







Beihai Park

Beihai park is located in the center of Beijing, it was first built more than 1,000 years ago during Liao Dynasty. It is also the best-preserved imperial garden in China. Hall of Heavenly King.

Hall of Heavenly King(天王殿)

It was built in the Ming Dynasty and was the place to translate and print the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.

Nine-Dragon Screen(九龙壁)

There are three Nine-Dragon Screens in China, the largest one is in the city of Datong, Shanxi Province. The other one is in the Forbidden City. The one in Beihai park is the best one because it is the only one in China that nine dragons were built on double sides. Originally, the screen served as a screen for a temple behind it, but in 1900, the temple was destroyed and only the screen has remained.

Iron Screen Wall(铁影壁)

This wall is actually a piece of artwork carved from lapillus, but as the brown color looks like the color of iron, people named it “Iron Screen Wall”. It is a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty and was finally moved to Beihai Park as a decoration. Nowadays in Beijing, there are a lot of carving sculptures made in Ming and Qing Dynasty, but rarely can we find one made in Yuan Dynasty. So the Iron screen wall has great artistic value.


北海公园Beihai Park

Ladies and gentlemen, wele to use 51 Guide Service, now we are arriving at Beihai Park.

一、大门概况 Brief Introduction

Beihai Park located in central Beijing, is one of the oldest and most authentically preserved imperial gardens in China. It has a history of 1000 years.

Beihai has existed throughout the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the buildings now standing were constructed during Emperor Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911


Beihai was opened to the public in 1925 and in 1961 it was one of the first important cultural sites placed under protection by the State Council. The park occupies an area of 69 hectares including a 39-hectare lake. In the garden, pavilions and towers nestle amid the beautiful scenery of lakes and hills, grass and trees. Carrying on the traditions of garden landscaping of ancient China, Beihai is a gem of garden art. Beihai Park in Beijing is the oldest and best-preserved imperial garden in China. It was first built during the Liao

Dynasty(916-1125),then rebuilt an renovated continually during the Jin(1115-1234), Yuan(1279-1368),Ming(1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties that followed, eventually being the beautifully landscaped garden we see today. As a pleasure ground for the imperial family within the Imperial City, Beihai Park was built to be more magnificent than any imperial plex outside the capital, including the Summer Resort at Chengde in Hebei Province and the Diaoyutai Imperial Lodge on the outskirts of Beijing.

Beihai Park is located in the center of Beijing and covers 71.4 hectares(176.5 acres),half of which are taken up by water. It borders on Zhongnanhai (Central and South Seas Lake) in the south, Shichahai(Ten Temples Lake)in the north and the wooded Jingshan (Coal Hill) in the east. The majestic former Imperial Palace lies to the southeast.

The design of Beihai Park was inspired by a legendary story. Rising above the East Sea, the story goes, were the three fairyland mountains of Penlai, Yingzhou and Fangzhang. There the immortals lived and a miraculous potion for longevity could be found. Both the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (reigned 211-210 B.C.) and Emperor Wu Di or the Han Dynasty (reigned 140-87 B.C.) sent people over the sea to the mountains in quest

of the potion, but all of them failed to find it. Longing for immortality, Emperor Wu Di ordered a large lake, which he named Taiye Lake, dug behind Jianzhang Palace in the capital city of Chang'an (now Xi'an in Shaanxi Province). Three islets modeled after the fairyland mountains were created in the lake from the earth that was dug out.

Later Chinese emperors also built lakes with islets near their palaces in hopes of living forever like the immortals. Emperor Yang Di of the Sui Dynasty (reigned 605-617) had a lake with a circumference of more than a dozen li (1 li equals 547 yards)built near his palace in Luoyang, Henan Province. The three islets in the lake towered more than 30 meters(about 100 feet) high. Emperors of the Tang(618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties all did the same. Beihai, built as an imperial garden behind the Forbidden City, also followed this pattern. Qiongdao(Jade Islet),Tuancheng (Round City) and Xishan (Rhinoceros Hill) Terrace in Beihai were shaped to resemble the three fairyland mountains; and all the towers, pavilions, odd-shaped rocks and caves, as well as the dew collector held by a bronze immortal located on Qiongdao, were created out of imaginations fired by the legendary story.{去北海公园英文作文300字}.

When the Liao Dynasty, founded by the Qidans from the North,{去北海公园英文作文300字}.

made Yanjing(now Beijing) its secondary capital in 938, there was a vast lake on the northeastern outskirts of the city called the "Golden Sea."It was the lake that was to bee Beihai Lake. In the middle of the lake was a small island called Yaoxu(Precious Islet),and the structure built on it was referred to as the Yaoxu Imperial Lodge. The Daning (Immense Tranquility)Palace plex was built around the lake by Emperor Shi Zong between 1163 and 1179, after the Jin Dynasty drove out the Liao and took over Beijing. Before construction of his palace began, the emperor hung a picture of Gengyue Garden, the Song Dynasty imperial garden in Bianliang (on Kaifeng in Henan province),on a screen and ordered that his garden be landscaped exactly the same way. He change the name of Yaoxu to Qiongdao and decorated it with Taihu rocks removed from plex were Guanghan Palace, or the Palace in the Moon, and Yaoguang (Divine Light) Tower.

