






Love and marriage

Many people have asked :”What is love ?What is marriage ?How to deal with the relationship between love and marriage ?”

This is not the exact only answer ,everyone has their own answer .In my opinion ,love is a wonderful feeling ,but it is a luxury .Love can make people happy ,will feel the pain ,the pain

and pleasure .Love is a diving feeling .Many people will be very impudent love ,but i think that this is a desecration of love .Someone a lifetime will not encounter love ,and someone have too many times the experience of love .love is a feel how scarce the encounter ,the treasure did not encounter also do not insist .

Many people say that the marriage of two people living together .In fact ,marriage is more than just two people living together .Marriage means responsibility ,means that the bination of the the two families .Marriage requires business needs care ,this will bee a harbor of love .

Love will nourish the marriage ,the marriage will protect the love .Marriage without love ,like a pool of stagnant water ,such as a bird with broken wings of love without marriage .


My view on later marriage

When it es to later marriage, people’s opinions vary enormously. We know that as a graduate student, later marriage would be a problem for us after we graduated, especially girls.

Our attitude towards later marriage bees gradually rational and mature. We know that love is not just holding hands and walking down the street, Marriage is how Love can make people bee altruistic. From my perspective, it is immaturity that leads to this phenomenon. Firstly young adults are not financially prepared to hasten into marriage. The economic burden will likely put a strain onto the couple's relationship, leading possibly to breaches, or worse, separation. Secondly young adults have not attained the level of maturity to raise children. They are often unaware of the responsibilities and sacrifices that one needs to make in order to start a family of one's own. Thirdly statistics are good indicators for the instability and short life spans of premature marriages. Only Only in this way can we embrace a happy and brilliant future.

Cui jing






那就努力去创造财富啊,天道酬勤哦,努力就会成功。 在爱情基础上的婚姻,在爱情力量的强大驱动下会努力的去积累财富,会顽强地拼搏,那么这样的婚姻活力非常强大,彼此都不想让对方吃苦受累,因而就会象俗话说的那样“夫妻一条心,黄土变成金”,那么这样的婚姻就会先苦后甜。 真正爱情的婚姻,夫妻双方必然会互精互爱,互相支持,互相鼓励,相濡以沫,那么他们必然会携手一生,白头到老。 但是婚姻是长久的,如果你天天面对着一个你不爱的人,你怎么能开开心心的生活下去呢!别跟我说感情可以慢慢培养的鬼话,要是那样这个世界上就不用那么多人追求爱情了!找个自己爱的人结婚生活,幸福快乐的过一生不是很好么? 完全建立在金钱等功利因素上的婚姻,没有任何精神上的交流是不会长久的


















篇四:《英文写作 当今婚姻趋势》{关于婚姻写作}.

The current trend of marriage:

(1)Marriage emotional

People in traditional time have no right to choose their own marriage, all these are decided by their parents who usually pare the family background and economic conditions of both sides. And the marriage are not based on emotions, most people are used to “love after marriage ". But now more and more people advocating the “free love”, they not only put more emphasis on emotional foundation before marriage, but also pursuit the emotional life after getting married.

(2)Diversification of forms of marriage

Accept of the traditional wedding , there are a number of younger in 80s and 90s are breaking the shackles of the traditional wedding, choose a more simple and romantic wedding forms such as travel wedding or mass wedding .

(3)Rational marriage

On the one hand, people can decide their marriage or marriage life according to their own situations, as some people choose late marriage, some people will choose to be a " Dink" family, and there are people enjoy "AA system " and share equal housework in their life; on the other hand, people will treat the success and failure of marriage rationally, such as they can deal with divorce more calmly and view “live together before get married” as a mon phenomenon.

The reasons behind the current trend of marriage

As the globalization , informational technology and the advent of the modern era , exotic culture and ideas spring into China, which greatly stimulated the liberation of people's ideas , people increasingly liberated from the traditional concept of marriage , they have a more open , inclusive and rational attitude towards marriage ; with increased ine and improved living standards, people have more leisure time and energy to run a marriage and put a growing emphasis on the quality of marriage life ; the state and government have give more autonomy in peoples’ personal life, and marriage laws and regulations they carried out provide a institutional basis for people freely choosing their own marriage .






Recently, there occurs a heated discussion on whether it is good for college students to get married. Some people hold / think / advocate college students, as adults, have the right to get married, while some other people argue that this will exert a very bad / negative influence on their study.

As for me, / in my view, I agree with the latter opinion. It is not practicable for college students to get married. First, as far as a student is concerned, priority should be given to his study rather than the remote and so-called romantic marriage life. Second, college students are not mature enough. Their ideas of love and marriage are still vague. So I have every reason to doubt whether they can be responsible for their marriage/ spouses. Thirdly, most students are still dependent on their parants financially. If they get married, they have to at least rent or buy a house in or outside their university, which will be, to a real extent, a heavy burden for their parants to carry. Therefore, one should weigh both sides before making the decision. After all, “ marry in haste, repent in leisure”.


