
篇一:《I like spring best》

I like spring best,because it is warm.I can plant trees and fly kites.Do you like spring?

I don't like summer,because it's very hot.But my brother likes summer best,because he can swim in the sea.What about you ?

In fall ,it's always sunny and cool.I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I love to watch the leaves fall.

What's the weather like in winter?It's cold .When it snows,I can ski.Ican make a snowman.


我不喜欢夏天,因为天气很热。我哥哥最喜欢夏季,因为他可以在海里游泳。你呢? 在秋天,天气总是晴朗又凉爽。我可以摘苹果。他们是如此的美味的秋天。我喜欢看树叶落下。


篇二:《广州新版六年级英语上册Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best》

Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best


他们的__________ 礼物_________ 幸运的__________

希望 _________ 月饼_________ 月亮___________ 龙 __________ 粽子__________ 比赛_________ 互相 ___________ 压岁钱___________ 中秋节___________ 端午节____________ 重阳节____________

最喜欢的节日__________________ 那么有趣_________

互相送礼物__________________ 祝愿他们_________

给老人礼物__________________ 吃月饼 _________

赏月 __________________ 爬山 _________



Ben: What’s your favorite festival?

Xiaoling: I like the Spring Festival best.


这句话是用来询问对方爱好的。Festival的意思是“最爱的;最喜欢的”,如果询问其他事物可以用“What is sb.’s favourite…?”回答时要用“…like(s) … best.”或者“Sb.’s favourite… is / are…”

如:----What’s your favorite animal? ----I like cat best.


________ ________ ________ festival?


________ ________ the Spring Festival ________. ________ ________ ________ is Spring Festival. Xiaoling: It is so much fun.

Xiaoling: So many things.


So many如此多,修饰可数名词复数。

So much 如此多,修饰不可数名词。


China has ________ ________ oil fields.

In our view, there is ________ ________ oil here.

He didn’t make ________ ________ mistakes.

We haven’t ________ ________ coffee. Janet: When is the Spring Festival?

Xiaoling: Usually it’s in January or February.



1. in和‘‘年、季节、月’’搭配;

2. on和星期、日期以及‘‘有day的节日’’搭配;

3. at 和‘‘点钟及没有day的节日’’搭配。


________10:00 a.m. ________ noon ________ Sunday

________ night ________ Spring Festival ________October 12th

________Sunday morning ________ autumn ________ the morning

________ the morning of Oct. 12th ________ October ________ 2014

________ a cold morning ________ the afternoon ________ Mid-autumn Day We wish them a happy Spring Festival. 我们祝愿他们春节愉快。





Eg: I wish I could fly like a bird. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。(从句中的could表示其动作不可能实现,不能用can。)

I hope he can do that. 我希望他能干那件事。(本句表示有可能实现的一种希望,can不能用could代替。)


I ______ I ______ be a robot. I ______ I ______ be the top student.

I ______ I ______be a reporter. I ______ I ______be the Father Christmas.

I ________ I can finish my homework before 8:00 tonight.

He __________ my father will e back for my birthday.

I ___________ I could buy a spaceship.

She _______ the bird could talk.

They _________ their teacher will take them to the museum for the history lesson.

I ________ my father was a policeman.Then he could catch the criminals like Superman It sounds great. 那听起来很棒。




feel (______); touch (______);look (_______);

smell (_______);taste (______)

The silk dress _____ _____. 这条丝绸长裙感觉很柔软。

The story _______ __________. 这个故事听起来很有趣。

The birthday cake ______ ______. 这个生日蛋糕尝起来很好吃。

The dish ________ ________. 这道菜闻起来很香。



( )1. Mid-autumn Festival ________ing.

A. will B. will be C. is

( ) 2. People eat________ at Mid-autumn Festival.

A. mooncakes B. zongzi C. eggs

( ) 3. There are many _______ in China during May and June.

A. moon races B. dragon boat races C. lucky money

( ) 4. We all wish _______ have a nice weekend.

A. they B. them C. their

( )5. The Spring Festival is _______January or February.

A. on B. in C. at

( )6. They gave me some other_______ last night.

