



妈妈在上面给我注册了,我是一名小会员,会员名就是王泽祺,我每天写的作文妈妈都会帮我传到网站上去。我愿意和妈妈一起努力共同进步。 我在网站上发表通过了十二篇作文,一篇作文如果审核通过了可以换一百个积分点,一百个积分点又可以换一个一元钱的Q币,然后就可以用Q币在网站上兑换小礼品了。我现在有三个Q币和三百零二个积分点,这可都是通过我自己的努力得来的哟,嘻嘻,当然也有他*的功劳啦。我好开心哟。 妈妈常常跟我讲,一个人要能说又能写才行,不仅仅只是为了得到小礼品而去写作文,写作文是为了我自己好。我祝愿星火作文网站越办越好,伴我一起成长。







①(概述某事物的作用). However, as (相关人物) once put it, (引用名言). It is well established that (给出论点).②Blinded by greed, we often take it for granted that (错误观念). However, (指出现状). For instance, (举例说明现状). What’s more, (进一步举例说明).③As far as I am concerned, (给出结论).


①The saying (引用名言). However, (给出论点).②In my opinion, (给出自己的观点). Such examples might be given easily. (举例论证自己的观点).③Have you today? If not, (设问句结尾,形式新颖).


图表型作文是指根据统计数据表格(table)、坐标曲线图(line graph)、条形图(bar chart)、饼形图(pie chart)或图片(picture)写出的作文。图表作文的特点是以图表作为信息来源,要求考生根据图表上的信息进行对比分析,发现规律,找出所反映的社会现象,并从中看出主要问题和发展趋势,再归纳出结论。大学英语六级考试图表型作文的独特之处在于:开头先对图表所反映的变化、倾向、趋势、内涵进行概述,而其后部分又可以演变成提纲式作文的写作。因此,图表型作文所包含的内容十分广泛,基本涵盖了文化教育、社会生活、现代科技、环境资源、城市交通等各个方面。


①As is described in the picture, (图表主题). Nowadays, its not unmon (图表反映的社会现象).②The(相关事物)has both favorable and unfavorable impacts on (分析利弊).To begin with, (有利影响1).Besides, (有利影响2). However, (不利影响).③In conclusion, (得出结论). As , we should (提出解决措施).


①As is vividly indicated in the above chart/table/graph, (图表主题). Especially in (关键时间), (图表最大特点).②The reasons for (描述现象) are as follows. Firstly, (原因1). Secondly, (原因2). Thirdly, (原因3).③From the changes reflected in the chart/table/graph, we can predict/see that (得出结论). For one thing, (产生的影响1). For another, (产生的影响2).


①From the two charts/According to the charts/According to the figures given in the chart, we can see that (图表数字的变化趋势).②We can see from the statistics that (图表变化细节1). This means that (说明原因). In addition, the figures also tell us that (图表变化细节2). From it we can see that (说明原因).③Judging from the figures, we can predict that (得出结论).





①Today, it is widely acknowledged that (相关观点). Therefore, (提出现象).However, as for this phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person.②Some (涉及人群)insist that (支持观点). However, many other (涉及人群)do not agree. They hold that (反对观点).③From my perspective, (自己的观点). On the one hand, (观点的一方面), but on the other hand, (观点的另一方面). Whats more, (强化自己的观点).


①Recent decades have seen the rapid development of (指出现象). As a result, (相关事物) have successfully entered our everyday life and are gaining popularity among ordinary people.②Its no wonder that some people hold that (提出观点), because (原因综述). To start with, (原因1). Whats more, (原因2). Last but not least, (原因3).③As far as I am concerned, (自己的看法). However, with further development of (现象相关内容), (未来前景) in the near future.


①It is not an unmon social phenomenon that (提出现象). However, opinions vary from person to person concerning this phenomenon.②Some people hold that (支持观点)because (指出原因). Consequently, (说明结果). But others maintain that (反对观点). They argue that (反对理由).③From my point of view, (自己的观点).





①As is known to all, (导入命题). However, it is quite worrying that (提出问题).②Therefore, (相关各方) should be greatly responsible for (问题内容). Firstly, (解决方法1). Secondly, (解决方法

2). Thirdly, (解决方法3).③But (相关方面) alone cannot ensure the final success in (问题内容). (问题相关方)should also take an active part in (怎么做1). They/We should (怎么做2).


①In recent years, (消极现象) has been prevailing (盛行范围).

②There are three main factors that can account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, (原因1). Moreover, (原因2). Last but not least, (原因3). As a result, (结果).

