improved, especially pay attention on raising high quality people. Besides, let more people realize the l







