

[go to the zoo]

go to the zooTeaching Plan of At The zooⅠ.Teaching objectives

1.Language functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food.

2. Language structures: I like…

4. Skills: Listening: 能听懂各种动物的名称及其习性的内容,go to the zoo。 Speaking: 能运用所学的单词句型谈论各种动物的习性

5. Teaching activities:(1). Role play: Elephant 生日请客,分食物给他的朋友们并说"I like…"

T-elephant Ss-monkey, rabbit, panda, goat

(2). A game: Looking for good friends{go,to,the,zoo800作文}.

2.Freely using the sentences.Ⅲ.Teaching aids

课件,a big picture (animals' party), 10 small pictures (monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat, bananas, grass, carrots,

bamboo, leaves)Ⅳ.Teaching procedure

1. Greeting

3. say goodbye to the 1, 2, 3 and go to the zoo{go,to,the,zoo800作文}.

their names. ( 使用课件Part 1 )

(2).role play:

T act as the elephant first and teach " I like…", and then find my friends( Ss) to play and practice the sentences.

6. PA: Ss use their food to practice the sentences

7. A game: Looking for good friends{go,to,the,zoo800作文}.

9. Sum up (使用课件Part 1 and 2 )go to the zoo

篇二:《去动物园(Go To The Zoo)》

去动物园(Go To The Zoo)


I go to the Xiangjiang Zoo in Panyu.with my family.

The zoo is very big and very beautiful , the zoo has a lot of animals , panda,lion,tiger,snake,elephant,fox

Panda is very cute and very fat , but it is not my favourite animal. Lion is very strong , but it isn t my favourite animal either, because it isn t very handsome.

Tiger is very strong and very handsome , it s my favourite animal, because it s very strong and very handsome.

I feel very happy !

篇三:《大班 Go to the zoo 教案》

《Go to the Zoo》教案



1、学会动物名称“panda, monkey, elephant”;

2、熟练使用句型“I love......”;





-Good morning, kids. My name is Joe. Let’s say, good morning—Joe--!

-Good morning Joe!{go,to,the,zoo800作文}.

-Now, I want to have friends, would you like to be my friends?


-So, hello, I’m Joe. What’s your name?


-Hi, Amy.

-Hi, Joe.

-Amy, would you like to be my friend?


-So, give me five/ give me hug, ok?{go,to,the,zoo800作文}.


①Look, I have a magic bag? Who is inside? 分别出示“panda”“monkey”“elephant”英文卡片(大小声)

②播放unit 4 story time;

③引导幼儿表达“I love......”。


who is missing


②tiger game

具体玩法:让tiger卡片与其他动物卡片混在一起,请部分小朋友出来,看着卡片边走边读,当看见 tiger卡片,作害怕状马上蹲下来。

五、总结:say Goodbye to those animals.

-Now, it’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye panda/ elephant/ monkey/ tiger.

篇四:《作文:In the zoo》


There is a baby elephant in the zoo .Its name is Larry .It es from Africa .It’s 7 years old .It likes eating fruit and grass. It’s friendly to people .It likes playing with water and the people. It is tall and strong .It has a long nose .Its teeth are long, too.Its ears are very big like two fans. I like it very much.