A. book B. books C. a book

( )7. Christmas _______ like our New Year’s Day.

A. sounds B. sounding C. is sounding

( ) 8. Someone is waiting ______you at the gate.

A. for B. with C. to

( )9. "Happy new year to you. " "________. "

A. The same to you B. Don't say to C. Thank you

( )10. I'm hungry. Get me something __________.

A. eat B. to eat C. eating


1. is, most, Christmas, Festival, important, the, (.)


2. do, you, what, do, the, Spring, Festival, during, (?)


3. parents, lucky, will, some, money, give, (.)


4. best, I, Children’s Day, the, best,(.)




( )1. What’s your favourite holiday? A. It’s near my house.

( )2. When’s Halloween? B. Only three.

( )3. What do people do at Dragon Boat Festival? C. They usually watch dragon boat races.

( )4. Did you watch the moon last Saturday? D. Spring Festival.

( )5. What did you do last week? E. It’s in October.

( )6. What date is it today? F. Children’s Day.

( )7. Do you like footballs? G. Yes, we did.

( )8. What holiday es after Christmas? H. I visited a farm.

( )9. How many students are there? I. It’s the first of March.

( )10.Where’s the park? J. No, I don’t.


The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It’s a traditional(传统的) festival in China. It’s on January or February. Before the Spring Festival es, the people often clean their homes, wash their clothes ,paste the

antithetical couplets(贴对联) and put on the lanterns(挂灯笼). On the Spring Festival, the

people get together and have a big meal. We eat dumplings for the meal. The children are happy. They can play the fireworks(放烟花) and get the lucky money.

1. What is the Spring Festival?


2. When is the Spring Festival?


3. What do we eat on Spring Festival?


4. What can children do on Spring Festival?


5. Are children happy?









篇三:《我喜欢春天 I like spring》

我喜欢春天 Winter was gone,spring es.I love spring

best,because it's very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season. What's your favourite season?Please tell me.(约90字)

篇四:《I Like Spring》

I Like Spring



《I Like Spring.》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学四年级下册第六课第二课时的学习内容,主要学习提问及回答所喜欢的季节并渗透学习喜欢的原因,根据本课的学习内容及学生的认知规律和特点,我对教材进行了重组加工,即第一课时学习四季名称及天气等基本单词并应用已学习过的句型Do you like...?进行交际运用,第二课时学习重点单词which以及主要的交际句型Which season do you like?,并在第一课时的基础上创新应用。第三课时进行复习巩固即课后练习。本课教学设计选自本单元的第二课时,在本单元中起着承上启下的作用,通过本课时的学习,对上一节课的知识进行巩固,同时使学生能过把所学的知识应用到生活中,为下一步学习打下坚实的基础。






教学重点、难点:掌握单词: which season fly a kite go hiking。掌握并熟练运用句型:Which season do you like? We can fly a kite. We can swim. We can go hiking.








T: Hello!Boys and girls!

Ss: Hello !Miss hu


How are you ?

Nice to meet you !

2.学生们复习歌曲I like spring

Do you like spring? Do you like spring? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like summer? Do you like summer? No, I don't. No, I don't.


3. Guessing Game:{l,like,spring,best}.


T: Now, Let’s play the “Guessing Game”. Who can guess?

S: I can.

T: It’s warm. I like it.

Ss: Spring.





1. 学习summer fall cool 等单词几句子。


2.学习单词season 和which

A 以拼图形式出现四季的画面,复习单词spring, winter, summer, fall.依次指着四幅图片并重复单词season,在一起指着四幅图,重复词组four seasons,引导学生通过观察理解单词的含义。出示单词卡片领读单词。

T:A season,two seasons,three seasons,four seasons.Do you know season? Ss:Yes.

T: Good.Now look at this card,follow me:season.


T: S-E-A-S-O-N,season.


B 通过展示给学生有对比的几组实物,学生通过比较,找到自己喜欢的物品,引导学生正确回答教师提出的问题,并在这个过程中理解单词which的含义及用法。

T: I have two pencils.This one is red, that one is green.Which one do you like? S1:I like ...


T: I have two caps.Which one do you want?

S3:I want...