③In my view, effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, (解决方法1). Second, (解决方法2). Third, (解决方法3).






①As is vividly revealed in the picture, (描述图片内容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying—(进一步说明图片表明的含义).

②Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration that(揭示图片的深刻含义). First, (分析第一条含义). More often(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it es to the key to success, the most important thing lies in(总结深刻含义).

③In a word, for college students, (大学生应该怎么做). Only in this way can we (强调主题).



As is vividly depicted in the picture, (简单描述图片). Nevertheless, (描述现状).

②(对缺点的阐述), but their importance has not faded away. We can benefit a lot from(做某事). To begin with, (优点一). Furthermore, (优点二). Lastly, (优点三).

③In conclusion, (结论).




①There is a widespread humorous saying that(引入名言). Funny as it is, the saying ironically

reflects the fact that(名言所反映的事实).

②Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us. Therefore, (中心论点). What’s more, (进一步阐述中心论点). For example, (举例论证). Obviously, (得出本段结论).

③All in all, (结论), just as the old popular saying goes, (呼应开头).


①(名言的指出者) famous remark makes it evident that(名言的含义). To such an extent(名言所反映的事实).

②What (名言的指出者) remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place, (论点一). In the second place, (论点二).

③However, (辨证论述问题). (某事物) can never be attached too much importance to, at the expense of(另一事物).




①In recent years, (现象表现或变化). In addition/Besides, (进一步阐述现象). This phenomenon has aroused hot discussion.

②(总述现象) play(s) a significant role in (某方面). (进一步阐述该现象的原因). Therefore, (总结现象导致的结果). However, some people argue that(问题一). In addition, (问题二).

③In my opinion, (个人观点/态度/建议). Furthermore, (补充说明看法). In a word, (总结).


①Recently, (提出现象)has been brought to public attention. No one denies that (进一步阐述现象).

②However, (总述现象) can lead to severe consequences. In the first place, (问题一)

. Whats worse, (问题二).

③Awareness of the matter in question is one thing, but how to cope with it is another thing. To solve the problem, (解决问题的措施). As a result, (解决问题的意义). Only in this way can we(解决问题).


①Nowadays, there exist(s) (事实/现象). (进一步阐述该现象). However, the reasons for (现象概括) are varied.

②To begin with, (原因一). Moreover, (原因二). In addition, (原因三). Finally, (原因四).

③As to me/As far as Im concerned, (个人观点). For one thing, (原因一). For another, (原因二). In brief, (总结).{星火的作文}.


要求考生首先明确提出存在的问题,指出这一问题的危害或解决这一问题的紧迫性;然后对问题展开分析,提出解决问题的方案或应对措施;最后表明自己对这一问题的态度或建议等。 问题解决型作文的话题主要涉及环境污染、能源危机、淡水资源缺乏、少年犯罪、人才流失、身体健康等问题。



①During recent years, the topic of (事实/现象) has aroused public attention and bee more and more popular.

②Undoubtedly/No doubt that (总述问题的作用/重要性). First, (作用一). Second, (作用二). ③However, it should be mentioned that (分析问题的意义或原因). (进一步分析其意义). Therefore, it is of high significance/it is high time that (解决问题).

④In the first place, (解决方法一). Furthermore, (解决方法二). Only in this way (解决问题).


①As is well known, (提出问题). It is obvious that (原因一). Additionally, (原因二). So how to (解决问题) is worth paying attention to.

②First of all/Firstly/In the first place, (解决方法一). Secondly/In the second place/In addition/Moreover, (解决方法二). Thirdly/Besides/Whats more, (解决方法三). ③In fact, ways to (解决问题) are countless. It is necessary/time that (采取措施解决问题).


①There has been a discussion recently about (现象/问题). It is obvious that (原因一). Additionally/Besides, (原因二). Therefore, it is high time that (解决问题).

②First of all/Firstly/In the first place, (解决方法一). Secondly/In the second place/In addition, (解决方法二). Finally/Besides/Moreover/Whats more, (解决方法三).

③Personally/As far as Im concerned,(个人观点). For one thing, (原因一). For another, (原因

二). All in all, (总结全文).