Beihai remained an imperial pleasure ground for more than 800 years. In Jin Dynasty, it was noted for two of its scenic spots--Qiongdao Chunyin(Spring shade on Jade Islet)and Taiye Qiufeng(Autumn Wind over Taiye Lake).These were two of eight well-known scenic places in old Beijing.

It was after the Jin Dynasty that Beihai became the nucleus

of Beijing. During the reign of Kublai Khan, the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Qiongdao was expanded three times, renamed Wanshou(Longevity)Hill and made the center of Dadu(Great Capital, a name given to Beijing by the Mongols ). The khan visited the garden often, and he held ceremonies on festive occasions, received foreign diplomats and issued decrees from there. He also renovated Guanghan Palace and made it the scene of grand receptions and banquets.

During the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, pleasure-seeking Emperor Shun Di, looking for a way to amuse himself, had a 40-meter-long(about 130 feet) dragon boat constructed and made 16 palace maids dressed like legendary fairies sing and dance for him while the boat sailed around the lake.{去北海公园英文作文300字}.

During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Beihan was further expanded and renovated .New additions made by the Ming Dynasty included the Daxitian (Great Western skies) Workshop for printing Buddhist sutras, Taishou (Longevity) Hall, Five-Dragon Pavilion and the Nine-Dragon Screen on the northern shore of the lake; Yingcui(Viewing Foliage) Hall on the western shore; and Yinhe (Concentrated Harmony) Hall and Cangzhou (Lakeside) Dock on the garden very often. Xuan Zong also wrote prose extolling the magnificence of Guanghan Palace.


精选作文:美丽的北海公园(450字)作文 山西省介休市北坛小学五年级107班 李欣瑜 让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪&&大家一定听过《让我们荡起双桨》这首歌吧!我们的父辈童年就唱过这首歌,歌中描写的景色是那么美好,让我非常向往去看看,身临其境地感受一下,心中总想:这首歌描写的是哪里呢? 直到去年,妈妈带我去北京旅游,到北海公园去玩,湖中划船时我才知道,原来那歌中描写的美景就是北海公园呀! 你看,船的前方有一座高大的白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙,小鱼儿在水游来游去,调皮的小鸭不听妈妈的话,一会儿游到东,一会儿游到西,搞得鸭妈妈到处乱找。这真是一幅美丽的图画! 再看湖边那凉亭中,人们在悠闲地散步,傍晚的太阳光照在湖面上,反射出道道金光,把四周照得好美丽,人们如同身临仙境一样。这又是一幅人在画中游的美丽图画! 美丽的北海公园在那次北京旅游中给我留下了深刻的印象,每当我回忆起那幅美景就想起那首《让我们荡起双桨》的歌,每当我唱起那首《让我们荡起双桨》的歌就想起那幅美景。 美丽的北海公园,多少人童年向往和憧憬的地方!山西晋中介休市北坛小学五年级:李欣瑜 篇一:小学作文:美丽的北海公园
















我随着熙熙攘攘的人群走进北海公园的大门。首先展现在我眼前的是架在湖上的玉带桥。远远望去,它洁白如玉,状如飘带,所以人们称它为“玉带桥”。玉带桥的旁边各有一座五彩缤纷的牌楼,牌楼顶上的琉璃瓦在阳光下熠熠闪光。走上玉带桥,可看到汉白玉的桥栏上刻着精美的花纹。 站在玉带桥上向北看可看到高高的琼岛。琼岛上的树木重重叠叠,郁郁葱葱。还可以看到绿树掩映下的弯曲的小路和小亭子。琼岛上面挺立着一座白塔。远远看去,白塔宛如一位身披白纱的仙女,在万绿丛中迎接络绎不绝的游客。




















刚进公园大门,北海的景色之一——白塔便映入我的眼帘。它是那样高大、雄伟。走过石桥,绕过小亭,便来到山顶。看,美丽的白塔以蓝天作衬,以绿树为家,简直是一副美丽的图画。 近看白塔,约有五六层楼高,像一个高大的巨人站在那里,直插云霄。 下了山,一眼便看见那平静的湖水,它就像一面明亮的镜子,把柔柔垂柳、弯弯石桥一一倒映水中。微风拂过,湖面上波光粼粼,盛开的荷花披着轻纱翩翩起舞。湖中几只船缓缓地划行着,生怕破坏了这幅宁静的画面。




开篇简洁、利落。 远望白塔,高大、雄伟。“走”“绕”等动词用的准确、生动。 近看白塔,直插云霄。 本段描写了北海“静”“清”的特点。 用排比句式描绘出九龙壁上的龙逼真而精美。 结尾表达了对北海公园的留恋与喜爱。