










高二(3)班 沈姗烨



















"Please borrow, it woman!" In life, someone to call others often beauty for polite language, for your respectful name, and we enjoy it, and proud of it. For her beauty and pride, and judge a book by its cover, has bee the characteristics of a mon people.

I am not here to judge a book by its cover is pletely wrong, after all, life is not a

"beauty of heart", but the judge a book by its cover is, indeed, have the disadvantages of it.

We can sometimes be blinded by the appearance of the people. You have not thought of in a ugly face, perhaps a wise heart? You have not thought about a beautiful face,

whether can also have a pair of dark belly? It is, not really beautiful, beautiful, ugly may not really ugly. However, in this world there are god's pet, and beautiful, brilliant, really envy letting a person.

Everyone has a face can't change, but has a heart to purification, sublimation. When

people judge a book by its cover, put you into blacklist, please do not feel inferior. Recent news reports: a female college students because of the appearance problem not be employed by pany for many times, decided to sell the kidney. I'm not, and even its superficial. Even though some panies pay attention to the so-called "instrument", but there is always a pany pays attention to the real talent. Sell kidney surgery position that the female college students, both social reasons, there are self-abased reason. She has neither "inherent my material will be useful" confidence, there is no consciousness of "one good thing came out of it". But the social reason is on the other hand, if panies don't judge a book by its cover, and how can the people out of business? So now, some panies hire people approach is not desirable, even superficial.

However, a person's face is sometimes reflect people's inner world. Face is the most important part of the eyes, the eyes are the window to the soul, can see people face, know how to correctly judge a book by its cover. A President of the United States for a secretary face is not good and not to hire the person, this is not to say that he judge a book by its cover, but means he will use the right way to judge a book by its cover. Judge a person by his appearance, is a mon characteristic, but is not necessarily true of beauty beauty, ugly may not really ugly. We can sometimes be blinded by

appearance, and looks ugly, and often brings low self-esteem, which is judge a book by its cover. So, don't judge a book by its cover, paying attention to your heart.

Judge a book by its cover, not an option; Pay attention to the beauty of mind, he is a good reason.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Abilities and Good Looks by menting on the old saying, “Never judge a person by his appearance. ” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words



容貌不是最重要的,最重要的是一个人有没有善良的心,和美好的内在美。如果你以貌取人的话,你会失去很多,因为你很可能会错失许多最珍贵的友谊。 很多人外表长的不好看,内心却很纯洁。相反的,而你会觉得美丽的人,他们也有可能是内心很邪恶的,处处算计人。外表真的不代表一切,所以我们绝对不能以貌取人。 将心比心,如果今天你因为外表长的不好看,就被同学排挤的话,你一定也会很难过。可是每个人愿意看见你的内在美,接纳你的优点,岂不是大家都开心吗? 美女与野兽中的美女因为他只看野兽的优点,而且她不是以貌取人去对待而是用心去接纳野兽,终于把可怕的魔咒解开,也为自己带来幸福。 所以,请大家多多看看别人的优点,不要放大缺点,就会发现容貌不是最重要的,心美最重要哦!








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons anddetails to support your answer.

Model Essay(范文):

In most cases, one should never judge a personby external appearances. Sometimes when I walkdown the street at night, I avoid people who areacting tough and loud, but in general, I prefer toreserve judgment until I get to know someone. Judging someone by external appearancecan be deceptive. Judgments based on external appearances prevent you from getting toknow a person reinforce stereotypes, and are superficial and limiting.

In high school, I stayed away from students who were called the "bad students" becausethey dressed a certain way. I wanted nothing to do with them. I later had the chance to meetone of these "bad students" because of our mothers, we started talking and I realized that wehad a lot in mon. My impression of him was very different once I got to know him.

If you form an opinion of someone based on stereotypes, you risk never getting to knowsomeone who is different. You may are be missing out on an opportunity to make a goodfriend. In addition, you are reinforcing that stereotype by believing it without given the persona chance. If you take the time to get to know the person, you might bee friends.

Judging people by external appearance is superficial and often unfair. After all, you don'tknow what circumstances the person might be facing or who the person really is. Perhaps theperson es from a less fortunate family than you and cannot afford the kind of stylishclothes your friends wear. However, that does not mean the person is less intelligent orinteresting than you are.

People should not be naive about new people they meet, but should take time to get toknow them. External appearance often does not tell us anything about a person. Judgingsomeone by their appearance is misleading, reinforces stereotypes, and is limiting. Doing socould prevent you from making a true friend.

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