克旗经棚第二小学 六年六班 周凡博


























经棚第二小学 六年六班 梁爽





我带着大家感受一下蒙古族人的民俗风情吧! 在茫茫草原中,点缀着数以千计的蒙古包,这是用毡布、木棍和


大部分草原都留下了牧民足迹,所以被誉为‘草原骄子’。 在蒙古族人吃的食品中,最具特色的就是烤全羊、盘肠、奶食品













1. 很多网民的利益及隐私受到侵犯和威胁

2. 造成这种现象的原因是……

3. 为了提高网络安全,我认为……

Due Attention Should Be Given to Internet Safety

①With the occurrence of the vicious petition between the two software panies, many netizens realize the fact that their privacy is suffering from violation and threat. ②In their daily life, they are not only disturbed by strangers due to personal information disclosure on the Internet, but also are suffering the property losses because of the bank account leak.

③When it es to the Internet safety problems, some network operators’ ignorance of users’ interest is ④the first factor to blame, for they often sell the private information of the users to pursue their own profits. ④The second factor lies in the lack of the relevant laws enacted by the government, which means that the internet users’ right has not been officially protected.

⑤To avoid such violation and threat, I remend two different approaches. ⑥On the one hand, certain

industrial associations should be established to supervise and stop the wrong doing performed by internet panies; ⑥On the other hand, the netizens should manage to equip themselves with knowledge of Internet safety and improve the awareness of self-protection so that their privacy will not be violated.{星火的作文}.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to

write a short essay entitled Should Driving Private Cars on Campus Be Prohibited? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 校园交通事故频发

2. 人们对校园内是否应该禁止私家车行驶意见不一

3. 我的看法……

Should Driving Private Cars on Campus Be Prohibited?{星火的作文}.

Campus used to be regarded as a pure paradise for all the students; ①raffic

accidents on campus has been far more than mon in recent years, ②which not only poses great threats to students’ life, but also severely damages the image of universities. ③Therefore, it is proposed that driving private cars on campus be prohibited for the sake of campus safety. ④People who hold that private cars should be prevented on campus deem that the entrance of the private cars will not only

interrupt students’ learning environment, but also increase the possibility of car accidents by considering the

experience before; ⑤while those who oppose the proposal consider that not all the private car owners should take the blame for the mistakes made by certain drivers and they have the right to run their cars legally.

⑥As far as I am concerned, I agree with the former opinion so that the potential threat of accidents can berooted out and the campus safety can be guaranteed.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to

write a short essay entitled On Catchwords. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 目前各式流行语的出现让人们应接不暇

2. 人们对流行语褒贬不一

3. 我认为……

On Catchwords

Catchwords are novel descriptions, which enjoy great{星火的作文}.

popularity among the public and possess the ability of spreading. They can be applied to depict everything, including mindset, state, and people. ①appearing at the speed far faster than we expect.

②There has always been great dispute as for the popularity of ③reckon that catchwords reflect the development of language and information technology, which stands for the improvement of the whole society; ④ momentary, which can have no positive effect on the society.

⑤Personally speaking, catchwords conform to the trend of the

historical development under certain circumstance, which can not be eradicated. ⑥younger generation’s creativity and sense of humor.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to

write a short essay entitled Should Urban Parks Charge an Entrance Fee? You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 有人认为市区公园应该免费开放

2. 也有人说如果免费开放市区公园会带来很多问题

3. 我的观点

Should Urban Parks Charge an Entrance Fee?

The question whether urban parks should charge an entrance fee or not has been a source of controversy for a long time. Supporters claim that urban parks, to be places where people have leisure and entertainment, are public ① that have been created with taxpayers’ money and thus should be free.


星火英语四级作文模板2014-12-10 星火君 星火英语1、图表型作文 图表型作文的特点是以图表作为信息来 源,要求考生根据图表上的信息找出所反 映的社会现象,并从中看出主要问题和发 展趋势,再归纳出结论。大学英语四级考 试图表型作文的独特之处在于:开头先对 图表所反映的变化、倾向、趋势进行概 述,而其后部分又可以演变成命题作文的 写作。因此,图表型作文所包含的内容十 分广泛,基本涵盖了文化教育、校园生 活、工作休闲、社会问题、现代科技、环 境资源、城市交通、事业人生等各个方 面。模板一: ①As is vividly revealed in the picture, (描述图片内容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying—(进一步说 明图片表明的含义).②Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration that(揭示图片的深刻含 义). First, (分析第一条含义). More often(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it es to the key to success, the most important thing lies in(总结深刻含义).③In a word, for college students, (大学生应该怎么做). Only in this way can we (强调主题).模板二: ①As is vividly depicted in the picture, (简单描述图片). Nevertheless, (描述 现状). ②(对缺点的阐述), but their importance has not faded away. We can benefit a lot from(做某事). To begin with, (优点一). Furthermore,(优点 二). Lastly, (优点三). ③In conclusion, (结论).2、名言哲理型作文名言哲理型作文要求考生通过评论一句话 (一般是谚语或者名言)来写一篇作文。 这与其他类型的作文相比略有难度,可能 会使部分考生感觉有些不适应,甚至无从 下笔。因此要想写好此类作文,考生必须 深入了解这种类型作文的命题特点。这类 作文题目给出的引言往往言简意赅,既抽 象又深刻,因此考生写作之前必须仔细审 题,准确把握谚语或者名言所蕴含的意 义。此类作文虽然形式上有别于提纲式作 文,但具