1. 首先注意用词.这篇作文里面的 occur, heated discussion, hold, exert an influence on sth, negative, practicable,give priority to, remote, so-called, mature, vague, spouse, be responsible for, be dependent on, financially, to a real extent, carry a burden, weigh both sides类似难度的词和表达,你是否能用在你的作文里,如果你用不好的话,建议你平时多做替换,例如and可以用词组as well as 替换, about 可以换成 roughly, 或者 approximately,还要记一些常见的表达,比如我这里面用到的,“把。。。放在第一位”等等。另外注意,学会积极地使用形容词和副词,而不要仅仅满足于把基本的意思表述出来。这样你文章的内容才会显得更丰富。例如,我这里面的remote, so-called romantic,to a real extent等。

2. 句型和结构。文章里面的介词 whether, while,rather than, ", which", before doing sth也是必须要用好的,你必须要让你的作文看上去更象是英语作文。另外,这里面的rather than 和,which 的结构都可以用来使句子变长的。(议论文中多使用长句子,给人严密,有气势的感觉)其实第二段的第二个观点,还可以用 too...to句型来表达。即:College students are too young to be responsible for their spouses. Since their ideas of love and marriage are still vague, I have every reason to doubt whether they can live a happy marriage life or not.

其他方面:插入语 as adult, to a real extent, 复合式形容词 so-called,也会给你的作文增色不少。

3. 整体上对篇章把握。熟练掌握常见的作文模式。议论文的结构大同小异。第一段都要引题。这里面我采取的最大众的写法,希望你能记住这个模式,这样可以应付很多作文。如,刚刚考过的四级作文说,学校是否应该作为景点供外人参观。你也可以套用:最近,出现了关于。。。的热烈讨论。有的人认为。。。而另外一部分人认为。。

接着第二段,我认为学校这么做是不应该。first, second, third.在给出原因后,一定要用一到



1. 定语的表达手段:adj - 定语从句 - 分词 - 介宾(后置定语)

如:他是个有相当影响力的人。He is a man of considerable influence.

2. 状语adv - 介宾短语

extreme = in the extreme

3. 谓语 v.- 动词词组 - 形容词词组 - 动宾结构

not agree with - be opposed to

meet with - be confronted with

like to do - be fond of - have a (great) desire to do visit - pay sb a (private) visit

consider - take sth into (careful) consideration

halt - bring sth to a halt

emphasize - put (great) emphasis on

use - make (full) use of

refer to - make a (passing) reference to顺便提及


4. to do - 介词词组 介词

We get together to celebrate Christmas - We get together in (great) celebration of Christmas. He worked hard to pursue his dream - He worked hard in pursuit of his dream.



Marriage is not a transaction

“Are you selling your daughter?” A woman who wants to get married says to her parents angrily. Her parents oppose her to marry the guy she loves as the guy is too poor to afford the bride-price and she is not the only one suffers from this. iThere is a tradition about marriage in Chinese, especially in rural areas, that the bridegroom’s side has to pay the bride-price to the bride’s side, who will ask the price as high as possible. The elders of the bride judge the man quite partly depending on the bride-price he pays. This tradition is difficult for some men. Some lovers loss the chances to get married finally just because the price is not enough while some men borrow money to pay for that so he has a debt on his shoulder in the ing years. In order to help the lovers have their marriage successfully, the bride-price pattern should be replaced by other methods, such as “family fund”.

“Honey moon”ii, which is from western countries, leads a new way, so called“marriage trip”, for some lovers in China to get away from all the wedding things, which also helps them avoid the big expenses on the wedding especially the bride-price. However, it usually has some bad effects. For example, their marriage won’t be blessed by the elders because what they do is regarded disrespect and causes disharmony.

“Family fund”, a new modern pattern to replace the bride-price, can help to solve the problems annoying the bridegrooms. If the lovers plan to get married, they can start a small fund, which is only for their own future family. The man should put money as much as possible into it before he gets married. After they build a family,

the couple should try their best to make the fund stronger and the husband is most importantly responsible for the fund, which helps him remember his promise for the marriage and the family. In addition, this fund eases the man’s burden as he doesn’t need to spend years to repay a debt and he can use the money to their wedding,.

People may doubt that it cannot work because some parents of the brides do not trust that the men will devote themselves on this fund. There is no need to worry about this because the fund is transparent for both sides. In the family gathering of every Spring Festival, the husband should let the elders of the wife’s side know that if the fund is going well until they think this man is a good guy for their daughter.

If the tradition of bride-price can bee a choice but not mandatory, if the “family fund” can be adopted by many families, more lovers can successfully access their happy marriages. Before this bee realization, the men should spare no effort to do well on his career and gain the trust from the woman’s side as in China, parents still play an important role on their children’s marriages. By that moment, marriage will not be regarded as a transaction by some lovers any more. Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.

Total words: i ii


What you don't know about marriage

In this funny, casual talk from TEDx, writer Jenna McCarthy shares surprising research on how marriages (especially happy marriages) really work.In my opinion, marriage is more than just a ring on your finger ,it’s a bond between two people that should grow over time and add value to your life.

Is marriage indispensable to persons of the right age?After watching the speech,my answer is absolutely YES. Responsibilities always es with rights during marriage in which,I think,the benefit play a dominant role. Marriage is an intimate and enduring relationship that grows over time and makes you a better person. Also,marriage is linked to health and economic benefits. Ac