体的写作方法上仍然可以借鉴提 纲式作文。文章开头部分应该在充分理解 引言含义的基础上,概括出论点,接下来 通过举例或者正反两方面的说理来论证观 点,最后给出总结。模板一: ①There is a widespread humorous saying that(引入名言). Funny as it is, the saying ironically reflects the fact that(名言所反映的事实). ②Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us. Therefore, (中心论点). What s more, (进一步阐述中心论点). For example, (举例论证). Obviously, (得出本段结 论). ③All in all, (结论), just as the old popular saying goes, (呼应开头).模板二: ①(名言的指出者) famous remark makes it evident that(名言的含义). To such an extent(名言所反映的事 实).②What (名言的指出者) remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place, (论点一). In the second place, (论点二).③However, (辨证论述 问题). (某事物) can never be attached too much importance to, at the expense of(另一事物).3、现象解释型作文现象解释型作文明确描述社会生活中存在 的某种现象,通常要求考生对这一现象作 出说明,进而解释这种现象存在或发生的 原因,有些题目还会要求考生说明这种现 象可能会产生的影响。近年来,现象解释 型作文在四级作文中的比重越来越大。 2000年6月“口语考试”、2005年12月“名校 旅游热”、2007年12月“大学选修课”、 2008年12月“一次性塑料袋”、2009年6 月“博物馆免费向公众开放”、2010年6 月“大学生在英语学习中不重视拼写”等都 属于现象解释型作文。其他现象解释型作 文的话题还有:出国留学热、学外语热、 考证热、公务员热、盗版、独生子女、人 口增长等。模板一: ①In recent years, (现象表现或变化). In addition/Besides, (进一步阐述现象). This phenomenon has aroused hot discussion.②(总述现象) play(s) a significant role in

(某方面). (进一步阐 述该现象的原因). Therefore, (总结现象 导致的结果). However, some people argue that(问题一). In addition, (问题 二).③In my opinion, (个人观点/态度/建 议). Furthermore, (补充说明看法). In a word, (总结).模板二: ①Recently, (提出现象)has been brought to public attention. No one denies that (进一步阐述现 象).②However, (总述现象) can lead to severe consequences. In the first place, (问题一). What s worse, (问题 二).③Awareness of the matter in question is one thing, but how to cope with it is another thing. To solve the problem, (解决问题的措施). As a result, (解决问题的意义). Only in this way can we (解决问题).模板三: ①Nowadays, there exist(s) (事实/现 象). (进一步阐述该现象). However, the reasons for (现象概括) are varied.②To begin with,(原因一). Moreover, (原因 二). In addition, (原因三). Finally, (原 因四).③As to me/As far as I m concerned, (个人观点). For one thing, (原因一). For another, (原因二). In brief, (总结).4、问题解决型作文 要求考生首先明确提出存在的问题,指出 这一问题的危害或解决这一问题的紧迫 性;然后对问题展开分析,提出解决问题 的方案或应对措施;最后表明自己对这一 问题的态度或建议等。 问题解决型作文的话题主要涉及环境污 染、能源危机、淡水资源缺乏、少年犯 罪、人才流失、身体健康等问题。 问题解决型作文与现象解释型作文的根本 区别在于:问题解决型作文突出解决问题 的办法,解决方法是必不可少的,问题的 原因只是为了更好地说明方法的合理性; 现象解释型作文突出现象存在的原因,解 决问题的方案可有可无。模板一: ①During recent years, the topic of (事 实/现象) has aroused public attention and bee more and more popular.②Undoubtedly/No doubt that (总 述问题的作用/重要性). First, (作用一). Second, (作用二).

③However, it should be mentioned that (分析问题的意义或原因). (进一步分析其意义). Therefore, it is of high significance/it is high time that (解决 问题).④In the first place, (解决方法一). Furthermore, (解决方法二). Only in this way (解决问题).模板二: ①As is well known, (提出问题). It is obvious that (原因一). Additionally, (原因二). So how to (解决问题) is worth paying